Thursday, September 19, 2024

Huntington CSA **2024 Season** Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 Week #15

 Happy Summer (still summer till September 22nd) AND Happy National Organic Month (see below)!



If you want to get a parking spot and zip in and out of the CSA today, come before 7pm or earlier, as the actor Eric Roberts (brother of Julia Roberts…though he’s not allowed to talk about her…families 😊) will be at the Cinema Arts Centre for a sold out screening of his movie, Runaway Train and signing copies of his new memoir, Runaway Train: The Story of My Life So Far. The reception for this event will be in the Sky Room CafΓ© so the CSA also needs to close up ASAP as well.


CSA weather report…warm and pleasant

Do NOT leave your CSA Shares in your car! They will not be happy, and neither will you when your food doesn’t last as long as it could. Over 40 degrees in your car and your CSA Share’s not happy (and inside your car with closed windows it’s probably hotter than you’d think… and it is –  check this out…'s%20a%20look%20at%20just%20how%20hot%20it%20can%20get%3A&text=When%20it's%2080%20degrees%20outside,and%20119%20after%2030%20minutes )


Important…if you ever send anyone to the CSA to pick up food for you, please tell them to BRING BAGS (and make sure at least one of them is plastic for the wet foods so you don’t get the dry ones wet which would not be a good thing…will make the foods that don’t want to be wet rot faster)!



This email includes…


  1. What you need to know
  2. Happy Organic Month!
  3. Help Community Solidarity (local Huntington group) with their School Supply Drive & Distribution
  4. Food safety and COVID-19…
  5. Use Salt? Read this…
  6. What you actually got last week
  7. Beets are amazing! And if you get any really big ones? Check this out…
  8. FREE CSA Cooking Classes on Zoom – if you missed any of the three of them you can watch now
  9. Farm Aid is this SATURDAY…ad this is how you can watch, listen, and maybe donate 😊
  10. Emergency situations at the CSA (hurricanes/electronic communication glitches/medical emergencies, etc.)
  11. And now, for something completely different…


*Anything in any of our CSA emails not directly related to the functioning of the CSA, feel free to take or leave at your discretion, and anything related to health issues always consult with your physician(s) before taking any action.




1.What you need to know (will be either new info to first time CSA members, or reminders/old hat to returning CSA members)…


Most immediate helpful hints


  1. Bring at least TWO bags to the CSA EVERY WEEK for wet and dry food items (and never the twain should meet)
  2. When packing up your CSA food, start at the left side of the long table and work your way to the right and out the garden door. Why? We set out the food to be packed in that order so the heaviest food items will be on the bottom of your bag, and your food won’t get squished (another way to make your food go bad faster), and if you separate the wet from the dry foods you’re doing pretty good on having your food last longer! 😊
  3. When you get your food home, if it’s in a plastic bag take it OUT of the plastic bag and store elsewhere…even if it’s in another plastic bag (the original bag will be too wet and your food won’t be happy there for long)
  4. Plan on using your food in the order of how long it will reasonably stay fresh.


Before you leave the houseBRING BAGS to pack up your food (CSA members are responsible for packing up their own shares) – canvas/plastic/paper…bring whatever suits your fancy. The CSA does NOT provide bags for CSA members.

Time – 3:30pm to 7:30pm

Place – Sky Room CafΓ© in the Cinema Arts Centre at 423 Park Ave, Huntington

Parking – park in the all the way around at the back of the building by the day care center (you’ll see a fenced in playground area with a sandbox)

When you arrive at the CSA

  1. Check in at the sign-in desk with our friendly CSA worker
  2. Read the Wall Chart that tells us every week what we’re getting, how much we’re getting, and what the farm charged us for it…some weeks it’s take one of everything but…SOME WEEKS IT’S NOT!!! So you have to make sure you read the Wall Chart every week, and not assume anything. You can also ask your fellow CSA members that are working that day what the story is for the day (they should have name tags on).

Before you leave the CSA – Make sure you have everything on the list (like the story of the 3 bears…not too much, not too little, but just right 😊)! If you get to talking with people, have kids with you, etc., it can be easy to be distracted and if you get home and find out you don’t have everything that was on the list, you’re out of luck because at 7:31pm the food is donated to a local food organization (Community Solidarity…read more about them in the CSA Events email under Tuesdays) that’s waiting to pick it up and get on their way.

 Veggie info sheets are added as needed. This is the link to the: Veggie Info Sheets. Print them out, put them in a notebook and you end up with a cookbook at the end of the CSA season. Also, there are good tips on storage, prep, and nutrition. 

 The list…this is a general list and you’ll be sent another email within the next week with the detailed list after I get it (which isn’t till the day of the CSA…the list is subject to change without notice because farming is like that! πŸ˜Š However, most of the time it’s accurate and if it’s not…usually only one food item will be changed)…


CSA words to live by…when trying any new food you’ve never eaten before…START SLOW!!! Read up about it (make sure it doesn’t interfere with any medications you might be taking or any health conditions you might have), see what traditional/conventional ways it’s prepared (cultures that have been eating certain foods for many years basically have a good idea what they’re doing, and we can learn from that), try a small portion, see how your body/digestive system reacts, and proceed from there. Then try preparing in different ways and see what you come up with, and feel free to ask for suggestion/info/recommendations!


Paraphrased wise words by a nutritionist that I read (and don’t remember where I read it or who said it), BUT it’s pretty smart info regarding eating seasonally in our part of the globe…


Spring… is all about detoxing (what we get from the CSA at this time is a lot of green things that are really good to help clean us out from whatever we accumulated during the winter)

Interesting piece about spring greens (out of the 14 listed, we get 12 of them with our CSA…watercress nutritionally and botanically similar to Curly Cress/Peppercress) and detoxing…


Summer is all about being hydrated (the popular summer foods are all full of water…Tomatoes, Lettuces, Summer Squashes, etc.)


Fall/winter is all about storing energy (we get all the dense vegetables…Sweet Potatoes, Winter Squashes, etc…. that are energy powerhouses to fuel us through the winter) to get you through the winter to make it to…Spring!


Week #15

September 19, 2024


  1. Beets – 1 bunch
  2. Beans, Snap – 1 bag
  3. Okra – 1 bag
  4. Lettuce – 1 head
  5. Tomatoes, Mini – 1 pint


Total Items: 5


Flower Shares – Week #10 – Last Week!



2.Happy National Organic Month!


And since you’re a member of this CSA, you’re celebrating already 😊,about%20organic%20farming%20and%20production.


Here’s a cute video about organic farming and how you know certified organic is oranic…

Stay tuned for a new video next week! 😊




3.Help Community Solidarity (local Huntington group) with their School Supply Drive & Distribution


Community Solidarity is the WONDERFUL group that our CSA has been donating any leftover food at the end of the night to for the past 10 years or so.


From now till September 30th you can help them with their Long Island-wide School Supply Drive & Distribution.


How can you help? There’s a number of ways….


  1. Donate school supplies. Sign up here to let them know and they’ll get back to you with the details of how to proceed…


  1. Organize your own school supply drive amongst friends, neighbors, co-workers, religious group or whatever and get them over to Community Solidarity. Once you’ve gathered the supplies, sign up here to let them know and they’ll get back to you with the details of how to proceed…


  1. Donate money to fund the work for this project (Community Solidarity will buy the supplies and distribute them). Click here to make a donation…!/donation/checkout


  1. Sign up to volunteer at their Huntington location (Community Solidarity is ALWAYS in need of more volunteers and it’s a great community project to do with kids/teenagers/young adults)…


  1. Spread the word about this project – post on whatever social media feeds you’re on to let people know you’re collecting school supplies for this project and how they can get involved, or let people know if you’re organizing a school supply drive so they can drop supplies off by you and you can get them over to Community Solidarity.


For more information about this project and Community Solidarity…




4.Food safety and COVID-19…


Even though it’s been a while since the word “pandemic” has been bandied about, people are still getting COVID and other illness. And the lessons we learned during the past few years can still come in handy today to avoid basic things like colds and the flu.


Watch writer J. Kenji Lopez-Alt (son of a Harvard University geneticist and immunologist, grandson of a chemist, and author of Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science), talk about COVID-19 and food safety…


And read in more detail here…


After keeping the CSA going thru 2020 and 2021 while the Cinema Arts Centre was closed (with everyone staying healthy using the simple practices of wearing face coverings, hand washing, and social distancing), this is where we are now at this moment in time…


  1. Face coverings are optional
  2. Hand washing upon entering the theater is recommended (it’s always a good idea in preventing COVID as well as the flu and colds)

Why COVID HATES soap (works better than hand sanitizer or gloves), and we’re talking plain soap, NOT antibacterial soap (the use of which causes antibiotic resistance which could kill us all )…

  1. Will try and keep the CSA area relatively uncrowded if any future outbreaks of any infectious diseases occur
  2. Enter near the Box Office entrance, and exit thru the door that leads out to the Cinema garden and upper parking lot stairs




5.Use Salt? Read this…


Not all Salts are created equal and some are better than others (like, they have less heavy metals)…


To read the original article…




6.What you actually got last week


Week #14

September 12, 2024


  1. Beans, Snap: Dragon Tongue and Romano Mix – 1 bag (1/2 lb.) - $4.25
  2. Radishes: French Breakfast OR Red – 1 bunch  - $5.00
  3. Basil – 1 bunch - $4.75
  4. Lettuce: Loose Leaf, Green OR Purslane* – 1 head OR 1 bunch - $4.50
  5. Tomatoes: Red – 1 bag (2 lb.) - $6.00


Total Items: 5

Total Amount: $24.50

We pay our farm $22 per week for our CSA share…some weeks we get a bit more, some a bit less. This week (and last week), it was $2.50 over $22.00. Doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but it adds up over the course of the CSA season (at the moment it’s a total of $42.25 more food than what we paid…which is now almost TWO CSA Share’s worth of food). We seem to always get at least one CSA share’s worth of food every year that we didn’t pay for…some years two, and last year it was almost four weeks worth extra, so we’re talking almost $80 worth of food we got gratis…it’s all good! 😊


Herb Shares – September 1A

Chives: Garlic AND Sage


Flower Shares – Week #9

Gomphrena (everlasts…can be dried)


*If you are a vegan I HIGHLY suggest you get the Purslane. Why? A) We rarely get it and B) Purslane one of the only vegetal foods that contains high amounts of Omega 3 Fatty Acids! So, it’s getting the health benefits of eating fish…without eating fish!  It has a Lemony flavor and can be added to Salads or Sandwiches (the leaves…the stems need to be cooked), or Soups or Stews (the stems need to be chopped up fine and added as a thickener as it gets Okra-like when cooked…i.e. - mucilaginous).


Purslane has a BOATLOAD of health benefits, and a few contraindications so read this whole thing over…


Good article on Purslane with recipes…


Suggestions on how to eat and cook with Purslane and a Purslane dip recipe (that happens to suggest Garlic Chives which folks with our Herb Share are getting this week!)


Another good article that includes contraindications regarding eating Purslane (AND how to avoid foraging for Purslane and ending up with a poisonous plant that looks similar)…

Lastly, if you’re thinking of grabbing some Purslane from your back yard or elsewhere, please don’t…unless you’ve done some foraging with someone like Wildman Steve Brill (his next event on Long Island is Sunday, September 22nd, and it’s in the CSA Events email) who can give you the rules of the foraging road so you don’t end up with food that’s tainted with harmful chemicals, bacteria, etc. Plus, I think everyone should go on at least one tour with Wildman Steve Brill. It’s an enlightening, fun, and tasty experience for the whole family and makes you look at some of the “weeds” in your environment a little differently. My goal (which I have to come close to and it won’t this year either 😊) is to go on 4 tours with Steve in one year so I can get all four seasons of foraging under my belt (well, if not winter, because he stops doing his before winter begins, late fall). Plus, foragers will divide the seasons up to at least 12 time periods (early, mid and late) so with 4 tours one can get a nice variety of what the earth has to offer without having to garden for it! 😊




7.Beets are amazing! Check this out…


Whether you eat them raw (I grate them raw and put the Beet bits on my salads and barely know they’re there for those who aren’t Beet fans 😊), cooked, juice them (though don’t drink too much as they’re high in Sugar) or fermented (recipe included for the adventurous/ambitious amongst you 😊), Beets are truly a superfood!


And of course, eat the Beet Greens because they’re really good too (cook up with other dark leafy green veg)…


I learn something new every day so here’s a great video on the Beet basics (though it’s weird she repeats herself in one section but very much worth watching the whole thing)…

Beets 101 – Everything you need to know (


And what do you do with a big ass Beet? Do not pass by, do not be intimidated, do not be mystified, and do not think you HAVE to deal with cutting them up! 😊


First of all, Golden Beets are sweeter and less “earthy” than red Beets, and their health benefits are MANY!


What one chef used to do with them (was part of a meat-free $155 tasting menu…Agern was considered one of the top restaurants in NYC)…


Classic salt-crusted Beet recipe…


Here’s a home version of a fancier salt-crusted big Beet recipe (served with a Horseradish CrΓ¨me)…


And another cook’s take on it is to simply roast and enjoy (plus some great suggestions in the comments)! 😊


Big Beets…bring ‘em on! 😊




8.FREE CSA Cooking classes on Zoom – if you missed any of the three of them you can watch now!


The title of this is…So, you’ve joined a CSA! Now what? 😊


The 2nd episode is…Keep on Cooking – Sustaining Momentum as a CSA Member…


The 3rd episode – Let’s Cook! Watch as recipe creator Frances as she checks out her CSA Share, figures out what to do with everything (to feed herself, her partner, two children and dog 😊), and gets cooking…




9.Farm Aid is this SATURDAY…and this is how you can watch, listen, and maybe donate 😊


Starting at 11:30am, you can watch Farm Aid…


On the Farm Aid website…


On the Farm Aid YouTube channel…


If you subscribe to SiriusXM, starting at noon you can listen on the radio or using the SiriusXM app…

Channel 61 – Willie Nelson’s Roadhouse

Channel 30 – Dave Matthews Band Radio


If you don’t subscribe to SiriusXM but are thinking about it, you can get the first 3 months free…


And if you’d like to make a donation, at the $100 level you get the festival t-shirt made from 100% organic cotton!


Or donate by buying some Farm Aid merch (if I think this sizing will work, will buy the organic cotton hoodie 😊)…




10.Emergency situations at the CSA (hurricanes/electronic communication glitches/medical emergencies…on my part, etc.)


  1. It’s hurricane season till November 30th (our CSA’s last day is December 12th)! Farmers are more hardcore than postal workers so your food will be at the CSA between 3:30pm and 7:30pm on Thursdays, pretty much no matter what. Hurricane Sandy didn’t stop our CSA. We were at the Unitarian Fellowship in Huntington, and there was no power and there were tree limbs around the property BUT I checked out the building to make sure there was no danger for us being in the building or entering the property, and with flashlights brought by me, we had our CSA. If there’s no emails…show up anyway. If there’s some problem/issue with the food arriving there should be a note on the door of the Cinema letting you know what’s up (if we’re not already in there waiting for you). In a storm situation please bring a flashlight/lantern as it could be helpful for you and those of us at the CSA. Again…show up, and at 3:30pm and 5:30pm if there were no emails please offer to work if you’re able and available. If you feel it’s not safe/wise for you to venture out, know that any food left at the end of the CSA will be picked up and donated to the gang at Community Solidarity. They have NEVER missed a food distribution day even in snow and ice storms (regardless of the weather…hungry people will still be hungry if there’s no food to eat).


  1. Electronic communication is FAR from perfect. IF you get no CSA emails or responses to your emails on any given week…come to the CSA anyway. It could be a problem with my laptop, etc. Stuff happens.


  1. Anything else that might come up (these days…who knows???)…no emails, etc., come anyway and will do our best to keep everyone informed as best we can (look for notes on front door of Cinema if nothing else). The CSA has always happened every week during our 20+ seasons…(lifted from the postal worker motto) - Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom stays these farmers & CSA crew from the swift completion of their appointed rounds…to get you your CSA Shares! 😊


  1. If there’s an emergency situation in progress, consider offering to help out at the CSA whether you’re asked to or not.




11.And now, for something completely different


Talk about “happy accidents” 😊 !

 Events…both near and far


*Please keep in mind that any events or services listed do not indicate a direct endorsement from Green Thumb Farm or Green Thumb CSA – Huntington



Tuesday, September 10th to Thursday, September 19th


Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine (online seminars)


To register…


This 9 day series of seminars will cover the foods and herbs that can be used in simple recipes for conditions ranging from sleep, digestive disorders and stress, to cancer and heart disease. The person in this series that got me to sign up is Tieroana Low Dog, MD. She’s a holistic doctor and herbalist who’s been working with Dr. Andrew Weil for decades. And in October, the next Culinary Extravaganza will be at True Food Kitchen, Dr. Weil’s ONLY restaurant in the NY metro area which happens to be on Long Island, and the menu is based on his anti-inflammatory diet, and deliciousness 😊. I don’t know any of the other people involved in this series, but if Dr. Low Dog is a part of it I imagine it will be worth watching. It features herbalists, farmers, nutritionists, doctors and farm-to-table chefs.



Now to Monday, October 7th


Keep Calm and Create Exhibit and Raffle

Huntington Public Library

338 Main St



For more info about this exhibit (listed on page 11 of the Sept/Oct newsletter) and to find out library hours (listed on page 12 of the Sept/Oct newletter)…


CSA Member, Annina Wildermuth, is leading a Creativity Class at the Huntington Public Library on Main Street. Till Monday, October 7th, there will be an exhibit of works from this class called Keep Calm and Create. It features works by attendees of this class, and celebrates the calming process of creativity.


If you’d like to participate in the class (or just check it out to see if it’s something you’d like to continue with), the classes are held on alternate Thursdays, from 1pm to 3pm, in the Main Meeting Room of the Huntington Public Library on Main Street. It’s free and there’s no registration required. The dates for September are the 12th and the 26th, and in October they’ll be on the 10th and 24th. You can bring any creative project you’re currently working on, and there are always coloring books, markers and pencils there to use.


Lastly, there will be a raffle for 12 coloring/creativity books. To enter the raffle, there are slips of paper and a bowl set up on the exhibit display case closest to periodical section of library. Write your name and phone number on the paper and put it in the bowl. You can enter as many times as you wish. The books you can win are displayed in the exhibit. The last day of the raffle is Sunday, October 6th.



Wednesday, September 18th to Wednesday, September 25th


10:45am start time each day for new episode

2024 Food Revolution Summit (online event)


To register…


I’d watch this to see Drs. Ayesha and Dean Sherzai alone. They’re having success with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s using diet (organic foods of course 😊). Other well known holistic doctors participating are Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Joel Katz, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. William Li. On the non-MD side there will also be wonderful speakers such as Kris Carr, Marion Nestle, and Vandana Shiva. While this is a vegan-focused event, there will be useful information for non-vegans as well. They will suggest that you purchase this summit for $67 for permanent viewing, as it’s near impossible to watch all the lectures in 24 hours that it’s available for viewing. The price is not unreasonable considering what you’d pay if you were to purchase the books that each of these lecturers have written (or the price you’d pay to hear a lecture in-person by just one of these folks).



Friday, September 20th to Sunday September 22nd


Friday – 6pm to 9pm

Saturday – 12pm to 9pm

Sunday  -  12pm to 6pm

Egyptian Festival 24

St. Mark Coptic Church Center

90 Woodbury Rd




There aren’t any details on the website, but this event has vendors, good food (a sugar indulgence I look forward to every year is their Basboosa…one of my fave pastries in the world if it’s done right and they usually do it right at this event 😊, Dylan’s fave is a custardy thing with shredded Phyllo dough that I forget the name of), you can tour their lovely church, get photographed wearing ancient Egyptian garb, and other things. Again, there are vegetarian options but the vegan ones are limited BUT they usually do have Falafel every year which should be vegan and salad you can get with no cheese. It’s possible some of the desserts are vegan. They also have a pricey raffle with some big prizes.



Friday, September 20th


9am to 4:30pm

A Rural Call to Action for All (online event)…sponsored by Farm Aid

Watch here…


Featuring farmers and speakers from all over the country, Farm Aid presents its annual Farmer’s Forum (being held in Saratoga, NY, this year). This event is not just for farmers! This iyear, they’ll be focusing on building community power, dealing with the reality of climate change, building a coalition between rural and urban peoples, using activism as a tool for hope, talking about corporate power, and discussing discrimination in farming and food systems. One of the speakers is longtime activist Jim Hightower, and that’s enough to get me to check this out! 😊



Saturday, September 21st


Noon to 11pm

Farm Aid

Saratoga Performing Arts Center

Saratoga Springs, NY

$107 (only tickets left are for lawn seating)

For more info and to buy tickets…


The tickets will surely sell out soon, and I imagine there will be a live feed for the concert on FaceBook or YouTube or on the Farm Aid website.



Sunday, September 22nd


12pm to 3pm

Foraging Tour with Wildman Steve Brill

Sunken Meadow Park

Kings Park

For directions of where to meet up…

Adults - $20/Children under 12 - $10 and bring exact change (suggested donations…his knowledge and experience is worth at least twice this amount 😊)

For more info about attending a tour…

To register…

Call 914-835-2153 at least 24 hours in advance of the tour and if you need to cancel, call 24 hours in advance (if you do not cancel 24 hours in advance, you will be charged $25 prior to being allowed to schedule another tour)


If you’ve never gone on a foraging tour with Wildman Steve Brill, do yourself a favor and go. He knows his stuff and he’s entertaining (silly and corny and sweet), and you’ll go home with some interesting and delicious local seasonal foods to eat.



Tuesday, September 24th


10am to 11am

Tai Chi class

Cinema Arts Centre

Sky Room CafΓ©

423 Park Ave




Join teacher Roger Sencer in this free Tai Chi class that’s been held at the Cinema Arts Centre for a number of years. All levels welcome.


7pm – Volunteers

8:15pm – Drive-thru distribution

Huntington Food Share

Community Solidarity

Fairground Ave. & 6th St.

Huntington Station


For more info…

To volunteer…

Or to make a donation (they REALLY need a new truck)…


Community Solidarity (formerly Long Island Food Not Bombs) is an amazing group, doing much needed good works. These are the folks our CSA donates food to (and have for the last several years). If you’d like to volunteer, make a donation (they REALLY, REALLY need a new truck), or have need of their services (or know people who might)…get in touch/get information via their website (listed above).


They also need/accept donations of the following…Bicycles, Books, Clothing, Flowers (good for general mental health…taking care of the mind AND the body), Food, Medical Care (is there a Doctor or Dentist in the house? 😊), Plants/Seedlings, School Supplies, Toys and more. For details on donating items, please go to the Home Page, scroll to Donate, and read the appropriate listing (and scroll to Material Goods to see the topics not initially listed)…


Here’s founder Jon Stepanian’s TED Talk (TEDxNYU) on Community Solidarity and Hunger Relief…



Wednesday, September 25th


9:30am to ???

Climate Resilience Through Agriculture (online event)



This is a live event taking place somewhere in NYC, sponsored by America Farmland Trust and Food Tank. Featured speakers will include John Kerry (remember that movie he did…An Inconvenient Truth?), and a lot of people who I don’t know BUT am familiar with their organizations like the Environmental Defense Fund (great group) and Patagonia Provisions (the food division of the sporting equipment company, Patagonia, selling organic and sustainably raised foods), and will talk about things like using renewable energy on farms (like solar) and regenerative agriculture (which is like organic but I still haven’t gotten a grip on what the heck it is…and there’s no certification program to certify that a farm is indeed regenerative…unlike organic which has actual rules and regulations and there is a certification program). IF you miss seeing this live, I imagine it will be available to see on YouTube after the fact.



Friday, September 27th to Sunday September 29th


Friday – 6pm to 9pm

Saturday – 12pm to 9pm

Sunday  -  12pm to 6pm

Egyptian Festival 24

St. Mark Coptic Church Center

90 Woodbury Rd




There aren’t any details on the website, but this event has vendors, good food (a sugar indulgence I look forward to every year is their Basboosa…one of my fave pastries in the world if it’s done right and they usually do it right at this event 😊, Dylan’s fave is a custardy thing with shredded Phyllo dough that I forget the name of), you can tour their lovely church, get photographed wearing ancient Egyptian garb, and other things. Again, there are vegetarian options but the vegan ones are limited BUT they usually do have Falafel every year which should be vegan and salad you can get with no cheese. It’s possible some of the desserts are vegan. They also have a pricey raffle with some big prizes.



Saturday, September 28th and Sunday, September 29th


10am to 5pm

Hudson Valley Garlic Festival

Saugerties, NY

Tickets per day…

Adults - $10 in advance ($15 at the gate)/Seniors (65+) - $8 in advance ($15 at the gate)/Children under 12 – FREE

Parking is FREE

For more info and to buy tickets…


This is the biggest and the best Garlic festival NY has to offer. Come rain or shine, there will be music, crafts, food (with Garlic and without 😊), Garlic to buy, cooking and gardening demos and children’s activities.



Tuesday, October 1st to Monday, October 7th


Mastering the Meno(pause) Transition Summit 3.0 (online event)


To register…


This was recommended to me by an email from Dr. Joel Kahn (holistic vegan cardiologist) who’ll be part of this online event. This event will cover how to deal with brain fog, hair loss, hot flashes, low libido, mood changes, night sweats, weight gain and other fun things that can be a part of peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause.


Others whom I’m familiar with are Dr. David Permultter, Dr. Pedram Shojai, and Dr. Judith Orloff. Should be interesting and informative. The event is free though they will recommend you to buy it for permanent access for $67.00 since it’s near impossible to have the time to listen to all the lectures in the allotted time you have to view them. Each day’s lectures are available for 24 hours from when first posted. However, $67 is not a bad deal considering if you were to go to a lecture with one of these people the price could easily range from $100 upwards to ???.



Tuesday, October 1st


10am to 11am

Tai Chi class

Cinema Arts Centre

Sky Room CafΓ©

423 Park Ave




Join teacher Roger Sencer in this free Tai Chi class that’s been held at the Cinema Arts Centre for a number of years. All levels welcome.


7pm – Volunteers

8:15pm – Drive-thru distribution

Huntington Food Share

Community Solidarity

Fairground Ave. & 6th St.

Huntington Station


For more info…

To volunteer…

Or to make a donation (they REALLY need a new truck)…


Community Solidarity (formerly Long Island Food Not Bombs) is an amazing group, doing much needed good works. These are the folks our CSA donates food to (and have for the last several years). If you’d like to volunteer, make a donation (they REALLY, REALLY need a new truck), or have need of their services (or know people who might)…get in touch/get information via their website (listed above).


They also need/accept donations of the following…Bicycles, Books, Clothing, Flowers (good for general mental health…taking care of the mind AND the body), Food, Medical Care (is there a Doctor or Dentist in the house? 😊), Plants/Seedlings, School Supplies, Toys and more. For details on donating items, please go to the Home Page, scroll to Donate, and read the appropriate listing (and scroll to Material Goods to see the topics not initially listed)…


Here’s founder Jon Stepanian’s TED Talk (TEDxNYU) on Community Solidarity and Hunger Relief…



Saturday, October 5th


10am to noon

Foraging Tour with Wildman Steve Brill

Far Rockaway Seashore

Far Rockaway


For directions of where to meet up…

For more info about attending a tour…

To register…

Call 914-835-2153 at least 24 hours in advance of the tour and if you need to cancel, call 24 hours in advance (if you do not cancel 24 hours in advance, you will be charged $25 prior to being allowed to schedule another tour)


If you’ve never gone on a foraging tour with Wildman Steve Brill, do yourself a favor and go. He knows his stuff and he’s entertaining (silly and corny and sweet), and you’ll go home with some interesting and delicious local seasonal foods to eat.



Saturday, October 26th



CSA Annual Fall Harvest Tour

Green Thumb Farm

Montauk Hwy

Water Mill

To RSVP…not yet, but will let you know when we’re taking reservations


This is a one-hour tractor-pulled wagon tour, seeing a different part of our CSA farm than we see in June. This is a chance to meet our farmers, ask questions about your home gardens, and see where your food is being grown and harvested. We’ll get Pumpkins at the end of the tour (not necessarily organic, and not necessarily from Green Thumb Farm, but we’ll know the details when we get to the farm 😊). They’re more for decorating than eating, though they are edible. We get a 10% discount on all purchases made at the farm stand,, and at the farm stand you might see things we’ll never get at our CSA because they either don’t have enough of them for all of us, or they’re too fragile to travel. This is an event for CSA members and immediate family only. This is a rain or shine event (unless we’re talking torrential downpours). I’ve been on tours in the rain and as long as you dress for it, it’s fine (in that case, bring a plastic bag to sit on and you’re good to go 😊). Wear shoes good for walking in mud (as we will get off the tractor periodically) and keep in mind you can get sunburned if not prepared. A good time is always had by all! 😊


After the last tour (around 1pm), some of us will be going to lunch at Barrow Food House in Riverhead. The food is seasonal, sustainable grown, local (when possible), and very reasonably priced for the area. Check out the menu and their story here…



Thursday, November 7th to Tuesday, November 12th


Yoga Retreat

True Blue Bay Boutique Resort

Old Mill Rd.

TrueBlue Bay, St. George

St. George’s, Grenada


CSA Member, Danielle Tarantola, will be holding a 6 day yoga retreat in Granada!

To learn more about Danielle…

And more info about where you’d be staying…

For more info and to register…
