Thursday, July 28, 2022

Huntington CSA **2022 Season** Thursday, July 21, 2022 Week #8

 Happy Summer!

 CSA weather report…hot and breezy

 Want a Flower Share this week? If so, there are FOUR (4) bunches available for $12 per bunch (2 Snapdragon & 2 Strawflower). See suzanne.

 Important…if you send anyone to the CSA to pick up food for you, please tell them to BRING BAGS!

 This email includes… 

  1. What you need to know
  2. This week…we weigh!
  3. Food safety and COVID-19…
  4. Free online screening of a movie about eco-activist (and a personal heroine of mine ๐Ÿ˜Š) Vandana Shiva
  5. New cool events you might not know about (if you don’t read our events email every week…new things DO get added ๐Ÿ˜Š)
  6. What you actually got last week
  7. And now, for something completely different…

 *Anything in any of our CSA emails not directly related to the functioning of the CSA, feel free to take or leave at your discretion, and anything related to health issues always consult with your physician(s) before taking any action.

  1.What you need to know (will be either new info to first-time CSA members, or reminders/old hat to returning CSA members)…

 Most immediate helpful hints… 

  1. Bring at least TWO bags to the CSA EVERY WEEK for wet and dry food items (and never the twain should meet)
  2. When packing up your CSA food, start at the left side of the long table and work your way to the right and out the garden door. Why? We set out the food to be packed in that order so the heaviest food items will be on the bottom of your bag, and your food won’t get squished (another way to make your food go bad faster), and if you separate the wet from the dry foods you’re doing pretty good on having your food last longer! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  3. When you get your food home, if it’s in a plastic bag take it OUT of the plastic bag and store it elsewhere…even if it’s in another plastic bag (the original bag will be too wet and your food won’t be happy there for long)
  4. Plan on using your food in the order of how long it will reasonably stay fresh (if stored properly). This week…1)Basil, 2) Beet Greens (if we get them), 3) Radicchio, 4) Summer Squash, 5) Fennel, and 6) Beets.

 Before you leave the houseBRING BAGS to pack up your food (CSA members are responsible for packing up their own shares) – canvas/plastic/paper…bring whatever suits your fancy. The CSA does NOT provide bags for CSA members.

Time – 3:30pm to 7:30pm

Place – Sky Room Cafรฉ in the Cinema Arts Centre at 423 Park Ave, Huntington

Parking – Park all the way around at the back of the building by the daycare center (you’ll see a fenced-in playground area with a sandbox)

When you arrive at the CSA

  1. Check-in at the desk with our friendly CSA worker
  2. Read the CSA Wall Chart that tells us every week what we’re getting, how much we’re getting, and what the farm charged us for it…some weeks it’s taking one of everything but SOME WEEKS IT’S NOT!!! So you have to make sure you read the Wall Chart every week, and not assume anything. You can also ask your fellow CSA members that are working that day what the story is for the day (they should have name tags on).

Before you leave the CSA – Make sure you have everything on the list (like the story of the 3 bears…not too much, not too little, but just right ๐Ÿ˜Š)! If you get to talking with people, have kids with you, etc., it can be easy to be distracted and if you get home and find out you don’t have everything that was on the list, you’re out of luck because at 7:31pm the food is donated to a local food organization that’s waiting to pick it up and get on their way.

 Veggie info sheets added as needed. This is the link to the: Veggie Info Sheets. Print out, put in a notebook and you end up with a cookbook at the end of the CSA season. Also, there are good tips on storage, prep, and nutrition.

 The list…this is a general list and you’ll be sent another email within the next week with the detailed list after I get it (which isn’t till the day of the CSA…the list is subject to change without notice because farming is like that! ๐Ÿ˜Š However, most of the time it’s accurate and if it’s not…usually only one food item will be changed)…

 CSA words to live by…when trying any new food you’ve never eaten before…START SLOW!!! Read up about it (make sure it doesn’t interfere with any medications you might be taking or any health conditions you might have), see what traditional/conventional ways it’s prepared (cultures that have been eating certain foods for many years basically have a good idea what they’re doing, and we can learn from that), try a small portion, see how your body/digestive system reacts, and proceed from there. Then try preparing in different ways and see what you come up with, and feel free to ask for suggestions/info/recommendations!

 Paraphrased wise words by a nutritionist that I read (and don’t remember where I read it or who said it), BUT it’s pretty smart info regarding eating seasonally in our part of the globe…

 Spring… is all about detoxing (what we get from the CSA at this time is a lot of green things that are really good to help clean us out from whatever we accumulated during the winter)

Interesting piece about spring greens (out of the 14 listed, we get 12 of them with our CSA…watercress nutritionally and botanically similar to Curly Cress/Peppercress) and detoxing…

 Summer is all about being hydrated (the popular summer foods are all full of water…Tomatoes, Lettuces, Summer Squashes, etc.)

 Fall/winter is all about storing energy (we get all the dense vegetables…Sweet Potatoes, Winter Squashes, etc…. that are energy powerhouses to fuel us through the winter) to get you through the winter to make it to…Spring!

 Week #8

July 21, 2022 

  1. Squash, Summer – check the CSA Wall Chart
  2. Beets (we may or may not get the Beet Greens attached) – 1 bunch
  3. Fennel – 1 bunch
  4. Radicchio – 1 head
  5. Basil – 1 bunch

 Total Items: 5

 Flower Share – Week #5 (plus make-up flowers from Rudbeckia week)

 Snapdragons – Antirrhinum – native to North America and beyond.


Strawflowers – Xerochrysum bracteatum – native to Australia (everlasts…can be dried…they look like they’re already dried but they’re not until the stems are dried out…I don’t bother putting them in water but just make sure the stems aren’t tightly bunched together so they don’t get moldy…if the stems are floppy and don’t dry so they’re stiff and straight, I just take the flower heads off and place them is bowls)

Decent article on how to grow and dry…


2.This week…we weigh!

 It’s time to weigh our CSA food!

 Please be aware that it may take a little more time for you to collect your CSA share when weighing is part of the experience, so plan accordingly. 

  1. Check the CSA Wall Chart that our farmer brings in every week before taking any food so you know what you’re taking and how much to take…assume nothing and please feel free to ask questions! 
  1. Bring your reading glasses or ask someone to help if you can’t see the numbers on the scale clearly. 

Please err on the underside of the weight posted…NEVER over. It may not seem like much to you, but we have 59 CSA members this week, and if every person is over by ONE OUNCE (for crying out loud! It’s only an ounce!!!) …that means we’ll be short more than 3 1/2 POUNDS of produce and 2 CSA members (and one of them could be you) won’t get the food they paid for. 

  1. IF you are asked to weigh more than one food item at the same time (this might at some point in the CSA season)…please follow the directions given to you, and weigh in the order you are asked (you might not think there’s any good reason to be doing this but our farmer does, and that should be enough of a reason right there but if you want a further explanation – ask someone working at the CSA or contact suzanne…there is always a method to the madness)


 3.Food safety and COVID-19…


Watch writer J. Kenji Lopez-Alt (son of a Harvard University geneticist and immunologist, grandson of a chemist, and author of Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science), talk about COVID-19 and food safety…

 And read in more detail here…

 After keeping the CSA going thru 2020 and 2021 (with everyone staying healthy using the simple practices of wearing face coverings, hand washing, and social distancing), this is where we are now at this moment in time… 

  1. Face coverings are optional
  2. Hand washing upon entering the theater is STRONGLY recommended (it’s always a good idea in preventing COVID as well as the flu and colds)

Why COVID HATES soap (works better than hand sanitizer or gloves), and we’re talking plain soap, NOT antibacterial soap (the use of which causes antibiotic resistance which could kill us all )…

  1. We will try and keep the CSA area relatively uncrowded
  2. Enter near the Box Office entrance, and exit thru the door that leads out to the Cinema garden and upper parking lot stairs


 4.Free online screening of a movie about eco-activist (and a personal heroine of mine ๐Ÿ˜Š) Vandana Shiva

 Friday, July 22nd  to Friday, August 5th

 The Seeds of Vandana Shiva


To sign up and see the trailer…


This is a two-week free preview screening of a documentary about a personal heroine of mine, eco-activist Vandana Shiva.

 Who is Vandana Shiva? She’s a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate, is the founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in India and President of Navdanya International. Trained as a Physicist at the University of Punjab, she completed her Ph.D. on the ‘Hidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory’ from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. She later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy, which she carried out at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, India. In 1982 she founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE), an independent research institute that addresses the most significant problems of ecology of our times, and two years later, Navdanya (‘nine seeds’) the movement in defense of biodiversity and the contributions made to the climate, environment and society by small farmers. The recipient of many awards, including the Right Livelihood Award, (the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) and the Sydney Peace Prize, she has been named among the top five “Most Important People in Asia” by AsiaWeek. She is a prolific writer and author of numerous books and serves on the board of the International Forum on Globalization, and member of the executive committee of the World Future Council.


  5.New cool events you might not know about (if you don’t read our events email every week…new things DO get added ๐Ÿ˜Š)

 I’m sure you all know at this point about the July CSA Culinary Extravanganza, so here’s a few other NEW events coming up you just might want to know about…

 CSA member Rene Bouchard (and Cinema Arts Centre Director of Development!) will be performing…

Friday, July 22nd

 8:30pm to ???

 TAPE, featuring Rene Bouchard & Cliff Ferdon

Cinema Arts Centre

Sky Room Cafe

423 Park Ave



 Live Music in the Sky Room Cafรฉ, with a special opening performance by Garrison Bouchard-Ferdon (before he heads off to become a newly minted college freshman ๐Ÿ˜Š), and all are welcome! Come Celebrate Rene and Cliff’s anniversary with a special free performance from their band TAPE. They will play new original songs and interpretations of some favorite songs by artists like Liz Phair, Ministry, and Psychedelic Furs. Beer and Wine available for purchase in the cafe.


I’d never heard of The Babylon Mercantile before CSA member Joan Deem mentioned she was taking this class (thanks Joan ๐Ÿ˜Š!). You might want to get on their email list to find out about other upcoming classes (and this one is being repeated on Friday, August 12th)…

Saturday, July 23rd

 5pm to 8pm

 Long Island Local: Clams

The Babylon Mercantile

45 E. Main St.



To register…


CSA member Joan D. will be taking this class, and there’s 16 spaces left. So if you’re not going on our CSA Culinary Extravaganza, this is a local alternative! The menu for this cooking class (where you’ll be making the two Clam dishes) is Little Neck Clams with spicy ‘Nduja broth (served with their homemade crusty garlic bread), Baked Stuffed Quahog Clams, garden fresh veg and Salad from local markets, and a Summer Berry Tart!


 It's the return of alternative health pundit, Gary Null…

Sunday, July 24th

 12pm to 3pm


The Biological Aging Challenge with Gary Null

Cinema Arts Centre

423 Park Ave


$10 – Cinema Members/$15 – General Public

For more info and to buy tickets…

 Join alternative health pundit, Gary Null, as he presents his latest documentary…The Biological Aging Challenge, and learn how natural, non-drug based strategies, a whole food plant based diet, exercise, and changing perceptions about ourselves, can help regenerate the body and mind, and slow (and even reverse) the aging process! The film features the people enrolled in Gary Null’s 3 month study, as well as leading experts in the field of anti-aging medicine.


FREE Maintain & Sustain Event

Name: Maintain & Sustain Event
Date: July 26, 2022
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Event Description:
Maintain & Sustain: An Arts & Experiences Committee event in partnership with the Sustainable Practices Committee. 
Join us for a discussion with Huntington artist, Patty Eljaiek on how to unplug from work and get creative with items in your home to help the environment. 
After the presentation don't miss a brief tour of the Conklin House and hear the importance of sustaining Huntington's History. 


 6.What you actually got last week

 Week #7

July 14, 2022 

  1. Squash, Summer: Costata Romanesco, Crookneck, Gold, Yellow Zucchini – up to but not over 2 lbs. - $3.75
  2. Radishes: Red – 1 bunch - $4.00
  3. Swiss Chard: Green OR Rainbow OR Red – 1 bunch - $5.00
  4. Lettuce: Romaine – 1 head -$4.00
  5. Mint – 1 bunch - $3.75

 Total Items: 5

Total Amount: $20.50

We pay $20 per week for our CSA share…some weeks we get a bit more, some a bit less. This week, it was $.50 over $20.00. Doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but it adds up over the course of the CSA season (so far the total is up to $10.25 over what we paid). We seem to always get at least one CSA share’s worth of food every year that we didn’t pay for…some years two, and last year it was almost four weeks worth extra so we’re talking almost $80 worth of food we got gratis…it’s all good! ๐Ÿ˜Š

 Flower Share – Week #4

Ageratum (Floss Flower - one of the very few annuals with a truly blue flower - there are 4 varieties native to the United States but not sure which this is…my guess it’s the one native to Mexico, Ageratum houstonianum …can’t safely be eaten by pets – or humans, deer resistant, drought tolerant, and attractive to pollinators – butterflies, etc.)

 Herb Share – July 1A

Basil, Thai AND Sage


 7.And now, for something completely different


Talk about creativity in the kitchen! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Events…both near and far

 Thursday, July 21st


10am to 11am


IEatGreen radio show

To listen to the show live (or listen to the archived programs)…


Hosted by Long Islander Bhavani Jharoff. Older shows can be accessed in archives.



Friday, July 22nd  to Friday, August 5th


The Seeds of Vandana Shiva


To sign up and see the trailer…


This is a two week free preview screening of a documentary about a personal heroine of mine, eco-activist Vandana Shiva.


Who is Vandana Shiva? She’s a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate, is the founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in India and President of Navdanya International. Trained as a Physicist at the University of Punjab, she completed her Ph.D. on the ‘Hidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory’ from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. She later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy, which she carried out at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, India. In 1982 she founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE), an independent research institute that addresses the most significant problems of ecology of our times, and two years later, Navdanya (‘nine seeds’) the movement in defense of biodiversity and the contributions made to the climate, environment and society by small farmers. The recipient of many awards, including the Right Livelihood Award, (the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) and the Sydney Peace Prize, she has been named among the top five “Most Important People in Asia” by AsiaWeek. She is a prolific writer and author of numerous books and serves on the board of the International Forum on Globalization, and member of the executive committee of the World Future Council.



Friday, July 22nd


8:30am to ???


Organic Field Day (In-person or virtual)

Rodale Institute

Kutztown, PA


For more info and to register for in-person…

For more info and to register for virtual…


The Rodale Institute has been a source of learning and info for the regenerative organic farming movement for farmers AND home gardeners for 75 years. Good place to get info, and to make a donation to so they can keep on going for another 75 years!


8:30pm to ???


TAPE, featuring Rene Bouchard & Cliff Ferdon

Cinema Arts Centre

Sky Room Cafe

423 Park Ave




Live Music in the Sky Room Cafรฉ, with a special opening performance by Garrison Bouchard-Ferdon (before he heads off to become a newly minted college freshman ๐Ÿ˜Š), and all are welcome! Come Celebrate Rene and Cliff’s anniversary with a special free performance from their band TAPE. They will play new original songs and interpretations of some favorite songs by artists like Liz Phair, Ministry, and Psychedelic Furs. Beer and Wine available for purchase in the cafe.


Saturday, July 23rd


4:30pm to ???


CSA Culinary Extravaganza – July edition

Paulie Gee’s (and possibly Van Leeuwen’s for dessert)

60 Greenpoint Ave.

Greenpoint, Brooklyn


respond to this email with the number in your party (ex. – zoubeck +1), OR leave a voice message including the number in your party at 631-421-4864


Check out the menu

Feel free to ask me any questions about the menu. All the Pizzas are great and have had a number of them over the years (vegan and non). Usually Dylan & I will get a Soup & Salad…usually The Gates of Eden…and one Pizza (and I’ll usually get a Beer or some Wine) and split everything (but that’s just us ๐Ÿ˜Š).




4:30pm – gather (they won’t seat us till everyone arrives)

5pm – let’s get the party started

7:30pm (or whenever we’re done)– if the weather cooperates, take an after dinner stroll down the block to Transmitter Park which is right on the East River with a stellar view of Manhattan (it’s still as lovely as I remember it)

8pm (or whenever the urge for a snack hits us) – over to Van Leeuwen in Williamsburg for dessert (there’s one in Greenpoint but it’s smaller and this one is just a 5 minute ride away and there will be seating for everyone)

204 Wythe Ave


And when done…head home, or to parts unknown! ๐Ÿ˜Š


5pm to 8pm


Long Island Local: Clams

The Babylon Mercantile

45 E. Main St.



To register…


CSA member Joan D. will be taking this class, and there’s 16 spaces left. So if you’re not going on our CSA Culinary Extravaganza, this is a local alternative! The menu for this cooking class (where you’ll be making the two Clam dishes) is Little Neck Clams with spicy ‘Nduja broth (served with their homemade crusty garlic bread), Baked Stuffed Quahog Clams, garden fresh veg and Salad from local markets, and a Summer Berry Tart!
