Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Huntington CSA Culinary Extravaganza - Update Wednesday, June 19th (Next Wednesday!) **2024 Season**


 We have room for 8 more people to attend this event (we’re either half full or half empty 😊). There will also be a raffle for all those attending (you’ll be automatically entered)…prize to be a surprise, but will be something nifty 😊.

 Blind Bat Brewery Bistro is hosting the June edition of our CSA Culinary Extravaganza on Wednesday, June 19th, from 6pm to 8pm. They are paleo, omnivore, vegan and gluten-free friendly (though they’re not certified gluten-free if you have a severe gluten allergy/condition).

 If you’d like to attend, please respond to this email with the number of people attending, as the restaurant only holds 16 people. They’re opening on a day off just for us so we’ll have the whole place to ourselves (which is what they did last year when we did this and it worked out really well).

 Check out the menu here…

Have eaten a lot of this menu and it’s all good. Right now, OMG if they still have it I’m getting the Garlic Scape Soup (that’s a new one). All the soups are very yummy. They normally only have their house made Pierogi’s on Thursdays and Sundays but will see if they’ll make them for us, if enough people are interested.

 And info about the restaurant…


Contact Suzanne via email