Welcome to the 2009 season!!
Our Green Thumb CSA - Huntington contract for 2009 is located on the CSA Yahoo Group site. Click the link on the right to join this awesome site for the Huntington CSA of 2009!
NOT included in the contract is the Honey Order (which will come later in the season), and we may have a Green Basil share for pesto makers AND possibly a Mushroom Share as there's an eastender who's growing his own Shiitake, and other, Mushrooms...and more important, he sells the Mushrooms at Green Thumb Farm so it doesn't involve any additional travel for Farmer Bill to get them to us. If you're interested in a Mushroom Share, attend the May CSA meeting.
Our Green Thumb CSA - Huntington contract for 2009 is located on the CSA Yahoo Group site. Click the link on the right to join this awesome site for the Huntington CSA of 2009!
NOT included in the contract is the Honey Order (which will come later in the season), and we may have a Green Basil share for pesto makers AND possibly a Mushroom Share as there's an eastender who's growing his own Shiitake, and other, Mushrooms...and more important, he sells the Mushrooms at Green Thumb Farm so it doesn't involve any additional travel for Farmer Bill to get them to us. If you're interested in a Mushroom Share, attend the May CSA meeting.
Also on the Yahoo Group site is our CSA brochure so if you know anyone else who might be interested in joining, please pass it on. We need at least 30 members signed up for our Farmer Bill to show up on April 23rd.
If you need someone to share the CSA share with and don't have anyone in mind, please let me know as there are often people looking and I've been a successful CSA "matchmaker" over the years.
The CSA will be holding monthly meetings for potential and current CSA members starting in May.
Anyone looking to trade work for a share (or do you know anyone who'd be interested)? We're looking for someone to commit to opening up the CSA from 2:30pm to 3:30pm from April 23rd to December 10th for the entire season, in exchange for a CSA share. We already have someone who's agreed to close up. If you, or someone you know is interested, please contact me so we can discuss the particulars.
In this time of economic uncertainty, I feel it's more important than ever to support the people/businesses we would like to see be there when the economy starts to stabilize and improve. Also, on a more environmental level, I've recently learned that about 70% of our produce comes from central California and the drought they've been having has been effecting not only the price of produce but the availability. I don't know about you but I'd gone to Fairway over the winter and there were many days when there were NO cooking greens in the organic produce section. I'd never seen this before but I do believe it's the shape of things to come. These are just two of the many reasons I've been thinking about lately as to why it's important to be a member of Green Thumb CSA - Huntington, and if you're an omnivore, to support Dines Farm. Plus, it tastes really good.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.
Hope to see you soon!