Happy Summer!
Welcome to the 18th year of Green Thumb CSA –
Huntington, and its 2nd year at the Cinema Arts Centre! Whoo-hoo!
Weather report…70s, cloudy, rain from 2pm to 4pm???
What happens if you don’t get any CSA emails and
Thursday rolls around and it’s time to go to the CSA? GO ANYWAY! There
have been times over the years when various things have prevented a CSA email
from being sent…computers, storms, health emergencies, etc. However, the thing
to do is to come to the Cinema and in all probability, your CSA share will be
there (unless there’s weather that’s so treacherous travel would be extremely
ill-advised and even then, the farm will show up and drive from Water Mill to Huntington
before some CSA members would drive from Huntington to Huntington). And if not
(which I doubt…there was only one snowstorm where the farm showed up on Friday
instead of Thursday because no one could drive anywhere), there would be a sign
on the door saying something, or you could call me (though with Hurricane
Sandy, even my land line was down because of the Verizon battery it’s hooked up
to….grrrrrrr…I need to get that detached so I can get phone calls during those
times when the power goes out).
Parking suggestion…try parking all the way
around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play
area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs
to the entrance from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up
there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than
7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be
different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the
last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at
631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café (do NOT leave a
message to be given to the CSA because there have been occasions where we
didn’t get it and someone showed up to get their food and was not happy it
wasn’t there because we didn’t get the message) so we can pack a bag for you,
put your name on it, and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the
Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day.
The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be
the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
If you’re sharing a CSA share with someone…it’s
possible they’re not on this email list yet (if not email me their full name
and email address…or have them do it), so check with them and then forward this
if they didn’t get it (and always check the junk/spam folder).
This week’s email includes…
The CSA doesn’t need you this week (but we will
soon enough)
CSA 101 – Bring Bags!!!
Want a job? Sustainable Long Island is hiring
Help change the world with a click…
The List- subject to change without notice
because…farming is like that!
In the Hamptons? Check out The Caravan!
Drink soda or beer? Then check this out…
Event Listings…both near and far
What you actually got last week
It’s not always bad news!
1.The CSA doesn’t need you this week (but I know we will
soon enough J )
We’re talking about working at the CSA.
We have the help we need for this week. Whoo-hoo! J
If you didn’t already get an email from Rene or/and suzanne
talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or
the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for
this week.
HOWEVER, you can always show up a little before 3:30pm or
5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff
happens J ).
2.CSA 101…Bring Bags!
CSA basic, for this CSA anyway, is that you need to
bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now
till December 8th!
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for
your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! J Put them in the trunk, or the glove
compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think
will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember,
they’re just there.
The CSA is under NO obligation to provide you with bags for
your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I
bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most
everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home,
everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put
right into the fridge.
And if you send someone to pick up your CSA share for
you, you need to tell them to…BRING BAGS!
3.Want a job? Sustainable Long Island is hiring
They’re looking for a Senior Program Coordinator, Manager of
Communications and Events, Farmer’s Market Interns and Project Interns. They do
things like organize youth greenmarkets and other food related projects amongst
many other environmental projects.
For more info and details…
4.Help change the world with a click…
A.Tell the EPA to protect our drinking water!
B.Tell the Senate to support mandatory GMO labelling…
C.Thank the food companies voluntarily labelling their foods
GMO or non-GMO…
5.The List - subject to change without notice
because…farming is like that!
June 16, 2016
Week #3
1.Lettuce: Boston, Green – 1 head
2. Garlic Scapes - 1 bunch (in 18 years, we’ve NEVER gotten
these at the CSA before and I was JUST going ask Farmer Jesse why and if we
3.Mustard Greens – 1 bunch
4.Peas: Snow OR Sugar Snap – 1 bag
5.Savory, Winter – 1 bunch*
Total Items: 5
*No Veggie Sheet…
Winter Savory (did not know it was voted Herb of the Year in
2015 by the International Herb Association)…GREAT with Beans as it’s an
anti-flatulence herb!
Herb Share – June 2B
Mint AND Sorrel
6.In the Hamptons for the weekend? Check out The Caravan!
Open for breakfast and lunch weekends only, it’s a food cart
that sounds awesome (local foods and organic produce from Bhumi Farm)…
The Caravan
Bhumi Farm
131 Pantigo Road
East Hampton
7.Drink soda or beer? Then check this out…
Caramel coloring is either evil (carcinogenic) or not evil
(natural/organic) and there’s NO WAY for you to check out which is being used
unless you contact the company AND they’re willing to tell you…or if it’s
certified organic. Check this out…
Read labels and if it ever says Caramel Coloring…ugh.
IF it’s a certified organic product (there are beers and
sodas that are), you won’t be getting the carcinogenic stuff.
Like Peak Organic Beer…
I THINK this one doesn’t have the evil caramel coloring…
8.Event Listings…both near and far
Monday, June 20th to Monday, June 27th
The Fibro-Fix Summit
Free online conference for those challenged with Fibromyalgia
and other pain and fatigue related disorders. Feature speakers include Mark
Hyman, MD, and local doctors Ron Hoffman, MD and Ellen Kahmi, RN, The Natural
Nurse. Check out the long list of speakers on the website.
Saturday, June 25th
1pm to 4:30pm
Lee Reich’s Farmden Tour
387 Springtown Rd.
New Paltz, NY
For more info:
As part of the Garden Conservancy Open Days, you can visit
fruit growing master Lee Reich’s “farmden” (cross between a farm and a
garden…his word for it). I’ve taken classes at his farmden and at the NOFA
Summer Conference and he’s pretty amazing.
Sunday, June 26th
11am to 4pm
Edible and Medicinal Herb Walk, and Medicine Making Workshop
Restoration Farm
140 Bethpage Sweet Hollow Rd.
Old Bethpage
$45 in advance/$50 at the door
For more info and to register:
Come along with Ellen Kahmi, RN, The Natural Nurse, and
holistic doctor Eugene Zamperion, ND, and take a walk to identify and gather
herbs for cooking and your home pharmacy and create salves, cough medicines,
tinctures and smudge sticks.
Bring a bag or basket for herbs and a jar for tincture.
Noon to 5pm
Vegan Shop Up
Moo Shoes
78 Orchard St
All vegan pop-up market. 10% off of Moo Shoes. Gifts, food
(sweet and savory), and for a list of vendors…
Slow Food North Shore’s Summer Solstice Celebration
Old Westbury
$5 Slow Food North Shore Members/$10 general public
Will send directions with RSVP…
Potluck at the iEat Green Homestead, so bring something
homemade/local or an organic wine/fave cocktail to share.
Live music, dancing, swimming, volleyball.
Donations going toward purchasing a plane ticket for a
student to attend Terre Madre in Italy.
Monday, July 11th to July 23rd
Kick Sugar Addiction World Summit 2016 Online Conference
For 12 days hear 21 experts in the field of sugar addiction
and sugar addiction recovery. Check website for the list of speakers.
Monday, July 18th
8:30am to 7pm
Farm Tour and Organic Agriculture Workshop
The Rodale Institute
Kutztown, PA
For more info and to make reservations:
Join the Long Island Food Coalition, Slow Food North Shore
and iEat Green on a chartered bus road trip to The Rodale Institute for a farm
tour and workshop about organic agriculture!
Friday, August 12th to Sunday, August 14th
NOFA Summer Conference
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register (early bird prices till July
NOFA (Northeast Organic Farmer’s Association) is the group
that’s been certifying farms organic since the time before the USDA got
involved. They rock. We have a NY chapter that you can join…
There are 2 conferences every year. In the winter, each NOFA
member state (NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, NH, VT) has their own winter conference (the
one that farmers can attend because…they’re not working). In the summer,
everybody from all the member states gets together for the summer conference
and about 1,000 to 2,000 people that are interested in health, organic farming
and gardening, healthy living and healthy eating get together for a WHOLE lot
of workshops, movies and parties, and cafeteria style eating of organic/local
foods that would accommodate most any dietary needs (gluten free, vegan, paleo,
raw). It’s great for families (they have workshops for kids from 5 to 12, and
13 to 17…and they have childcare available for ages 2 to 4), singles, seniors,
and just about anybody. If you go, a good time will be had by all! Feel free to
ask me any questions as have been to the summer and winter conferences, and CSA
member Vickie Muller has gone to the NOFA Summer Conference with her daughter
for a few years too.
This year’s keynote speakers…
9.What you actually got last week (not always what was in
the email the week before because farming is like that regarding occasional
last minute changes)
June 16, 2016
Week #3
1.Lettuce: Leaf, Red – 1 head - $3.00
2.Swiss Chard: Green OR Rainbow - 1 bunch - $3.00
3.Scallions – 1 bunch - $3.00
4.Strawberries – 1 quart - $7.00
5.Lavendar – 1 bunch - $3.25
Total Items: 5
Total Amount: $20.25
(since we pay $18.50 per week for our CSA share, this week
we got $1.75 more than we paid, SO that means at the moment, our farmer has
given us $2.75 more than we paid for up to this point. Over the course of the
CSA year…and over the years…we have gotten at least one, and sometimes up to
two, share’s worth of food that we didn’t pay for…so keep reading this and see
how it plays out from week to week)
10.It’s not always bad news! J
I wish him well, and hopes he brings this to NY at some