Happy Autumn!
When is the last CSA pickup? December 15th.
Green Thumb Farm’s farmstand out in Water Mill closes for the season on Sunday December 4th if you want to catch their end of season sale on non-perishables.
Where are all the seeds from the Farsi Winter Squashes??? PLEASE save and return them (see below). Farmer Bill got the seeds when he was in Nepal so if you don’t return them, he can’t buy more and he’s not going back to Nepal any time soon…if ever.
PLEASE!!! I BEG OF YOU…DO NOT bring in Farsi Winter Squash seeds that are…wet (not even damp), in a plastic bag, unlabelled, and not Farsi Winter Squash seeds!!! They need to be the correct seeds, bone dry (may take one to two weeks) and then, and only then, put in something that breathes (NO – plastic/wax paper/parchment paper/tin foil, YES – paperbag, newspaper, paper towel, tissues, heck – even toilet paper), labeled Farsi Winter Squash (we weren’t asked to save any other one we received…Acorn and Butternut’s what I recall). And please don’t eat them. The farm needs them much more than anyone’s tummy does. These seeds are not available in this country and none of the Halseys are going to Nepal anytime soon to acquire more. If you want to grow them yourself, keep 10 (way more than enough) and give the rest back. Any questions, I’d be happy to answer (no question is too anything to not be asked…I think that’s what I’m trying to say ).
This week’s email includes…
1. HELP! Your CSA needs you this week!!! We’re looking for ONE (1) person from 3:30 to 5:30pm…
2. Interesting article about root vegetables…
3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)…
4. It’s holiday time so here’s a gift idea…
5. Saving seeds
1. HELP! Your CSA needs you this week!!! We’re looking for ONE (1) person from 3:30 to 5:30pm…
If you can be at the CSA from 3:30 to 5:30pm this week please…
1. Respond to this email before 1pm Thursday
2. Call 631-421-4864 and leave a message before 1pm Thursday
2. Call the CSA at 631-385-1079 after 3pm THURSDAY ONLY and ask to speak to someone from the CSA and leave a message
3. Show up a little before 3:30pm and see if there’s still any help needed
You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know.
If you didn’t keep track of how many hours you’ve worked and are waiting to get the info from me, I should be finished (I started but it’s a bigger job than I thought wrangling all the little bits of paper) by Monday.
2. Interesting article about root vegetables…
Great article about eating root vegetables submitted by CSA member Jeff Tanenbaum. This article mentions John Jeavons (all too briefly)…the founder of Gro-Biointensive agriculture with whom I had the privilege of studying with…
3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)
December 1, 2011
1. Cabbage: Green OR Napa – 1 head
2. Lettuce – 1 bag
3. Kohlrabi – 1 bunch
4. Cilantro OR Curly Cress* OR Dill – 1 bunch
5. Mei Quing Choi – 1 bunch
6. Radishes – 1 bunch
7. Cauliflower, Green – 1 head
Total Items: 7 (?)
* Curly Cress (also know as Pepper Cress/grass and Cressida…Lepidium sativum…in the mustard family)…salads, sandwiches
4. It’s holiday time so here’s a gift idea…
Truffles (raw, vegan and gluten-free) made by a mom and her two daughters help fund their permaculture/organic farm/garden projects…
They also sell dried Herbs (medicinal and their own Stevia), and unusual seeds for your garden such as Goji Berry and Holy Basil.
These Truffles were featured on the Cooking Channel show Foodcrafters.
5. Saving Seeds
It’s that time of year again when Farmer Bill asks us to save the seeds for one or two varieties of our Winter Squashes.
How to save Winter Squash seeds…
1. Remove gunk
2. Dry out
3. prevent mold
4. Label correctly
If any of these actions are not accomplished the seeds need to be thrown out and your efforts will have been wasted
It’s VERY important to make sure you have the correct seeds saved and to label them correctly. If you don’t do this, the incorrect plant may hybridize with another similar plant which defeats the efforts of saving the seeds…it’s being done to save a particular variety of plant – not to create a new one.
1. Remove seeds from Winter Squash and get off all the gunk (not a botanical or culinary term but the best I can come up with at the moment) by putting the seeds in a bowl of water and rubbing the gunk off COMPLETELY
2. Once all the gunk is off, drain off the water in a colander
3. Spread out the seeds in a single layer on a baking tray or a large piece of cardboard or any non-porous surface (don’t use newspapers or paper towels as it may stick to the seeds and…there are reasons but the short version is the farmer doesn’t want ANYTHING stuck to the seeds)
4. Every day move the seeds around to help facilitate drying and prevent mold
5. Let them dry for a week or two…longer than you think would possibly be necessary (do not try and speed process along by drying in a microwave or oven…it will kill the seed…yes, it’s been done by CSA members in the past)
6. When completely dry, pack in a paper bag or wrap in newspaper (NEVER in anything plastic) and label exactly what they are…This week I believe it will be Winter Squash - Farsi
7. Save a few for yourself if you wish to grow them next season in your own garden but please return the rest to the CSA (leave at the sign-in table) as the farm needs them more than you do
Any questions about seed saving…please ask.