Thursday, December 2, 2021

Huntington CSA Thursday, December 2, 2021 Week #27

 Happy Autumn!


CSA weather report…cool and breezy (unless it’s not 😊)


Anybody want an extra CSA Share this week? Or know someone who’d like one to try and maybe join our CSA next year? Help out a CSA member who’s away for a bit, and would like it if someone bought her CSA Share ($20 cash please). If interested, reply to this email before noon today, or inquire at the sign-in desk at the CSA.


Important…if you send anyone to the CSA to pick up food for you, please tell them to BRING BAGS and a FACE COVERING!


This email includes…


  1. What you need to know
  2. Food safety and COVID-19
  3. CSA Restaurant Outing Monday, December 6th – RSVP Now!
  4. Please don’t microwave Garlic…ever!
  5. Vote here to support the Cinema Arts Centre!
  6. Like cookbooks (or books of any kind)? Miss Book Revue? Info updated weekly…
  7. Emergency situations at the CSA (hurricanes/electronic communication glitches/etc.)
  8. What you actually got last week
  9. And now, for something completely different



Anything in these emails not directly related to the functioning of the CSA feel free to take or leave at your discretion, and anything related to health issues always consult with your physician(s) before taking any action.



1.What you need to know (will be either new info to first time CSA members, or reminders/old hat to returning CSA members)…


Before you leave the houseBRING BAGS to pack up your food (CSA members are responsible for packing up their own shares) – canvas/plastic/paper…bring whatever suits your fancy. The CSA does NOT provide bags for CSA members…and a FACE COVERING.

Time – 3:30pm to 7:30pm

Place – Sky Room CafΓ© in the Cinema Arts Centre at 423 Park Ave, Huntington

Parking – park in the all the way around at the back of the building by the day care center (you’ll see a fenced in playground area with a sandbox)

When you arrive at the CSA


  1. Please wear a face covering when entering the building, and proceed to the restrooms to wash your hands with soapy water (more effective than hand sanitizers…COVID hates plain soap…NOT anti-bacterial…the most)
  2. Check in at the desk with our friendly CSA worker (if there are more than 3 people/couples/families of CSA members in the CSA, you may be asked to wait in the hallway…socially distanced…before entering)
  3. Read the Wall Chart that tells us every week what we’re getting, how much we’re getting, and what the farm charged us for it…some weeks it’s take one of everything but SOME WEEKS IT’S NOT!!! So you have to make sure you read the Wall Chart every week, and not assume anything. You can also ask your fellow CSA members that are working that day what the story is for the day (they should have name tags on).

Before you leave the CSA – Make sure you have everything on the list (like the story of the 3 bears…not too much, not too little, but just right 😊)! If you get to talking with people, have kids with you, etc., it can be easy to be distracted and if you get home and find out you don’t have everything that was on the list, you’re out of luck because after the CSA closes for the evening, the food is donated to a local food organization (Community Solidarity…see Events email for more details about them). And if you accidentally took too much, please get in touch ASAP (email or phone) so the food can be returned to its rightful owner in short order.

Veggie info sheets added as needed. This is the link to the: Veggie Info Sheets. Print out, put in a notebook and you end up with a cookbook at the end of the CSA season. Also, there are good tips on storage, prep, and nutrition.

  The list…this is a general list and you’ll be sent another email within the next week with the detailed list after I get it (which isn’t till the day of the CSA…the list is subject to change without notice because farming is like that! πŸ˜Š However, most of the time it’s accurate and if it’s not…usually only one food item will be changed)…


CSA words to live by…when trying any new food you’ve never eaten before…START SLOW!!! Read up about it (make sure it doesn’t interfere with any medications you might be taking or any health conditions you might have), see what traditional/conventional ways it’s prepared (cultures that have been eating certain foods for many years basically have a good idea what they’re doing, and we can learn from that), try a small portion, see how your body/digestive system reacts, and proceed from there. Then try preparing in different ways and see what you come up with, and feel free to ask for suggestion/info/recommendations!


Paraphrased wise words by a nutritionist that I read (and don’t remember where I read it or who said it), BUT it’s pretty smart info regarding eating seasonally in our part of the globe…


Spring… is all about detoxing (what we get from the CSA at this time is a lot of green things that are really good to help clean us out from whatever we accumulated during the winter)

Interesting piece about spring greens (out of the 14 listed, we get 12 of them with our CSA…watercress nutritionally and botanically similar to Curly Cress/Peppercress) and detoxing…


Summer is all about being hydrated (the popular summer foods are all full of water…Tomatoes, Lettuces, Summer Squashes, etc.)


Fall/winter is all about storing energy (we get all the dense vegetables…Sweet Potatoes, Winter Squashes, etc…. that are energy powerhouses to fuel us through the winter) to get you through the winter to make it to…Spring!


Week #27

December 2, 2021


  1. Sweet Potatoes – 1 bag
  2. Garlic – 1 bag
  3. Leeks – 1 bunch
  4. Kale – 1 bunch
  5. Lettuce – 1 head


Total Items: 5


2.Food safety and COVID-19…


Watch writer J. Kenji Lopez-Alt (son of a Harvard University geneticist and immunologist, grandson of a chemist, and author of Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science), talk about COVID-19 and food safety…


And read in more detail here…




3.CSA Restaurant Outing Monday, December 6th – RSVP Now!


We’re got the date and time for the CSA Restaurant Outing! All attending will automatically be entered in the Dr. Andrew Weill cookbook raffle.


If you want to join in, get in touch ASAP (reply to this email, leave a voice message at 631-421-4864, or sign up at the CSA today) and let us know (calling in the reservation this Saturday)…


  1. How many people attending
  2. Type of seating…either group table (it’s roomy so we won’t be squished), OR your own table (won’t be offended if you want your own table and will be near the group table so we can wave and chat 😊)…will make reservations accordingly)


Monday, December 6th




True Food Kitchen

Roosevelt Field

630 Old Country Rd., Ste. 1040B

Garden City


For more info about the restaurant…

Check out the restaurant website to get an idea of the food available (prices for entrΓ©e salads/burgers/etc. range from around $15 on average up to $31, with appetizers/soup from $6 to $10…prices approx. as none are on the website and doing this from memory)…


Hope to see you at True Food Kitchen! 😊




4.Please don’t microwave Garlic…ever!


Especially if you’re paying more for certified organic Garlic.


Why? It only takes 60 seconds of being in a microwave (as opposed to 45 minutes of conventional cooking methods) to turn Garlic from an anti-cancer superfood, into something that’s as good for your health as eating wood (and beyond being a source of fiber 😊…back in the 1950s wood pulp was actually added to a diet bread to increase the fiber in it- UGH - , wood has no nutritional/medical health benefits)…


The health benefits of Garlic are many…each of these articles has some benefit that the other ones don’t list…


Other foods (and other things 😊) to never microwave for various reasons and again, each article has something in it that the other ones don’t mention…


FYI – As a matter of transparency…I don’t own a microwave and never will.  HOWEVER…do I eat out? Yes. Do I check if everything I’m eating while out has been microwaved or not? No…though maybe it’s time to start asking more often again 😊. Do I wish that nothing I ate was microwaved? Yes. But…I’m not the Queen of Everything 😊, live in the world as it is, do the best I can 😊, and am grateful for whatever I’m eating - and if it’s tasty…enjoy it! 😊


If you’re going to use one (better to eat microwaved food than no food at all), please keep it clean and in good working order to avoid radiation leakage (see website below), and consider following the above advice on what not to microwave (especially Garlic 😊)…




5.Vote here to support the Cinema Arts Centre!


Do you think the Cinema Arts Centre is the best movie theater on Long Island?


I thought it was the best before it became the new home of Green Thumb CSA – Huntington, and then it got even better! 😊


If you think so too, you can vote for it here…

Best of Long Island Voting - Best Of Long Island




6.Like cookbooks (or books of any kind)? Miss Book Revue? Info updated weekly…GIVE MONEY NOW!!!


If so, consider putting your money where your proverbial mouth is, and contribute to what could be the 2.0 version of Book Revue…The Next Chapter. Huntington (and every town really) needs an independent bookstore/gathering place!


SPREAD THE WORD!!! Do you belong to a book club (or know anyone who does)? Let your fellow readers know. How about teachers? Spread the word amongst teachers (and students? Not sure if you can do that or not). Librarians? Writers? Wanna-be-writers? A writing group? Facebook post for all those just mentioned. My significant other contacted a writer he knows who’s given readings at Book Revue, and the writer not only pledged to post on his social media, but to also make a donation. I got in touch with a librarian I know and hope they’ll be able to spread the word too (if they haven’t already 😊).


They have a Kickstarter campaign in order to raise $250,000. It’ a lot, but if 2,500 kicked in $100 each…no problem! Donation levels with perks (t-shirts, etc.) start at $25 and go up to $10,000 (you get a section of the store named after you or someone of your choosing 😊), but I’m sure any amount will be appreciated. So far, about 1,600 people have contributed but with the thousands of people who have walked through the doors of Book Revue, one might hope more people will step up and support this new venture.


They have 14 more days to do this, but if they don’t make the goal ALL the money gets returned (unlike Go Fund Me where whatever is raised is kept).


Here’s the Facebook page with some info…

(20+) Book Revue | Facebook


And here’s the Kickstarter page to check out and make a donation (they’re up to $184,000 but there’s still 14 days to go and after the initial flurry, donations get more challenging to come by…but not impossible and very doable) and it would be a shame if they had to lose all this money if they don’t make their goal…




7.Emergency situations at the CSA (hurricanes/electronic communication glitches/etc.)


  1. It’s hurricane season! Farmers are more hardcore than postal workers so your food will be at the CSA between 3:30pm and 7:30pm on Thursdays, pretty much no matter what. Hurricane Sandy didn’t stop the CSA. We were at the Unitarian Fellowship in Huntington and there was no power and there were tree limbs around the property BUT I checked out the building to make sure there was no danger in being in the building or entering the property, and with flashlights brought by me, we had our CSA. If there’s no emails…show up anyway. If there’s some problem/issue with the food arriving there should be a note on the door of the Cinema letting you know what’s up (if we’re not already in there waiting for you). In a storm situation…please bring a flashlight/lantern. It could be helpful for you and those of us at the CSA. Again…show up and 3:30pm and 5:30pm if there were no emails and offer to work if you’re able and available. And if you feel it’s not safe/wise for you to venture out, know that any food left at the end of the CSA will be picked up and donated by the gang at Community Solidarity. They have NEVER missed a food distribution day even in snow and ice storms (regardless of the weather…hungry people will still be hungry if there’s no food to eat).


  1. Electronic communication is FAR from perfect. IF you get no CSA emails or responses to your emails…come to the CSA anyway. It could be a problem with my laptop, etc. Stuff happens.


  1. Anything else that might come up (these days…who knows??? 😊)…no emails, come anyway and will do our best to keep everyone informed as best we can (look for notes on front door of Cinema if nothing else). The CSA has always happened every week during our 20+ seasons…(lifted from the postal worker motto 😊) - Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom stays these farmers & CSA crew from the swift completion of their appointed rounds…to get you your CSA Shares!




8.What you actually got last week


Week #26

November 24, 2021


  1. Rutabaga (3 ½ lbs.) + Celery Root/Celeriac (2 pc.) – 1 bag - $6.00
  2. Squash, Winter: Acorn – 1 pc. - $3.25
  3. Fennel – 1 bunch - $4.50
  4. Kale: Lacinato – 1 bunch - $5.25
  5. Radicchio: Chiogga – 1 head - $4.25
  6. Ginger – 1 pc. – No charge*


*For the Pepper/Eggplant mix we got on 11/11 that some CSA members had issues with (Eggplants looked ok but inside were brown from frost damage, and Peppers were soft/mushy)


Herb Share – November 2B

Mizuna: Green AND Sage


Total Items: 6

Total Amount: $23.50

(We pay $20 per week for our CSA share…some weeks we get a bit more, some a bit less. This week, it was $3.50 more. So at the moment we’ve already gotten $72.50 (3 CSA Shares + 😊) more than we paid for. This adds up over the course of the CSA season, and we seem to always get at least one CSA share’s worth of food every year that we didn’t pay for…some years two, and some between one and two…it’s all good! 😊)




9.And now, for something completely different…


The ancient Japanese art of mukimono (fruit and vegetable carving)…

Also thought to have originated in China and Thailand…


If you want to try this at home… 😊


Events…both near and far


Every day now through December 5th


9am to 5pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Visit the farm your CSA food comes from if you’re out in this neck of the woods (between Southampton and Bridgehampton)! And after December 5th, the farm stand will be open Saturdays till January 29th (with the exception of Christmas & New Years day instead of Saturday, the farm stand will be open Thursday)…but understand that after December 5th it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, December 5th


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.



Tuesday, December 7th


10am to 11am


Green Street Radio


To listen live or check out the archives…


Join Long Islanders Doug & Patti Wood (founders of the Port Washington Farmer’s Market…the only all organic greenmarket in New York State), in their weekly show featuring conversations on health and sustainable living.


7pm – Volunteers

8:15pm – Drive-thru distribution


Huntington Food Share

Community Solidarity

Fairground Ave. & 6th St.

Huntington Station


For more info…

To volunteer…

Or to make a donation (they REALLY need a new truck)…


Community Solidarity (formerly Long Island Food Not Bombs) is an amazing group, doing much needed good works. These are the folks our CSA donates food to (and have for the last several years). If you’d like to volunteer, make a donation (they REALLY, REALLY need a new truck), or have need of their services (or know people who might)…get in touch/get information via their website (listed above).


They also need/accept donations of the following…Bicycles, Books, Clothing, Flowers (good for general mental health…taking care of the mind AND the body), Food, Medical Care (is there a Doctor or Dentist in the house? 😊), Plants/Seedlings, School Supplies, Toys and more. For details on donating items, please go to the Home Page, scroll to Donate, and read the appropriate listing (and scroll to Material Goods to see the topics not initially listed)…


Here’s founder Jon Stepanian’s TED Talk (TEDxNYU) on Community Solidarity and Hunger Relief…



Saturday, December 11th


10am to 3pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Though our CSA is over for 2021, you can still pick up food our farm’s farm stand till the end of January. However, it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, December 12th


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.



Tuesday, December 14th


10am to 11am


Green Street Radio


To listen live or check out the archives…


Join Long Islanders Doug & Patti Wood (founders of the Port Washington Farmer’s Market…the only all organic greenmarket in New York State), in their weekly show featuring conversations on health and sustainable living.


7pm – Volunteers

8:15pm – Drive-thru distribution


Huntington Food Share

Community Solidarity

Fairground Ave. & 6th St.

Huntington Station


For more info…

To volunteer…

Or to make a donation (they REALLY need a new truck)…


Community Solidarity (formerly Long Island Food Not Bombs) is an amazing group, doing much needed good works. These are the folks our CSA donates food to (and have for the last several years). If you’d like to volunteer, make a donation (they REALLY, REALLY need a new truck), or have need of their services (or know people who might)…get in touch/get information via their website (listed above).


They also need/accept donations of the following…Bicycles, Books, Clothing, Flowers (good for general mental health…taking care of the mind AND the body), Food, Medical Care (is there a Doctor or Dentist in the house? 😊), Plants/Seedlings, School Supplies, Toys and more. For details on donating items, please go to the Home Page, scroll to Donate, and read the appropriate listing (and scroll to Material Goods to see the topics not initially listed)…


Here’s founder Jon Stepanian’s TED Talk (TEDxNYU) on Community Solidarity and Hunger Relief…



Saturday, December 18th


10am to 3pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Though our CSA is over for 2021, you can still pick up food our farm’s farm stand till the end of January (Saturdays only)! However, it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, December 19th


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.



Tuesday, December 21st


10am to 11am


Green Street Radio


To listen live or check out the archives…


Join Long Islanders Doug & Patti Wood (founders of the Port Washington Farmer’s Market…the only all organic greenmarket in New York State), in their weekly show featuring conversations on health and sustainable living.


7pm – Volunteers

8:15pm – Drive-thru distribution


Huntington Food Share

Community Solidarity

Fairground Ave. & 6th St.

Huntington Station


For more info…

To volunteer…

Or to make a donation (they REALLY need a new truck)…


Community Solidarity (formerly Long Island Food Not Bombs) is an amazing group, doing much needed good works. These are the folks our CSA donates food to (and have for the last several years). If you’d like to volunteer, make a donation (they REALLY, REALLY need a new truck), or have need of their services (or know people who might)…get in touch/get information via their website (listed above).


They also need/accept donations of the following…Bicycles, Books, Clothing, Flowers (good for general mental health…taking care of the mind AND the body), Food, Medical Care (is there a Doctor or Dentist in the house? 😊), Plants/Seedlings, School Supplies, Toys and more. For details on donating items, please go to the Home Page, scroll to Donate, and read the appropriate listing (and scroll to Material Goods to see the topics not initially listed)…


Here’s founder Jon Stepanian’s TED Talk (TEDxNYU) on Community Solidarity and Hunger Relief…



Thursday, December 23rd


10am to 3pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Though our CSA is over for 2021, you can still pick up food our farm’s farm stand till the end of January (Saturdays only)! However, it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, December 26th


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.



Tuesday, December 28th


10am to 11am


Green Street Radio


To listen live or check out the archives…


Join Long Islanders Doug & Patti Wood (founders of the Port Washington Farmer’s Market…the only all organic greenmarket in New York State), in their weekly show featuring conversations on health and sustainable living.


7pm – Volunteers

8:15pm – Drive-thru distribution


Huntington Food Share

Community Solidarity

Fairground Ave. & 6th St.

Huntington Station


For more info…

To volunteer…

Or to make a donation (they REALLY need a new truck)…


Community Solidarity (formerly Long Island Food Not Bombs) is an amazing group, doing much needed good works. These are the folks our CSA donates food to (and have for the last several years). If you’d like to volunteer, make a donation (they REALLY, REALLY need a new truck), or have need of their services (or know people who might)…get in touch/get information via their website (listed above).


They also need/accept donations of the following…Bicycles, Books, Clothing, Flowers (good for general mental health…taking care of the mind AND the body), Food, Medical Care (is there a Doctor or Dentist in the house? 😊), Plants/Seedlings, School Supplies, Toys and more. For details on donating items, please go to the Home Page, scroll to Donate, and read the appropriate listing (and scroll to Material Goods to see the topics not initially listed)…


Here’s founder Jon Stepanian’s TED Talk (TEDxNYU) on Community Solidarity and Hunger Relief…



Thursday, December 30th


10am to 3pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Though our CSA is over for 2021, you can still pick up food our farm’s farm stand till the end of January (Saturdays only)! However, it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, January 2nd


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.



Saturday, January 8th


10am to 3pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Though our CSA is over for 2021, you can still pick up food our farm’s farm stand till the end of January (Saturdays only)! However, it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, January 9th


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.



Saturday, January 15th


10am to 3pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Though our CSA is over for 2021, you can still pick up food our farm’s farm stand till the end of January (Saturdays only)! However, it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, January 16th


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.



Tuesday, January 18th to Sunday, January 23rd


NOFA-NY Virtual Winter Conference

FREE to $125

For more info and to register…


Check out the workshops, see if there’s something that you’d find interesting or useful. I’ll check out any workshop with Elizabeth Henderson (one of the founders of CSAs in the United States).The schedule is still being worked on so more workshops might be popping up. Full scholarships are available, and applications are due for those by December 1st.



Saturday, January 22nd


10am to 3pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Though our CSA is over for 2021, you can still pick up food our farm’s farm stand till the end of January (Saturdays only)! However, it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, January 23rd


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.



Saturday, January 29th


10am to 3pm


Green Thumb Farm

829 Montauk Highway

Water Mill



Though our CSA is over for 2021, you can still pick up food our farm’s farm stand till the end of January (Saturdays only)! However, it’s open mostly for their Winter CSA members so not sure what and how much will be at the farm stand for non-CSA members.



Sunday, January 30th


9am to 1pm


Huntington Winter Farmers Market

423 Park Ave



From now till March.
