Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy Summer!

The mystery of June 12th solved! We’re getting better at this. A CSA member mistakenly took a bunch of Mint (we were picking up some food items at the sign-in desk, like the Asparagus, so if one is in a rush you could see how that could happen) so to rectify that situation, the person that took the Mint will simply pay the person for the Mint they took. Yeah!

Last week…no mysteries! Keep up the good work!  Please continue to read the wall chart, ask questions, check your bag on the way out to make sure you have not too much…but not too little either, and if someone is picking up for you, please inform them of what they need to know (bring bags, tell the person at the desk they’ve never picked up before, know the name of the person who’s the CSA member – you’d be surprised what some folks have said, let them know if you have a special share – Flower, Herb, Basil – just in case the person at the desk forgets to mention it, and if unsure about anything to ask)!

About weighing…please weigh multiple things in the same bowl as the person near the scale asks you to OR check the wall chart and see what number they’re listed in…basically you’re weighing the heavier things before the lighter things…think putting big rocks in a bucket, then gravel and then sand…it’s kinda like that…only it will taste better. 

PLEASE PUT THIS NUMBER IN YOUR CELL PHONES!!! 631-386-1079…it’s the hall phone in the UUFH building and it’s the only reliable way to contact the CSA during the CSA! Use only on Thursdays from 3pm to 8pm. If no one picks up…keep calling until someone does. They’re there, they’re just not hearing it.

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 49) managed to find five more members our farmer would be VERY happy. We now have till the week after Labor Day to accept new members. After that, we’re talking April of 2013. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School. I said I would do this last year and didn’t so, I’ll be walking the streets around the UUFH and leaving brochures with a cover sheet that’s an invite to visit the CSA in people’s mailboxes. The exercise will do me good  ! At the moment, I’m waiting to get confirmation as to if and when Dines Farm is returning before I print up any more CSA brochures or place any ads. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated and considered. Another thing that was talked about last year and not done that will be done this year is putting an a paid ad in The Beacon, the newsletter of the UUFH, for several issues.

This week’s email includes…

1. Your CSA does not need you this week, however…
2. Honey Shares Now Available!
3. Bags and you
4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
5. Notes from the Farm
6. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
7. Why can’t I (or anyone else for that matter) get a prescription from my doctor for vegetables and fruit?
8. House for sale!
9. What you actually got last week
10. You can do a lot by just clicking!
11. And now…for something completely different

1. Your CSA does not need you this week, however…

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 

If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week.

2. Honey Shares Now Available!

Farmer Bill just let me know that his daughter has Honey for us to buy from her hives. She’s a biodynamic beekeeper who lives upstate New York by the St. Lawrence River. Honey can’t really be certified organic as Bees will fly within a 5 mile radius, on average, if they’re not happy where they are and not getting the pollen and nectar they’re looking for. I imagine these upstate Bees are happy as the proverbial clams are they’re living out in what might be called “God’s country” (ie – the sticks) and so, aren’t going anywhere and thereby the Honey is as organic as it’s going to get.

Info about Biodynamic Beekeeping…
Biodynamic beekeeping class in November upstate NY…

The Honey is $10 per 1 lb container. They come in plastic squeeze bottles. I would prefer glass but this Honey is shipped and she tried glass jars the first time but there was too much breakage to have confidence it shipping it again using glass. Plus, I haven’t heard anything yet about there being an issue with anything from plastic leaching into Honey (just don’t heat up the Honey in the plastic bottle…if you do, I bet then there could be some leaching…microwave – definitely, warm, not hot, water – maybe none to some, hot water – more likely). And since she’s a Biodynamic beekeeper I’d hope she’d keep informed about such matters and would change to glass if it indeed was a problem.

To order…bring cash or check (made out to Halseys Green Thumb Farm) to the CSA sign-in table with your name on it, and the number of containers of Honey you want, and the dollar amount enclosed. We have three weeks to get the order together so we’d be getting the Honey near the end of August and we may or may not get another opportunity to order Honey from her this season. Often we’ve had two chances…June/July and then again in November/December but won’t guarantee this will happen this year.

Why aren’t we getting Honey from Green Thumb Farm? My belief is that Farmer Bill is trying to be supportive of his daughter’s ongoing beekeeping efforts in hopes that someday she will come back to the family farm and become their beekeeper.

If your concern is using Honey for the treatment of allergies, you want to use Honey within a 10 mile radius of where you live and it’s not just a matter of then getting any old nearby Honey and consuming it whenever. It’s more complicated than I had originally thought. I’d be happy to discuss this with anyone interested in more info and/or go to Frederique Keller’s website and I’m sure she could help out…

3. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #14
July 19, 2012

1. Lettuce: Leaf, Green
2. Squash, Summer
3. Cucumbers
4. Tomatoes, Mini
5. Fennel
6. Radicchio: Chiogga *

Total Items: 6

Comments about this page…pointed head is fine…small heads are fine when you know where they came from and how fresh they are (remember…they want you to buy from them and nowhere else!)

Flower Share
Week #7

Herb Share – Aug 1A (coming early)
Oregano AND Sorrel

5. Notes from the Farm

July 13, 2012

July is in full swing and our summer vegetables are arriving!

Lots of Summer Squash of many varieties will be coming in over the next weeks so get your Summer Squash recipes ready! Bean are coming along as well…Green, Yellow, Romano, and Purple. Later on, the following Beans…Cranberry, Lima, Soy and Black Eyed Peas…will be ready to go.

Tomatoes have just begun. We’re started picking minis and will be bringing them in first, starting in a coups of weeks, followed by many types of large and Paste (Plum/Italian) Tomatoes.

We harvested our Garlic this week and it looks much better than previous years but we won’t be bringing any in until the fall. It’s now curing in our barn. Our Sweet Potatoes are looking weed free and beginning to grow fast. we should have good fall crop of these as well.

Cucumber and Pickles (Kirbys) and Sweet Peppers are also beginning, and will be brought in over the next several weeks.

Summer’s bounty has begun, or is here now, so enjoy it while it lasts!

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill (Halsey)

6. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Thursday, July 26th

6pm (movie starts at 7pm)

Sustainable Film Series presents Dirt
Molloy College
Suffolk Center
$5 suggested donation
For more info, to watch the movie trailer, and to RSVP:

This event, brought to my attention by CSA member Kenny Friedman, features the film Dirt, narrated by Jaime Lee Curtis. This film brings to life the environmental, economic, social and political impact that the soil has. It shares the stories of experts from all over the world who study and are able to harness the beauty and power of a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with soil. It tells the story of Earth's most valuable and underappreciated source of fertility-from its miraculous beginning to its crippling degradation.


Farms Across the County
The Queens County Farm Museum
73-50 Little Neck Pkwy
Floral Park
For more info:

The Nassau Land Trust is paying tribute to LI Farms. Hosted by John Halsey of the Peconic Land Trust and LI Filmmaker Ron Rutdaitis. This is a benefit for Crossroad’s Farm at Grossman’s in Malverne, Nassau County.

7 to 9pm

From the Tree to the Patient: The Story of Taxol
NY Botanical Garden
20 W 44th St (between 5th and 6th Ave)
$13 Member/$15 General Public
To register and for more info:
Although the isolation of Taxol® from the Pacific yew tree (Taxus brevifolia) in the 1960s was a major accomplishment, it took 20 years before the drug was approved by the FDA for the treatment of ovarian cancer. Today Taxol®, recognized as a major anti-cancer drug, has been given to more than one million patients. The story of Taxol® involves botanists, pharmacologists, chemists, oncologists, the National Cancer Institute, pharmaceutical companies, and environmentalists, particularly those concerned with the preservation of biodiversity and sustainability.

This lecture will feature experts who have experience in drug development. Using Taxol® as an example, they will discuss the complexities of bringing a new drug of natural product origin to the market.

Friday, July 27th


Babette’s Feast
Guild Hall
East Hampton
$20 Members/$22 General Public

Classic Danish film about a French woman and food, based on a story by Isak Dinesen. This event is celebrating the NY Film Festival and the Hamptons Film Festival with a treat from the restaurant Babette’s (a restaurant with a local, organic, and seasonal based menu)!

Saturday, July 28th


Urban Zen Sensible Wellness Lecture Series – Pamela Miles, Reiki
Urban Zen
4 Bay St
Sag Harbor
Since this is being held at Donna Karan’s store, Urban Zen, she may just be stopping by!


The Great Chefs
Hayground School
151 Mitchell La
$150 to $750
For more info and to get tickets:

Special guest is Ina Garten but also includes Eric Ripert and Claudia Fleming and many others. Ticket sales benefits Jeff’s Kitchen (a culinary school for the children at the Hayground School), and scholarships to the Hayground School.

Sunday, July 29th

An evening with Sandor Ellix Katz…author of The Art of Fermentation
61 Local
61 Bergen St
For more info:
To get tickets:

As far as fermenting produce…Mr. Katz is the man! He lives in Tennessee so it’s a treat to get him in this neck of the woods.

Tuesday, July 31st


4th Annual Good Beer put on by Edible Manhattan
82 Mercer St
For more info and to get tickets:

Will feature LI beers from Blue Point Brewing, Greenport Harbor and Southampton Publick House as well as a LOT of brews from Brooklyn and other local spots. It’s NYs ultimate bear and food pairing event!


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

Wednesday, August 1st

Enlightened Eaters: Sandor Katz and The Art of Fermentation
The Beard House
167 W 12th St (between 6th and 7th Ave)
$20 suggested donation for non-students
To make a prepaid reservation call 9am to 5pm:
For more info about Sandor Katz:

For fermenting food…Mr. Katz is the man!

4pm to 5pm

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.

Today’s guest will be Wendy Kaplan, founder of SustainAbility Farm, a one-acre farm at the Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park in Oyster Bay, Long Island. The farm was started as a way for Wendy's daughter, Rachel who is autistic to get her independence. Wendy & Rachel come six days a week. They are joined by a group of approximately 10 adults with autism and other developmental disabilities as well as their helpers: their parents or companions. The farm provides local produce to a community organization and also sells the produce from their small farm stand.

Thursday, August 2nd to Sunday, August 5th

6th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference
Burlington, VT
For more info and to register:
Farm to Cafeteria is Digging In! Whether you are new to the movement or have years of wisdom to share, the 6th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference: Digging In! is a great opportunity to network, build skills and get energized!
Farm to Cafeteria began with the common goal of building strong communities, healthy individuals and resilient local farms. Across the country great progress has been made connecting farm-fresh foods with K-12 schools, pre-schools, childcare settings, colleges, universities, hospitals, prisons and beyond – now we are Digging In!
The conference will bring together food service professionals, farmers, educators, policy makers, representatives from government agencies and nonprofits, entrepreneurs, students and others who are breaking down barriers and expanding the impact of Farm to Cafeteria.
There will be skill-building short-courses, field trips to innovative Vermont farms and institutions, a diverse workshop program, and plenty of opportunities to network with inspiring individuals from across the country.

Thursday, August 2nd


iEat Green’s Farm to Table Cooking Series: Vegan
Old Westbury
To register email:


Fermented NY: A Taste & Talk with Sandor Katz
The Tenement Museum
103 Orchard St
$25/$45 with book The Art of Fermentation
For more info about Sandor Katz:
For tickets:

New York is home to diverse pickling traditions. Join Sandor Katz, author of The Art of Fermentation, for a taste of "fermented New York," followed by a home pickling workshop. Pickles will also be served.


How to Obtain a Legal Exemption to NYS Vaccine Law
Holistic Moms Network Huntington NY Chapter Meeting
1929 Elwood Public Library
E Northport
Jericho Tpke (intersection of Elwood Rd in the shopping center on the northeast corner)
For more info:

Guest speaker Charles C. Nicholas, attorney speaks about your freedom of choice under the NYS Vaccine Law. Connect with other parents (and non-parents) interested in holistic health and green living. Tea and healthy snacks provided (or bring something to share) so please be green and bring your own mug!

Friday, August 3rd


Sandor Katz and The Art of Fermentation
Williams Sonoma
121 E 59th St (between Lexington Ave and Park Ave)
For more info about Sandor Katz:
Join us at your local Williams-Sonoma store for a special book signing and cooking demonstration with Sandor Katz. He will be signing copies of his new cookbook, The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World. Learn the simple principles behind vegetable fermentation and how to use this important ancient art to preserve seasonal vegetables and produce probiotic delicacies, any time of year.

Saturday, August 4th


Gateway Garden Vegetable Sale and Fundraiser
Gateway Community Garden
Rte 110 and Lowndes Ave
Huntington Station

CSA member Ann Rathkopf is involved in this project. Join Bhavani Jaroff for a food demo and learn how to prep all of the vegetables harvested from the garden, while helping to raise money for Huntington Station's Gateway Garden. The Gateway gardeners are pooling their hand-grown, pesticide-free vegetables to help keep the garden growing for the future. There will be live music, face painting and other entertainment for kids; expert talks on square foot gardening and other topics. Learn to make pesto and other ways to preserve vegetables.


Urban Zen Sensible Wellness Lecture Series – Lauren Zander, Life Coaching
Urban Zen
4 Bay St
Sag Harbor
Since this is being held at Donna Karan’s store, Urban Zen, she may just be stopping by!

Sunday, August 5th


Peconic Land Trust Benefit…Through Farms and Fields
Whitecap Farm
Horsemill La
Water Mill
For more info and to get tickets:
631-283-3195 xt 19

Includes a country dinner of local food, wine by Paumanok Vineyards, and preview of a film about the next generation of farmers.

Thursday, August 9th


iEat Green’s Farm to Table Cooking Series: Raw
Old Westbury
To register email:

August 10th to 12th

NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) Summer Conference
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
For more info:
And to register and see a listing of workshops:

Featured speaker this year is Jeffery Smith, author of Seeds of Destruction and an authority on GE/GMO foods. Over 200 workshops, kid friendly, fun for everyone…singles, seniors, families – everyone! Great food and a good time will be had by all who attend.

Saturday, August 11th


Urban Zen Sensible Wellness Lecture Series – Brad Thompson, Essential Oils
Urban Zen
4 Bay St
Sag Harbor
Since this is being held at Donna Karan’s store, Urban Zen, she may just be stopping by!


North Fork Craft Beer, BBQ and Wine Festival
Martha Clara Vineyard
6025 Sound Ave
$55 Advance/$70 Door…IF there are still unsold tickets left/$15 Designated Driver (rain or shine…no refunds)
For more info and to get tickets:

Tuesday, August 14th


Dark Side of the Moon concert
East Village Green
The band’s website…
Directions and map:

CSA member Kenny Friedman will be playing with Wondrous Stories doing the entire Pink Floyd piece, Dark Side of the Moon. Details TBA.

Saturday, August 18th


Urban Zen Sensible Wellness Lecture Series – Dr Frank Lipman, Integrative Medicine
Urban Zen
4 Bay St
Sag Harbor
Since this is being held at Donna Karan’s store, Urban Zen, she may just be stopping by!

Thursday, August 23rd


iEat Green’s Farm to Table Cooking Series: Vegetarian
Old Westbury
To register email:

Saturday, August 25th


Urban Zen Sensible Wellness Lecture Series – Stephanie Sacks, nutrition
Urban Zen
4 Bay St
Sag Harbor
Since this is being held at Donna Karan’s store, Urban Zen, she may just be stopping by!

Sunday, August 26th


Farm to Table Fundraiser for Slow Food Huntington and LI CAN
Fox Hollow Farm

CSA member Ann Rathkopf is one of the founders of Slow Food Huntington and involved with LI CAN (Community Agricultural Network). The money is going towards sending a youth delegate from Slow Food Huntington to Terra Madre in Italy this year, and establishing new service gardens by LI-CAN. There will be a farm tour and dinner using all local and organic produce, and locally caught sustainable fish. More info TBA.

Monday, August 27th


I Could Write a Book: the story of Beverly Fite
East Meadow Public Library
1886 Front St
East Meadow
For more info:

This movie is about CSA member Polly Hanson Greenberg’s mom and Polly and her mom will be attending! From pre-Civil Rights Alabama to Rodgers and Hammerstein-era Broadway to present-day suburban Long Island, this whimsical and heartwarming documentary tells the story of the life, career and indomitable spirit of a truly inspiring American voice. Beverly Fite began her Broadway career in the original Broadway production of Oklahoma! Her father, a country lawyer from a small town in Alabama was disbarred. Join Beverly on an emotional journey in search of the real story of her father's disbarment and ultimately the meaning of her own life's journey. Directed by special guest Emmy Award-winning Long Island filmmaker Ron Rudaitis.

Thursday, August 30th


iEat Green’s Farm to Table Cooking Series: Fish
Old Westbury
To register email:

Saturday, September 1st


Urban Zen Sensible Wellness Lecture Series – Ragan Finalborgo, Hamptons Wellness Services
Urban Zen
4 Bay St
Sag Harbor
Since this is being held at Donna Karan’s store, Urban Zen, she may just be stopping by!

Saturday, September 22nd

Farm Aid
Hersheypark Stadium
$37.75 to $101.46
For more info:
For ticket info:

So far it’s Willie, Neil, John, and Jack Johnson and Dave Mathews…and more!

Saturday, October 12th


Holistic Moms Network presents…
9th Annual Natural Living Conference
Chicago, IL
$80 Member/$90 General Public/$45 child over 3 (lunch included)
For more info and to register:

Celebrate holistic parenting with special guests Andrea Beaman (natural foods chef, author, tv host and Top Chef contestant..and she cured herself of thyroid disease thru diet and natural methods) and Barbara Loe Fisher (National Vaccine Information Center Co-Founder). Learn…share…connect!

Thursday, October 25th to Sunday, October 29th

Salone del Gusto & Terre Madre
Turin, Italy
For more info and to get tickets:

This is Slow Food’s biannual international event in the land where the organization Slow Food began…Italy!

7. Why can’t I (or anyone else for that matter) get a prescription from my doctor for vegetables and fruit?

Apparently some folks can if they live in RI, MA, ME and CA!!! Who’s going to make this happen in NY???
Wholesome Wave’s fruit and vegetable prescription program lets doctors in MA, ME, CA and RI, prescribe vouchers worth $1 per day for low-income families to spend at farmers markets. Now in its third year, already has shown remarkable results: Of the 1,200 participants in six towns and cities in the Northeast, 66 percent said they ate more fruits and vegetables as a result of the program and 38 percent improved their body mass index, a standard measure used to estimate healthy body weight. The program brought new customers to farmers markets. More than half of families that received fruit-and-vegetable prescriptions had never, or rarely, been to a farmers market.

8. House for sale!

If this doesn’t interest you and you know someone who’d be interested…pass it on…

A friend of CSA member Deborah Ettenberg is selling her Victorian house in Huntington Village…

9. What you actually got last week

Week #14
July 19, 2012

1. Lettuce: Leaf, Red – 1 head - $2.75
2. Squash, Summer: Costata Romanesca, Cousa, Eight Ball, Gold, Yellow, Zucchini – up to 2.5 lbs - $4.50
3. Cucumbers – 2 Cucumbers + 2 Kirby Cucumbers - $2.00
4. Beets: Chiogga (and some had a White one in the mix) – 1 bunch - $3.25
5. Beans, Snap: Green OR Purple OR Yellow/Wax – 1 lb - $3.25
6. Onions, Spring – 1 bunch - $2.75

Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $18.00 (We pay $17.50 per week to our farmer for the food we get every week. Today we’ve gotten $.50 extra, making the total extra that we’ve received from our farmer [over and above the $17.50 we pay per week] for the year so far $12.50)

Flower Share
Week #6

10. You can do a lot by just clicking!

We want a fair Farm Bill that supports local, organic and sustainable food…

Stop the Monsato rider on the Farm Bill to let them do whatever they want without asking or being accountable to anyone!!! I don’t remember if I signed this one or not (they’re all starting to look alike but I THINK this is a new one), but I’ll sign it anyone and ask you to do the same…

11. And now for something completely different…

A nifty music project combining scienctists and music…

“The beauty of a thing is not the atoms that go into it
But the way those atoms are put together”

These lyrics got me to thinking how the science of GMOs is hubris of the highest order. Initially, what scientists thought of as molecular “junk” (and they did call it junk as a science term for the “empty” space between genetic material), turns out it wasn’t junk and, like a zen koan, the space/nothingness between the genetic sequences is just as important as the genetic material itself. This process of discovery and tweaking of theories and experiments would be fine if not for the fact that GMOs are being unleashed into our environment making us the largest collection of guinea pigs in the biggest uncontrolled experiment in the history of the human race.

And on a lighter note…here’s Sean Lennon, Yoko Ono, and Jimmy Fallon song about fracking! It’s cute…Don’t Frack My Mother!!!
