Friday, October 21, 2016

** Yummy BitterMelow FOR SALE!! ** Get some before it is all gone!


I have 18 lbs of Bitter Melon for sale. Any takers? ? Know anyone who might be interested? Let them know and have them contact me.  I started with 40 lbs. and managed to sell 22.

It’s from our farm (Green Thumb Farm) so it’s certified organic, the Chinese variety (as opposed to the South Asian kind), and the cost is $5.00 a lb. (was $7.00 but I got us a better price). A pound is somewhere between 2 and 4 Bitter Melons depending on the size.

YOU CAN FREEZE THEM! And I bet you could juice, freeze in cubes, and then use the cubes in juices or smoothies. I’ve never done this, and haven’t heard of anyone doing this (yet), but it might be worth trying.

Old school and easy freeze…

Quick cook and freeze…
Quick cook with Black Bean sauce and freeze…

Dehydrate…sounds interesting…or freeze…

Classic Bitter Melon with Black Bean Sauce and Beef that I imagine would freeze ok…

IF YOU’RE INTERESTED…email and/or call me (you can always do this 24/7) and I’ll get back to you on how we can connect. Payment can be made at the next CSA as I’m more concerned with these guys getting a good home.

Latest practical info about Bitter Melon that I read online…don’t drink more than 2 oz. of juice a day or don’t eat more than 2 whole Bitter Melons a day. Some is great…too much is not good (blood sugar levels can drop too low and/or can cause stomach upsets).

Best wishes…suzanne