Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week #24 Nov. 12, 2015

Happy Autumn!

Since people are asking…
December 10th - last day of the CSA.
November 25th - Wednesday CSA pickup day for the week of Thanksgiving. It will start at 2:30pm (normal start time is 3:30pm), closing will still be at 7:30pm and call (see below) if you need to pick up later than 7:30pm (and if you can’t make it, and someone won’t be picking up for you, it would be nice if you let us know so we could possibly leave early).

CSA Weather Report…mild, some rain.

This week FREE CALENDARS!!! Now, they’re from 2015, but I got them more for the graphics than being a calendar (and they’re pretty small so you couldn’t write anything in the spaces anyway). You can pick them up at the sign-in desk.

CSA Basics 101
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).

If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the cafĂ© so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs in the Cinema Arts Centre being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.

This email contains (and keep in mind as far as any info/opinions that are not directly CSA related, you can always take what you like and leave the rest J )…

1.We bag our own!
2. We don’t need your help this week but…
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4.Click here and help change the world…every click counts!
5.First CSA Movie night is a success!
6. Kids eating a lot of fast food!
7.Events (things to do both near and far) – had to be eliminated from this email because big brother thinks it’s spam…I’m SO not kidding…hope to be able to put it in again
8. Buying and eating organic makes a difference!
9. What you actually got last week
10. Dr. Weil’s favorite holiday foods for better health…
11.And now for something completely different…

1.We bag our own

CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!

And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.

So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! J Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.

The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.

I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.

2. We don’t need your help this week but…

You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens J ).

If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.

3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!

CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried J…maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! J Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.

November 12, 2015
Week #24

2.Sweet Potatoes*
5.Radishes: French Breakfast OR Red

Total Items: 5

Herb Share – Nov 1A
Cilantro AND Marjoram

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili…

4. Click here and help change the world…every click counts!

Tell the USDA to stop suppressing research!

Senior scientist whistleblows USDA for suppressing anti-pesticide research for pesticide suspected of killing bees…

5. First CSA movie night is a success!

Last week, our CSA members were given the opportunity by fellow Green Thumb CSA - Huntington members, and Cinema co-directors, Charlotte Sky and Dylan Skolnick, to see a movie (Theeb…which means Wolf) for free at the Cinema Arts Centre.

Somewhere between 15 and 20 folks participated, and a very good time was had by most (one person I spoke to thought the film was too slow moving and would have edited out a lot of it BUT that’s ok…you can’t please everyone…at least they gave it a shot and it didn’t cost them anything).

The filmmaker had interesting stories to tell, and our CSA members asked some great questions.

There was a wine & cheese reception, and people hung out and chatted amongst themselves, and got a chance to continue talking to the filmmaker one-on-one.

Co-director Dylan Skolnick said he’ll keep this event in mind and consider inviting our CSA members to future events, if the opportunity presents itself to do so!

6.Kids eating a lot of fast food!

Rich or poor…on any given day 1/3 of all children are eating food from fast food outlets.

7.Events (things to do both near and far) - had to be eliminated from this email because big brother thinks it’s spam…I’m SO not kidding…hope to be able to put it in again

8.Buying and eating organic makes a difference!

Every little thing you buy organic sends a message…

And it makes a difference!

They are now using women to carry the message that GMO foods are safe and the same as any other foods, because people will believe women more than men. Which I personally find insulting to both men and women.

The Beet farmers are saying GMO seeds increase yields…NOT TRUE!

And reduce pesticide use…NOT TRUE!!!

As Michael Pollan says…You vote with your fork three times a day. What are you voting for?

9.What you actually got last week

November 5, 2015
Week #23

1.Squash, Winter: Acorn – 1 - $1.75
2.Cabbage: Green, Green – Flat head (Asian and/or heirloom), OR Savoy – 1 head - $3.50
3.Scallions – 1 bunch - $3.25
4.Tat Soi – 1 bunch - $3.25
5.Daikon (it’s a Japanese Radish so the info is in the Radish Veggie Info Sheet)* - 2 lbs/1 bag - $4.50
6.Peppers, Sweet and Eggplant Mix – 1 lb/1 bag - $3.00

Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $19.25
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $.75 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of the 28 weeks! So far it’s $21.95 total extra (that’s more than one extra CSA share’s worth of food that we didn’t pay for…yeah! J ).

Daikon can be used Raw in a Salad, juiced (a SMALL piece…1/4 inch), roasted, put in soups or stews, if there are greens you can cook and eat those
General info and suggestions…
General suggestions with recipes…
An alternative health look at Daikon…
EASY recipe…Roasted Daikon with Carrots and Peppers (substitute other color Peppers for Red, Onion for Shallot)…
EASY pickle recipe…If you’re ever gotten a yellow crunchy pickle at a Japanese restaurant…this is it…
Daikon Radish with Chicken Korean style…
Some other suggestions…

10.Dr. Weil’s favorite holiday foods for better health…

Mentioned in this article, our CSA provides us with root vegetables, green vegetables (Broccoli), cruciferous vegetables (Red Cabbage…and I provided you a list of many others we get from our CSA), and winter squash…

11.And now for something completely different…

I guess with the new Star Wars movie coming out in the near future…it’s in the air.

Let the force be with…cake! J
