Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Summer!

As best as I can see it, one quart of Strawberries last week were taken by someone in error. The count was exact at the start of the CSA and we were one short at the end of the night. I checked with the people who didn’t show up and they really didn’t show up (it’s not that they did and their names weren’t checked off…that would have explained the appearance of missing food). Please make sure you are checked in at the CSA Sign-In table and that you take no less, and no more, produce than what you paid for. If you have any idea what happened, please let me know…and also contact me if you have any ideas on how to prevent this from happening.

This Saturday is the CSA farm tour & Strawberry Picking (see below under #3 for info).

WE HAVE ROOM FOR ABOUT 50 MORE CSA MEMBERS! So, if you know of anyone who’d be interested…have them stop by, contact me, or give them a CSA brochure (which is attached to this email and we have copies at the sign-in desk).

Included in this email...

1. Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person for the 3:30 to 5:30 shift!!

2. This week’s list (subject to change without notice…farming is like that J )

3. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff (new stuff added weekly...really!)

4. Do you garden? Want organic seedlings from your CSA farm???

1. Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person for the 3:30 to 5:30 shift!!!

Reply to this email by 1pm today or call the CSA today after 3pm at 631-385-1079 on the UUFH Hall Phone. You can always just show up a little before 3:30 or 5:30pm at the CSA and offer to work if there's still an empty slot on the CSA Work Sign-up Sheet. ALWAYS FILL THE CSA WORK SHEET OUT IN PENCIL!!! Life is too unpredictable for being written in pen!

2. This week’s list (subject to change without notice…farming is like that J )

June 25, 2009

Week # 10

1. Peas, Sugar Snap OR Peas, Snow

2. Strawberries

3. Radishes

4. Lettuce

5. Lavender

Total Items – 5

Flower Share (maybe)

Week #3

Herb Share

June 2B

French Tarragon AND Lemon Thyme

3. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff

Friday, June 26th

“Let’s Eat! Films on Food” presents…Food Inc

Cinema Arts Centre

423 Park Ave


For more info:


Co-sponsored by Slow Food Huntington…check out the winner of the 2009 Golden Snail award (International Food on Film Award, Bologna, Italy). If you think you’ve heard and seen everything about this subject…you haven’t! Check out the trailer…

Saturday, June 27th


Green Thumb CSA Annual Farm Tour & Strawberry Picking

Montauk Hwy

Water Mill

For more info & directions:

631-726-1900 (9am to 4:30pm any day)

It’s a walking tour of some of our spring crops. We’ll meet at the field on Rose Hill Road just east of our farm stand. It’s the 2nd right after the farm stand and it’s the field immediately on the right. Park outside the gate. There’s a LOT of traffic by late Saturday morning into the afternoon going east so leave yourself plenty of time (1 ½ hours minimum). This is your only chance to see the fields in this spring/summer season so we hope to see all our CSA members there (this is available to CSA members and immediate family members only). If you are sharing a CSA share with someone…you can decide who gets to go in June and who gets to go in October as the farm doesn’t recognize anyone but the person who’s listed on the contract so the share partner would be going under the CSA member’s name.

Sunday, June 28th


Slow Food Benefit

Old Mill Inn

5575 West Mill Rd



For more info: 631-298-8080

Cocktail party featuring oyster and wine parings with cooking demos and a raffle. Guest speaker, Chef Sandy Ingber, Grand Central Oyster Bar (LI resident).

Friday, July 10th

3:00 pm- 6:00 pm

Macari Wine Tasting
Sag Harbor Liquor Store
52 Main Street
Sag Harbor, NY

For more info:

(631) 725-0054

Visit Sag Harbor Liquor Store and meet Macari Vineyards Sales Rep., John Miniaci, as he guides you through a tasting of Macari Wines. Enjoy!!

Saturday, July 18th

1pm to 6pm

Macari Wine Tasting

Stew Leonards
210 Airport Plaza Blvd
Farmingdale, NY

For more info:

(631) 249-3583

Visit Stew Leonards and meet Macari Vineyards Sales Rep., John Miniaci, as he guides you through a tasting of Macari Wines.

Friday, August 7 to Sunday, August 9th

NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) Summer Conference

University of Massachusetts

Amherst, MA

If you're interested in organic gardening, food, farming, holistic health, alternative energy, cleaning up the environment, food politics, good eating, partying, dancing, music, crafts, poetry, yoga, join between 1,500 and 2,000 like minded people in a weekend of fun and education with something for just about everyone from tots and teens to everyone else. There are many Long Islanders who go every year. If you try it once, I bet you'll try it again!

Saturday, August 15th


Wildman Foraging Tour

Muttontown Preserve

East Norwich

For more info & reservations:


$15 - Adults, $10 - younger than 12

If you've never should treat yourself to go at least once. If you've know why you want to check this out!

Saturday, September 5th


Wildman Foraging Tour

Sunken Meadow Park

Kings Park

For more info & reservations:


$15 - Adults, $10 - younger than 12

If you've never should treat yourself to go at least once. If you've know why you want to check this out!

Sunday, October 25th


Wildman Foraging Tour

Sunken Meadow Park

Kings Park

For more info & reservations:


$15 - Adults, $10 - younger than 12

If you've never should treat yourself to go at least once. If you've know why you want to check this out!

Sunday, November 1st


Wildman Foraging Tour

Muttown Preserve

East Norwich

For more info & reservations:


$15 - Adults, $10 - younger than 12

If you've never should treat yourself to go at least once. If you've know why you want to check this out!

Saturday, Nov 21st

11am to 6pm

Green Living Expo

Suffolk County Community College

Brentwood Campus
Sports/Exhibition Complex

101 Crooked Hill Road

Brentwood, NY 11717
For more info:

$10.00 (under 12 years old free)

The Green Living Expo is a 2-day event designed to provide Long Island residents and business owners with the information they need to support a greener way of life here on Long Island. “Green Living” is a new concept for many Long Islanders, for others it has been a way of life for years. Regardless of which category you fall into, being “green” is a notion that has firmly taken root in our society.

The Green Living Expo will be the catalyst between businesses, organizations, and consumers looking for information, inspiration, and innovation. It will provide information to help move us in the direction of a lifestyle that is both economically viable and ecologically sound.

The Green Living Expo will have two full days of programming to make the event both educational and fun. Speakers have been selected for their passion, commitment, innovation, and authority on their “green” topic. There is no additional fee required to attend the programs/lectures/classes.

Sunday, Nov 22nd

11am to 5pm

Green Living Expo

(see Saturday, Nov 21st)

4. Do you garden? Want organic seedlings from your CSA farm???

You can order certified organic seedlings for your garden from our CSA farm, Halsey's Green Thumb Farm, that will be delivered to you when you pick up your CSA share! AND, the prices are the same as last year! If you want something not on the list, call and ask...there's a decent chance they have, or will have, it. Fliers about this are on the CSA Sign-In Table.


Call the farm (631-726-1900) from 9:30am to 4:30pm, order using a credit card (minimum order of $20) and coordinate when you'll be picking up your seedlings with your CSA pickup.


All the pots are 4 1/2" and the cost of each pot is $5.00

Basil, Green

Marigold: Orange (8" to 10")

Mint, Cat

Oregano, Greek

Parsley, Italian Flat Leaf

Petunias: Blue OR Mixed OR Rose



Strawberries, Alpine (very small)

Swiss Chard: Gold OR Green OR Red

Tarragon, French

More varieties coming soon!
