Monday, June 7, 2021

Huntington CSA Thursday, June 3, 2020 Week #1 **PLEASE READ Before you arrive at the CSA**


 This is to give you information regarding CSA pickup procedures and safety protocols (for returning CSA members, they’re the same as last year…but you may want to peruse this email anyhoo as it’s been a while). In your weekly CSA email there’s a great video about COVID-19 and food safety, and a website with more detailed info about the subjects covered in the video.

 The Cinema Arts Centre doesn’t quite look the same. During the pandemic, having no clear idea when they would have the option of opening up again, they decided to do some previously planned renovations and long story short…they’re in the middle of it. So you’re seeing the “before” picture, and in the next few months it will slowly be turning into the “after” picture when they will be finally be able to open up again.

 What to bring to the CSA

 Bags to pack your food - the CSA doesn’t provide bags and we pack our own food…suggest to bring an assortment of paper – that’s what my Strawberries are going into this week and anything that’s dry, plastic – that’s for the soaking wet greens we get and are getting some this week, and canvas – that’s what I put the whole CSA share into (or use instead of paper)

Consider putting a supply of bags in every vehicle you own, or might find yourself driving or riding in (and replenishing when you run low), so you don’t have to walk into the CSA and utter the classic phrase…I forgot to bring a bag 😊. And if you ask someone to pick up your CSA share for you who’s not a CSA member, you need to tell them about the bag/packing thing too so THEY don’t have to utter the classic phrase 😊.

  1. A pen (or some writing implement) if you have a Flower Share and/or an Herb Share so you can cross out your name on the list provided on the table for each of those shares (if you don’t have anything to write with, ask someone working at the CSA to cross your name out for you).

 Safety protocols and how to navigate picking up your CSA Share

 1.If you’re sick…STAY HOME!!! 😊  Have someone who’s not sick pick up your produce. It’s never too soon to try and get at least TWO CSA member’s contact info to have them pick up your food for you and either hold on to it till you’re able to pick it up from them, or they can drop it off at your house. If you’d like assistance with this process, get in touch.

 2.The CSA starts at 3:30pm. The doors will be opened at that time. If we’re running a little late at any time and the doors are still closed/locked, please be patient.

 3.The front entrance to the Cinema will only be used for entering the building. All exiting will occur thru the doors that lead out into the garden.

 4.If you see a line outside the front of the building, please get on the line to wait and maintain social distancing of 6 feet. In rainy/snowy weather, there will be a line of cars in front of the building (parallel to what the line looks like when the weather is nice), and after first checking if there’s room for you in the building and seeing that there isn’t, you can wait in your car until someone lets you know you can come inside.

 5.If there’s no line outside of people or cars, peek inside and if there’s a line in the theater, check how many people are on the line as the plan is to have up to 3 people/couples/families in the CSA at one time, and up to 3 people/couples/families waiting in the lobby at a time, and 1 person/couple/family in the bathrooms washing their hands at a time (line up outside the bathrooms and please socially distance…more than 3 people on line for the bathrooms, wait outside the building and check periodically…or if there’s a Hall Monitor check with them), and everyone else will wait on a line outside the building starting at the entrance and continuing down the ramp that leads up to the entrance (or in their cars in rainy/snowy weather).

 6.Please wear a mask/face covering when entering the Cinema Arts Centre

 7.Once in the building, please wash your hands. Handwashing is better at preventing COVID-19 (or the flu or food poisoning) than hand sanitizer or wearing gloves. Both men’s and women’s bathroom doors will left open so you don’t have to touch them. FYI – My handwashing procedure…Grab a paper towel to turn on the faucet, get soap by using my forearm to push soap dispenser, wash hands for 60 seconds (Happy Birthday…or the song of your choice…twice), grab a paper towel to wipe hands dry, use paper towels to turn off faucet, throw all paper towels in the trash can, and go on my merry way! Washing is more sanitary than wearing gloves which can give a false sense of security of being germ-free. COVID-19 HATES soap…and it doesn’t have to be anti-bacterial (and it shouldn’t be as…1) it’s a virus, not a bacteria, and 2) the use of anti-bacterial soaps, and products in general, creates antibiotic-resistant superbugs that can make you sick and kill you and there’s no cure…not a good thing).

 8.Once online in the theater to get into the CSA, you’ll be admitted once there’s room

 9.Check-in at the CSA sign-in table (give your name, or if you’re sharing with someone – the CSA member’s name and your name)

 10.If you have any paperwork to drop off, there will be a table with a box on it behind you as you’re checking in. Please place it in there and it will be gone over at a later time.

 11.Once you’ve checked in, go around the stanchions to the entrance to the CSA and proceed to Table #1 where you’ll see the CSA Wall Chart posted which tells you what we’re getting that week, how much of each food item we’re getting, and the price our farmer charged us for each food item.  Any questions about anything on the CSA Wall Chart, please ask the folks who are working at the CSA (they’ll be wearing name tags). Start packing your food at Table #1 from the left side of the table, and proceed to the right and around the room to Table #2, then Table #3, and then out the exit door to the garden. Each food item will have a copy of the CSA Veg Info Sheet on top of it to identify what it is (same ones you’ll have emailed to you every week so you know what everything is and what to do with it) and if there isn’t one, there will at least be a sign to identify what it is (again, any question…please ask).

 Sounds more complicated than it is, but this is the first time and the first day. It’ll be a breeze soon enough.

 See you at the CSA! 😊
