Wednesday, June 15, 2022

IMPORTANT FOLLOW-UP! Huntington CSA **2022 Season** First member meeting of the year @ Cinema Arts Centre of Huntington.


Thanks so much to all who came to our first CSA meeting/gathering of the year! ๐Ÿ˜Š

 TBA on the date and topic for July, but will give more lead time for this one.

 And congrats to new CSA member Amy P. (an acupuncturist by trade ๐Ÿ˜Š) for being the first CSA raffle winner of the season! There will be a raffle as part of each CSA meeting/gathering.

 Here’s the website where I got all the info about the pesticides on Strawberries…

As disturbing as this info might be, this is a valuable resource that more people should know about, put out by the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) a GREAT group of folks doing work that needs to be done.

 For example, we’re getting Asparagus again this week (enjoy it while it lasts because the season will be ending soon, and then it’s no more Asparagus till 2023), and here’s what’s on “conventionally” grown Asparagus…

ONLY 9 pesticides, but OH what pesticides they are! Bee toxins, Carcinogens, Developmental/Reproductive toxins, Hormone disruptors, and Neurotoxins…whoo-hoo! And Asparagus is on the Environmental Working Group’s list of the “clean 15” because it’s among the “least” contaminated foods. Well, you know what? I’m sticking with certified organic vegetables, fruits and herbs (and whatever else I’m eating ๐Ÿ˜Š) whenever, and as much as, I can! And that’s what we get from Green Thumb CSA – Huntington! ๐Ÿ˜Š

 Hope to see you at the next CSA meeting/gathering in July…and maybe at our restaurant outing next week!

 Organically yours,

