Happy Spring!
This is the first week, of the 18th year, for Green Thumb CSA – Huntington, at our CSA’s new location at the Cinema Arts Centre’s Sky Room Café (423 Park Ave, Huntington)!
It’s going to take a while for the CSA to get its bearings in the new space so please be patient. There’s going to be a double feature Beatles event Thursday evening at the Cinema so I imagine the Cinema is going to be packed starting around 6pm (event starts at 6:30pm). Who doesn’t love The Beatles?
Parking suggestion…try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
3.Veggie Info Sheets
5.Produce wrangler and counselor
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under NO obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
June 4, 2015
Week #1
1.Strawberries – 1 qt
2.Lettuce – 1 head
3.Oregano – 1 bunch
4.Scallions – 1 bunch
5.Jerusalem Artichokes (Sunchokes) – 1 bag
Total Items: 5
3.Veggie Info Sheets
The attachments to this email are your Veggie Info Sheets. You’ll be getting them every week, and if you print them out and put them in a notebook (and put in plastic sleeves if you want to keep them clean), you’ll have a CSA cookbook by the end of the CSA season!
Thursday, June 4th
Mast Brother’s Hootenany featuring Spirit Family Reunion
Mast Brother’s Chocolate Factory
111 N 3rd St
Brooklyn, NY (Williamsburg)
To purchase tickets (I’m sure this will sell out) and for more info:
This is where I’d be if I wasn’t going to be at the CSA this week. If anyone is going PLEASE let me know and I’ll give you money for the Martin Guitar raffle. I would LOVE to get a new guitar and I’m a Martin gal.
Music, good food, and whiskey! This is a fundraiser for the Newport Festivals Foundation to support the Newport Folk Festival and the Newport Jazz Festival, as well as supporting their education initiatives to get young people involved in the playing and appreciation of music.
Wednesday, June 24th
7 to 9pm
Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream Cookbook event
Powerhouse Arena
37 Main St
DUMBO, Brooklyn
FREE (ice cream for purchase from Van Leeuwen truck)
For more info about this event:
Must RSVP:
Got my RSVP in and I’m there! Anybody coming? Van Leeuwen rocks the house. And yes, they also do vegan.
5.Produce Wrangler and Veggie Counselor
In addition to being the CSA founder, organizer, and matchmaker, I’m also a Produce Wrangler and Veggie Counselor! Please feel free to ask me/contact me about ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING you get at the CSA! I’m happy to share my knowledge about cooking, food storage, etc. and if I don’t know, I’m happy to keep on learning so we can both find out. Oh yeah, and my basic cooking style is lazy working class gourmet (few ingredients, not a lot of time, good results). I’m a fan of the Working Class Foodie videos, and I steal their credo…local, seasonal and affordable…