Not sure if any of you folks had planned on seeing me at the
Sky Room Café at the Cinema Arts Centre today, but I won’t be there (though
you’re certainly welcome to stop by if you’d like to drop off your CSA
paperwork…and then please call/email to let me know so I know to get it and
make sure I have it).
Sorry about this, but am jammed up with CSA work (which is a
good thing), and chained to my laptop (which is glued to a desk so I can’t
leave the house 😊).
However, I might be able to reschedule “office hours at the
Cinema” for Saturday or Sunday (too soon to tell). Will, of course, let y’all
know if that happens.
If I haven’t heard back from you yet, hope to see and hear
from you soon.
Best wishes…suzanne
631-421-4864 (land line…can leave voice messages 24/7…no caller ID…no text option)