You might say…wha??? The CSA is on Thursday and this
hurricane is showing up today so what’s the story?
This hurricane may be not much but it might turn out to be
something, so better to expect the best and prepare for the worst.
Farmers are even more hard core than postal workers (“Neither snow nor rain nor heat
nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their
appointed rounds.”), so the CSA pretty much happens come hell or high
water. We’ve had our CSA thru Hurricane Sandy despite power outages (no
electricity at the CSA…no lights…we had flashlights and asked CSA members to
bring them as well) and downed trees all over, AND thru snow storms. In our 20
plus years the CSA has NEVER been cancelled due to weather, and only
rescheduled to a Friday ONCE after a snowstorm (Winter Share) so the roads
could be cleared and the Cinema parking lot plowed.
That said…if you don’t get any CSA emails this week by
Thursday AM at the latest (or any time serious weather is in the forecast for
any given week), it could be due to a power outage or, heaven forbid, a tornado
or lesser storm damage. Stuff happens.
So regardless of the weather or no emails…show up at the CSA
at the same time, and the same place (exception being putting yourself in
harm’s way if the weather is extreme, of course). And if you’ve a mind to, show
up at 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out in case we either A) didn’t get
any/enough CSA folks to confirm being able to help out, or B) couldn’t get
confirmations due to computer issues due to storm.
In extreme weather cases (major hurricanes, feet of snow or
ice storms), there might be a note left on the front door of the Cinema
regarding any pickup changes (as long as I can get over there to put up a
note), or you should stop by the soonest day you can get out of the house to
see any notes left on the door if emails were still not an option. In cases
like this, we all do the best we can and it’s often one day or one hour at a
time flying by the seat of one’s pants 😊.
Stay safe and dry…and see you Thursday!
Best wishes…suzanne