Friday, November 25, 2022

Huntington CSA - Holiday Wishes

 To all the wonderful members of Green Thumb CSA – Huntington (and you ARE all wonderful 😊)…

 Whether you’re spending this Thanksgiving on your own, with family, with friends, or in a crowd of strangers (at the Thanksgiving Day parade in NYC, perhaps? 😊); whether you’re staying at home, or traveling near or far; and whether you’re eating a home-cooked meal, dining at a restaurant, or heating up leftovers from the recent past 😊…here’s wishing you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 😊

 I’m personally grateful to all of you for having chosen to be CSA members in Green Thumb CSA – Huntington this year (and I know our farmers and their families are grateful for that as well)!

 May you enjoy whatever CSA food you’ve incorporated into today’s menu 😊.

 And for your amusement (it’s annoying that you have to click on some of them to see under the Pinterest “Save” thingies, but at least some are worth checking out)…

 For you fans of Saturday Night Live and Will Ferrell/Maya Rudolph/Fred Armisen (never saw this one 😊)…

 And more Thanksgiving silliness (jokes/knock-knock jokes and wordplay)…

 Best wishes always…suzanne