Thursday, August 29, 2019

Huntington CSA Thursday, August 22, 2019 Week #11

Happy Summer (till September 22nd)!

Much thanks to all the folks who responded to the request for help and offered to work at the CSA this week! We’re good to go. 😊

CSA weather report…warm and humid

Important…if you call the Box Office to have a bag packed for a late CSA pickup (by 10pm), do NOT leave messages at the Box Office and expect the CSA to get them. It doesn’t always happen (it didn’t last week…not good). You MUST speak directly to someone from the CSA. The call can easily be transferred to the Sky Room Café where someone from the CSA can take the phone call.

Also important…if you send anyone to the CSA to pick up food, please tell them to BRING BAGS!

It’s time to weigh our CSA food!

  1. Please be aware that it may take a little more time for you to collect your CSA share when weighing is part of the experience, so plan accordingly.

  1. Check the CSA Wall Chart that our farmer brings in every week before taking any food so you know what you’re taking and how much to take…assume nothing and please feel free to ask questions!

  1. Bring your reading glasses, or ask someone to help if you can’t see the numbers on the scale clearly.


Please err on the under side of the weight posted…NEVER over. It may not seem like much to you, but we have 35 CSA members this week, and if every person is over by ONE OUNCE (for crying out loud! It’s only an ounce!!!) …that means we’ll be short over 2 POUNDS of produce and 1 or 2 CSA members (and one of them could be you) won’t get the food they paid for.

  1. IF you are asked to weigh more than one food item at the same time (and you probably will at some point in the CSA season)…please follow the directions given to you, and weigh in the order you are asked (you might not think there’s any good reason to be doing this but our farmer does, and that should be enough of a reason right there but if you want a further explanation – ask someone working at the CSA or contact suzanne…there is always a method to the madness)

This email includes…

  1. What you need to know
  2. Bulk Tomatoes still available!
  3. Got a compost pile? Do NOT compost compostable bowls!
  4. Click activism – you don’t have to do much, or spend any money, to help make a positive change in the world
  5. What you actually got last week
  6. Anti-cancer foods…
  7. And now, for something completely different 😊

Anything in these emails not directly related to the functioning of the CSA feel free to take or leave at your discretion, and anything related to health issues always consult with your physicians before taking any action.

1.What you need to know (will be either new info to first time CSA members, or reminders/old hat to returning CSA members)…

Before you leave the houseBRING BAGS to pack up your food (CSA members are responsible for packing up their own shares) – canvas/plastic/paper…bring whatever suits your fancy. The CSA does NOT provide bags for CSA members.
Time – 3:30pm to 7:30pm
IF you need to pick up later than 7:30pm, call the Cinema Arts Center Box Office between 3pm to 7:30pm at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask to speak to someone from the CSA. We can pack a bag for you and leave it at the Box Office but it MUST be picked up before the Box Office closes (call the Box Office to check the time…lately it’s been 9:30pm). If not, it won’t be there on Friday. And do not leave a message at the Box OfficeYOU MUST SPEAK TO SOMEONE FROM THE CSA (otherwise the CSA will not be responsible if your food doesn’t get packed and left for you).
Place – Sky Room Café in the Cinema Arts Centre at 423 Park Ave, Huntington
Parking – park in the all the way around at the back of the building by the day care center (you’ll see a fenced in playground area with a sandbox)
When you arrive at the CSA
  1. Check in at the desk with our friendly CSA worker
  2. Read the Wall Chart that tells us every week what we’re getting, how much we’re getting, and what the farm charged us for it…some weeks it’s take one of everything but SOME WEEKS IT’S NOT!!! So you have to make sure you read the Wall Chart every week, and not assume anything. You can also ask your fellow CSA members that are working that day what the story is for the day (they should have name tags on).
Before you leave the CSA – Make sure you have everything on the list! If you get to talking with people, have kids with you, etc., it can be easy to be distracted and if you get home and find out you don’t have everything that was on the list, you’re out of luck because at 7:31pm the food is donated to a local food organization that’s waiting to pick it up and get on their way.

Veggie info sheets added as needed. This is the link to the: Veggie Info Sheets. Print out, put in a notebook and you end up with a cookbook at the end of the CSA season. Also there are good tips on storage, prep, and nutrition.

The list…this is a general list and you’ll be sent another email within the next week with the detailed list after I get it (which isn’t till the day of the CSA…the list is subject to change without notice because farming is like that!  J . However, most of the time it’s accurate and if it’s not…usually only one food item will be changed)…

CSA words to live by…when trying any new food that you’ve never eaten before…START SLOW!  Read up about it (make sure it doesn’t interfere with any medications you might be taking or any health conditions you might have), see what traditional/conventional ways it’s prepared (cultures that have been eating certain foods for many years basically have a good idea what they’re doing and we can learn from that), try a small portion, see how your body/digestive system reacts, and proceed from there. Then try preparing in different ways and see what you come up with, and feel free to ask for suggestion/info/recommendations!

Paraphrased wise words by a nutritionist that I read and don’t remember where I read it or who said it, BUT it’s pretty smart info regarding eating seasonally in our part of the globe…
Spring… is all about detoxing (what we get from the CSA at this time is a lot of green things that are really good to help clean us out from whatever we accumulated during the winter)
Interesting piece about spring greens (out of the 14 listed, we get 12 of them with our CSA…watercress nutritionally and botanically similar to Peppercress) and detoxing…
Summer is all about being hydrated (the popular summer foods are all full of water…Tomatoes, Lettuces, Summer Squashes, etc.)
Fall/winter is all about storing energy (we get all the dense vegetables…Sweet Potatoes, Winter Squashes, etc…. that are energy powerhouses to fuel us through the winter) to get you through the winter to make it to…Spring!

Week #11
August 22, 2019

  1. Carrots* – 1 bunch
  2. Peppers, Sweet** – ? – read CSA Wall Chart for details
  3. Beans, Shelling: Soy*** – ? - read CSA Wall Chart for details
  4. Tomatoes, Mini**** - 1 pt.
  5. Eggplant***** - ? - read CSA Wall Chart for details
  6. Squash, Summer****** - ? - read CSA Wall Chart for details

Total Items: 6

Flower Share - #8

Herb Share – August 2B
Marigold (yes, they’re edible) AND Sorrel

*Carrots one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!
And if we get the Carrot Tops again…
And a bunch of other ideas/recipes including one for a juice…

**Sweet Peppers are one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

***Soybeans are one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

****Tomatoes are one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

*****Eggplant is one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

******Summer Squash is one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

2.Bulk Tomatoes still available!

If you want to taste a little bit of summer all winter long, consider freezing, dehydrating, or canning a bunch of certified organic Tomatoes (or turn them into Tomato Sauce first and then freeze or can) from our farm (Green Thumb).

Here’s what Dr. Tom Cowan (author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart) does with his bulk Tomatoes…

There’s still time to order 20 lb. boxes for $45.00 to be delivered to the CSA on 8/29, 9/5 and/or 9/12.

If you’re interested…
  1. Let suzanne j zoubeck know when you’re at the CSA when you’d like them delivered
  2. Respond to this email
  3. Leave a voice message at 631-421-4864
  4. Pay with cash (receipt provided) or a check made out to Halseys Green Thumb

3.Got a compost pile? Do NOT compost compostable bowls!

Got a compost pile? If so, don’t compost the “compostable” paper bowls you get from Chipotle or other places.

Here’s why…and other ways to avoid the nasty stuff in them (PFAS’s)…

4.Click activism – you don’t have to do much, or spend any money, to help make a positive change in the world

A.Glyphosate (the chemical in Roundup) has been being linked to cancer, birth defects, and hormone disruption. Yet this administration’s EPA is still planning to keep the herbicide on the market with no restrictions to protect public health.  Join me in telling EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) they work for us, not Monsanto (now Bayer). Sign on to PAN’s (Pesticide Action Network) petition asking the agency to follow the science on glyphosate.

B.Will you join me in asking the FDA to protect — not experiment — on consumers?
Whether you’re excited about new meat alternatives, or you’d rather eat regenerative organic grass-fed beef, we can all agree on one thing: The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has a responsibility to ensure that all meat alternatives are safe for consumers. The FDA is about to let consumers become guinea pigs in the Big Impossible Burger GMO Experiment. Here’s why. The Impossible Burger contains a GMO ingredient called soy leghemoglobin (heme), which the FDA should have regulated as a Food Additive—but didn’t. 
TAKE ACTION BY SEPTEMBER 3: Tell the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to safety test the GMO Impossible Burger—before the burger is sold to consumers!

5.What you actually got last week

Week #10
August 15, 2019

  1. Swiss Chard* – 1 bunch - $4.50
  2. Peppers, Sweet: Green (2) AND Purple (1)** – 3 total – $1.75
  3. Celery*** – 1 bunch - $4.50
  4. Tomatoes: Red and/or Yellow**** - up to 2 lbs. - $6.25
  5. Cucumbers***** - 3 - $1.50
  6. Squash, Summer: Costata Romanesco, Cousa, Eight Ball, Gold, Yellow, Zucchini****** - 4 - $2.50

Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $21.00
(We pay $20 per week for our CSA share…some weeks we get a bit more, and it adds up over the course of the season. This week it was $1, and so far it’s a grand total of $11.25 which may not sound like much, but…just wait and see. We seem to always get at least one CSA share’s worth of food every year that we didn’t pay for…some years two, and some between one and two…it’s all good! 😊)

Flower Share - #7

*Swiss Chard is one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

**Sweet Peppers are one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

***Celery is one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

****Tomatoes are one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

*****Cucumbers are one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

******Summer Squash is one of the world’s healthiest foods (good info and recipes)!

6.Anti-cancer foods…

Our CSA has provided us with 9 of the foods listed, and they’re working on growing 2 more (Ginger & Tumeric)…

I’ve known about Dr. Li for a number of years and he’s one of the few researchers you hear talking about vegetables.

7.And now, for something completely different 😊

Mikhail Gorbachev shilling for Pizza Hut…for real!
