Happy Autumn!
Got the new computer but it’s still a mess and I don’t have all my email or other info (and I hope it’s retrievable) but Judi's is working and Jeff is holding down the fort with the postings at:
THANKSGIVING WEEK – Pickup is WEDNESDAY not Thursday AND pickups will start at 2pm (though Dines will arrive around 3pm for Turkey pickups, etc) and we’ll stay until everyone has picked up or 7:30…whichever comes first.
*Reminder –
Please bring bags to the CSA to pack your food.
If someone is picking up for you, please let them know they need to have
them on hand or provide bags for them.
Tip to help not to forget…put bags in every vehicle you own in the trunk
and/or glove compartment and replenish when you’re getting low and you’ll
never be without.
This email contains...
1. The CSA needs help at 3:30pm and 5:30pm...see below
2. This week's list AND next week’s list
3. Notes from the Farm
4. Events
1. The CSA needs help at 3:30pm and 5:30pm
If you're available...
A. Call 631-421-4864 up till 1pm on Thursday
B. Call 631-385-1079 from 3pm Thursday onward
C. Show up a little before 3:30 or 5:30 and ask if there is any help needed
2. This week's list AND next week’s list
November 19, 2009
Week #31
1. Garlic
2. Kale: Russian, Red
3. Cauliflower: Green
4. Sweet Potatoes
5. Radicchio
6. Winter Radish Mix: Black Spanish, China Rose, Daikon, Misato (Watermelon)
Herb Share – Nov 2B – The End!
Marjoram AND Mint
November 25, 2009 (Wednesday)
Week #32
1. Sweet Potatoes
2. Turnip Mix: Rutabagas & ?
3. Collards
4. Fennel
5. Rosemary, Sage, Thyme
3. Notes from the Farm
November 13, 2009
Our harvest season is coming to a close with only a few delivery weeks left. We still are picking many types of roots – Winter Radishes, Turnips, Rutabagas, Beets, Carrots and Celery Root. Our cold hard greens are still producing as well – Kales, Collards, Asian “Choi”s & “Soi”’s and Mizuna & Mibuna, and Radicchio. Our Cabbages are just reading maturity – Red, Green and Savoy. Broccoli and Cauliflower are still happening as well. We also still have many more Sweet Potatoes to bring in over the next several weeks – these store well outside of your refrigerator – for several months! So, as we arrive at Thanksgiving, we on the farm have much to be thankful for – much variety and abundance over our growing season, and many CSA supporters who encourage us and keep our farm growing. We appreciate all of you!
Thanks for all you do for us, in keeping us going!
Organically yours,
Farmer Bill (Halsey)
4. Events…
Saturday, November 21st
11am to 5pm
Green Living Expo
Suffolk Community College
Brentwood Campus
For directions and more info:
Speakers include fitness expert John Basedow and wholistic lifestyle pundit and Top Chef contestant Andrea Beamon (and she’s also host of cable channel Veria’s healthy living shows Fed Up! and Wise Up!)
6pm to 10:30pm
UUFH Services Auction “Star Light, Star Bright”
Get ready for a sparkling evening of fun at our annual Services Auction! This event is a highlight of the Fellowship year and will definitely light up the night, and the year! By now members have received the Auction Booklet, and the offerings are also up on the Social Hall wall. Some of the things being auctioned thru the CSA are a Basket of Plenty from Green Thumb Farm, a Romantic Dinner & BBQ package from Dines Farm and a one year pass to the Cinema Arts Centre!
DInner (reservations required) is at 6:00 PM, and the Auction starts at 7:00. Entertainment, silent and oral bidding, raffles (beautiful baskets, 50-50, and the lovely UU Ewes afghan) and good company make this a memorable event for all!
Healthy Planet’s Annual Turkey-free Thanksgiving Dinner/Lecture
Sweet Hollow Hall
Gwynne Rd
For Reservations:
Email: info@healthy-planet.org
The lecturer this year will be Luanne Pennesi, RN, MS, Founder of the Metropolitan Wellness Group and a dynamic motivational speaker on “Living Authentically: How to be happy, healthy & financially free!” Hear Luanne’s inspiring story from being a Nursing Administrator for LIJ and contracting Hepatitis C, Epstein Barr, etc and jumping into the world of alternative medicine and now being disease free!
6pm – doors open, social time, live music, food provided by Whole Foods
7:30pm – dinner (Healthy Planet members & Guests) with contributions from House of Dosas and Green Melody
8:30 Lecture & afterwards, announcement of the “Taster’s Choice Awards”
Sunday, November 22nd
11am to 5pm
Green Living Expo
(see Saturday, November 21st)