Hi again!
This is what happens when I don’t COMPLETELY read the Wall Chart that comes in from the farm. Someone asked me if the Peppers were hot and I said no. Sorry about that!!!
With Peppers that are not traditional Bell Peppers, it’s never a bad idea to test them by cutting into the Pepper and touching it on your lip, or even on your hand might work if you have a paper cut or something, to see 1) if it’s hot, and 2) the level of heat.
If it’s hot and your lip is now burning, put some FULL FAT dairy product (yogert, milk) on your lip. Skim milk won’t do anything as it’s the fat that helps.
In the bag of Peppers and Eggplants, there are 2 kinds of Peppers (maybe more?)…Anaheim and Pasilla (so it said on the Wall Chart but that’s actually incorrect but if you read on you’ll get the real answer).
Anaheim Peppers
Anaheims are mild Chiles that may or may not have much, or any, heat to them, and are mostly used roasted, but I’ll just use them raw In a salad (might be green or red depending on if they’re ripe or not but both are edible and used), and can be used in a stir fry…
Stuffed Anaheim Chile with Feta…
Pasilla Peppers
Here’s some info about Pasilla Peppers (which shows me that the Pepper we got are actually called Chilaca when fresh, and Pasilla when dried so our farmer is right and not right about the name of these…we Americans mostly don’t know much about Chiles so calling them Pasilla is Chili 102 and Chilaca is the graduate program …I’d use them fresh/raw, or leave them on my kitchen counter and let them dry out and turn them over every day, and then use or grind when completely dried…can take weeks to happen)…
Here’s some useful info about the Chilaca Chile (which is really what we got)…can be used raw/fresh, dried, roasted or pickled!
General nutrition info for Hot Peppers…
Health benefits of eating Hot Peppers…
Butternut Squash and Chilaca Soup…
Salsa de Chile Chilaca…