Thursday, December 7, 2023

Huntington CSA **2023 Season** - help feed the hungry



I NEVER forward emails to our CSA members, but I received this one and it has too much info that‘s too important to not (or for me to have to summarize, etc.).


Community Solidarity is the group that Green Thumb CSA – Huntington has been donating any leftover CSA food to for many years, and they are wonderful.


If you’d like to volunteer for their big yearly event on November 19th in Hempstead, or donate money, or volunteer in Huntington on Tuesday evenings, read on (and check the CSA Events email you get every week as they’re listed every week)…


This is a great event for families if the children are old enough to hang out for a few hours on their feet in whatever weather the day will bring.


If the links below don’t work in this email you can go here…



From: Jon Stepanian | Community Solidarity <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 1:15 PM
Subject: suzanne j., our big Thanksgiving Food Share Coming up!

This past year of inflation has left a wave of devastation in our communities. Help is more needed than ever before. suzanne j., you can volunteer & help thousands the Sunday before Thanksgiving.


Every year Community Solidarity shares over 100,000 pounds of plant-based groceries and toiletries at a very special event we call our Vegan Thanksgiving Bonanza! And we'd love for you to join us! 

Find more info and location: here.

suzanne j., the devastation of higher prices for heating oil, groceries, housing, and other necessities has pushed thousands of our neighbors into poverty as they struggle with hunger at the brink of economic ruin. Nearly 4 years into the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent inflation, we've seen hardship after hardship fall onto Long Island families. Now, more than ever, coming together and helping one another is greatly needed. So with that in mind, Community Solidarity is gearing up for our annual holiday distributions.  

On Sunday, November 19th, Community Solidarity invites you to its annual Vegan Thanksgiving Bonanza. It's the world's largest Vegan Thanksgiving! it's free, and anyone in need of food is welcome! Plus, all are welcome to volunteer. 

Over the past four years, we've radically changed how our events work to help as many people as possible. Please be aware that we will be focusing our efforts on our drive-through line. Volunteers will be broken up into teams to encourage social distancing, and lines to enter the volunteering area may be longer than in years past so we ask that you sign up in advance (signup below) to expedite the process.

So with that said, here's a little background on our annual Vegan Thanksgiving event.

Every year volunteers like you share over 100,000 pounds of vegetarian groceries with thousands of people in need at this very special Vegan Thanksgiving on Long Island. Everyone coming for food will receive a week's worth of vegetarian groceries, along with toiletries and other necessities. 

Want to get an idea of what Vegan Thanksgiving will look like? Check out the video below from last year's event.

Insnae video from last year's Vegan Thanksgiving


You can make this event even better by volunteering, supporting, or just spreading the word. 

This is event also just one of a dozen events we'll be organizing throughout the weeks before and after Thanksgiving. Read on to learn more about our Vegan Thanksgiving Bonanza or sign up to volunteer here. We'll be organizing special Thanksgiving events from Nov. 19th-27th! 



Hope to see you on Sunday!  
All the bests, 

P.S. - The more hands the better, so please feel free to share this with your friends! 

P.S.S. - Know someone in need of food? Please let them know about Community Solidarity and our Thanksgiving events in Hempstead, Huntington & Farmingville. They'll be able to get over 60lbs of groceries per member of their family!


Step up your Vegan Cooking skills this Thanksgiving with amazing plant-based dishes created by the Community Solidarity team. 

In the spirit of the holidays, Community Solidarity is sharing a free 24-day Vegan Thanksgiving cookbook newsletter. Click the button below, sign up, and you'll receive a new vegan recipe in your inbox every day through Thanksgiving!



Oh, one more thing! For just the next week! We have a very limited edition (small press) Community Solidarity sweatshirt available in three colors! 

Sporting "Food is a Right" this warm sweatshirt is the perfect garment to keep you in style and warm this winter! 

But don't wait on ordering one, we've just got 150 available!

Every $1 raised will help rescue & share 33 pounds of fresh produce

By creating a fundraiser, you're not just feeding the hungry. Your giving nutrition to those in need! The health benefits of that are truly priceless. 

Start your fundraiser now »

You can create a Birthday Fundraiser with any goal

From $250-$1,000 or beyond, you can set up your birthday fundraiser with any goal. Scroll down on our fundraising page to see what you can achieve!  

Learn more about fundraising »







Copyright © 2023 Community Solidarity, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website or because you volunteered at one of our Food Shares locations. Community Solidarity, formally Long Island Food Not Bombs, shares free vegetarian groceries with the hungry.

Our mailing address is:

Community Solidarity

PO Box 208

Huntington, NY 11743

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