Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thursday,Dec. 7, 2017 Week #28

Happy Autumn!

CSA weather report as of Wednesday

CSA Mystery…Did anyone by chance take an extra bunch of Scallions last week? We were one bunch short at the end of the night. If you have any insight, please get in touch.

CSA Alerts!

  1. December 7th – last day of the CSA!

  1. Winter Share cancelled – too little (number of interested people), too late (no more time to look for more people to join)…we’ll shoot for next winter and start signup earlier.

  1. Feel free to call the box office regarding late pickups, but please do not leave messages with the box office staff…ask to speak to someone with the CSA directly. If you don’t talk directly to a CSA member, the CSA will not be responsible if your food isn’t packed up, etc. The other week the box office person forgot the name of the CSA member by the time they walked over to the CSA.

  1. Regarding late night pickups…if your food isn’t picked up by the end of the night it will be donated. There isn’t a refrigerator for us to store food, and it can’t be left overnight in the box office because it could attract bugs.

Veggie info sheets added as needed. This is the link: Veggie Info Sheets. Print out, put in a notebook and you end up with a cookbook at the end of the CSA season. Also there are good tips on storage, prep, and nutrition.

The list…this is a general list and you’ll be sent another email within the next week with the detailed list after I get it (which isn’t till the day of the CSA…the list is subject to change without notice because farming is like that!  J However, most of the time it’s accurate and if it’s not…usually only one food item will be changed)…

CSA words to live by…when trying any new food that you’ve never eaten before…START SLOW!  Read up about it (make sure it doesn’t interfere with any medications you might be taking or any health conditions you might have), see what traditional/conventional ways it’s prepared (cultures that have been eating certain foods for many years basically have a good idea what they’re doing and we can learn from that), try a small portion, see how your body/digestive system reacts, and proceed from there. Then try preparing in different ways and see what you come up with!
Paraphrased wise words by a nutritionist that I read and don’t remember where I read it or who said it, BUT it’s pretty smart info regarding eating seasonally in our part of the globe…
Spring is all about detoxing (what we get from the CSA at this time is a lot of green things that are really good to help clean us out from whatever we accumulated during the winter)
Interesting piece about spring greens (out of the 14 listed, we get 12 of them with our CSA…watercress nutritionally and botanically similar to Peppercress) and detoxing…
Summer is all about being hydrated (the popular summer foods are all full of water…Tomatoes, Lettuces, Summer Squashes, etc.)
Fall/winter is all about storing energy (we get all the dense vegetables…Sweet Potatoes, Winter Squashes, etc…. that are energy powerhouses to fuel us through the winter) to get you through the winter to make it to…Spring!

Week #28
December 7, 2017

  1. Squash, Winter*: Butternut
  2. Arugula/Curly Cress** Mix
  3. Jerusalem Artichokes*** – 1 lb. (1 bag)
  4. Mustard Greens**** – 1 bunch
  5. Garlic – 1 bag
Total Items: 5

Herb Share – December 1A
Sage AND Thyme

A Guide to Winter Squash: How to Choose, Store and Cook Your Gourds

Curly Cress (Upland Cress/Cresson) – use sparingly (it’s spicy) in Salads, on Sandwiches or Wraps, or make Pesto substituting Basil with Cress
Eat it! It’s good for you…
A member of our sister CSA in Cobble Hill Brooklyn got Curly Cress and Jerusalem Artichokes one week like we are this week…
Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

Mustard Greens are considered by this website to be one of the 100 most healthy foods (and he confirms my way of storing greens by putting in a plastic bag and squishing out all the air possible and then sealing…I tie it in a knot and also wrap in paper towels so they don’t get slimy, and label the bag with what it is and the date so it doesn’t go to waste by knowing when to use it and what’s in the bag)!

This week’s email…

  1. HELP! Can you help out at the CSA this week?
  2. Events – near and far
  3. Click to change the world (or at least try J )
  4. Contest!
  5. Sexual harassment on the farm, and in the food industry …
  6. But it’s not all bad news! J
  7. What you actually got last week
  8. And now for something completely different…

CSA caveat…anything in any of our CSA emails that’s not related directly to the workings of the CSA is an opinion and/or subjective, so please feel free to take it or leave it! J

1.HELP! Can you help out at the CSA this week?

 At the moment we’re looking for…

At least TWO (2) people who can be at the CSA this week from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, and TWO (2) people who can be there from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.


If you can help out…

Respond to this email ASAP…from now to noon, Thursday, December 7th or…

  1. call 631-421-4864 anytime from now till noon, Thursday, December 7th or…
  2. call 631-423-7610 xt. 0 on Thursday, December 7th, after 3pm and ask to speak to someone from the CSA
  3. just stop by the CSA before 3:30pm or 5:30pm, and ask if we still need any help

2.Events – near and far

Thursday, December 7th

10am to 11am


iEat Green with Bhavani Jharoff online radio show

To tune in online…

To call in during the live show…


Download the PRN mobile app to listen wherever!

Can also listen to past shows on the PRN archive page

Join host Bhavani Jharoff (chef and head of the Slow Food North Shore chapter) talking food and food politics.

Sunday, December 10th

9am to 1pm

Winter Farmers Market

Jefferson Primary School

263 Oakwood Rd.

Huntington, NY

For more info:

From now till March 25th. Don, the Sprout/Microgreen guy who did the tasting for 2 weeks at the CSA, will be here every week.

2pm to 4:30pm

How to Survive the Holidays as a Vegan

Cold Spring Harbor Public Library, Large Meeting Room

95 Harbor Rd.

Cold Spring Harbor


Friday, January 19th to Sunday, January 21st

NOFA-NY Winter Conference

Saratoga, NY

$77 to $500 (depending on how long you stay, where you stay and dining plans)

For more info and to register:

This is the organic conference where farmers show up because they’re not working (or at least most of them aren’t). Good info, good food, good parties, good time had by all that attend. Tricky part can be getting there and back depending on the weather (can take Amtrak or Grayhound). Includes a children’s conference for ages 6 to 12.

February 2nd to February 11th

The Real Truth About Health

Huntington Hilton

598 Broadhollow Rd.



To register and for more info:

This is a holistic nutrition event filled with top names in the field…T. Colin Campbell, Joel Fuhrman MD, Caldwell Esselstyn MD, Brian Clement, Gabriel Cousens MD, Devra Davis, Brenda Davis and much more. FYI…the focus is on a vegan diet.

3.Click to change the world (or at least try J )

Tell Arkansas pesticide board not to allow 2,4-D to be used on tolerant Cotton…


Win artisanal Olive Oil!!!

5.Sexual harassment on the farm, and in the food industry …

Farms across America (and California in particular where a lot of produce is grown), and other places connected with food, have serious issues regarding the treatment of women workers…

The customer isn’t always right…

If you don’t acknowledge it, you can’t change it. So looking at the big picture, this will be a good thing moving forward (while I personally am finding it overwhelming and pretty depressing at the moment).

6.But t’s not all bad news! J

In England, they’ve found a way to run public transit buses on Coffee grounds!

7.What you actually got last week

Week #27

November 30, 2017

  1. Squash, Winter*:

Acorn – 1 - $2.00


Carnival – 1 - $1.50

  1. Lettuce: Boston, Red – 1 head - $3.25
  2. Sweet Potatoes – 2 lbs. (1 bag) - $5.50
  3. Tat Soi – 1 bunch - $3.50
  4. Scallions – 1 bunch - $3.50

Total Items: 5

Total Amount: $19.00

(We pay $18.50 per week for our CSA share…some weeks we get a bit more ($.50 this week) and it adds up over the course of the season. So far that total is $32.50…so, we’ve already gotten over one entire share’s worth of extra produce that our farmer gave us and we didn’t pay for…lucky us! J )


A Guide to Winter Squash: How to Choose, Store and Cook Your Gourds


Sweet Potato Quesadillas

8.And now for something completely different…

I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for well-crafted miniatures. Pretty amazing food artistry (and everything else she does)…


Monday, December 4, 2017

** WINTER SHARE Available!! SIGNUP ASAP!! ** Starts in 10 days!!


Don’t want Green Thumb CSA - Huntington to end this week? It doesn’t have to!

We’ve been offered the option of a Winter Share from Green Thumb Farm (our CSA farm) for the first time in many years! They’ve been doing it at Brookhaven Labs for the past several years, and now they’re offering to us.

For it to happen, they need a minimum of 20 members, and the sign-up needs to take place NOW!

If you want to share a Winter Share with someone (either weekly or bi-weekly) for reasons of timing (going away for part of the season), finances (can’t afford a whole share but a half share works), or the CSA share being too much food, and don’t have anyone to do so, get in touch and I’ll put you on a list to try and hook you up with a suitable partner.

If you’re interested…reply to this email ASAP, say yes, and you’ll be put on the list, emailed the contract, and we’ll take it from there.

We’ll also have a Living Foods Share available (the sprouts and microgreens that were at the CSA the past 2 weeks) and info will be forwarded once we’ve confirmed we’re doing the Winter Share.

The CSA will take place at the Cinema Arts Centre, from 3:30pm to 7:30pm, on Thursdays (subject to change due to weather emergencies and will have more info about that once you join).

Here’s the details…

  1. Unlike our usual CSA, you have to join starting the first week of the Winter Share and you can’t join once the season starts.

  1. Cost…depends if you worked this season or not…

Non-working, or new, CSA member - $363 (If you work 8 hours over the course of the Winter Share, you’ll get $50 back)

Working CSA member - $313 (you need to work 8 hours over the course of the Winter Share to maintain your Working CSA Member status)

Breakdown is that it’s a 16 week season, the Farm Fee is $18 per week, there’s a $25 Administration Fee for the season, and a $50 Work Deposit if you didn’t complete 12 hours at the CSA this season or are a new member.

  1. Time period

Starts – December 14th

Ends – May 30th

HOWEVER…there will be no CSA the week of December 28th (holiday recess), and there’ll be a break for most of February and all of March…in February, the food in the fields will be mostly gone and they’ll need February and March to get things growing in the greenhouses for us.

So…the exact CSA pick-up dates are as follows (subject to change due to weather emergencies and there will be more info about that once you join)…

December 14, 21

January 4, 11, 18, 25

February 1

April 5, 12, 19, 26

May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

  1. What kind of food will we be getting in the Winter Share?

It’s local, certified organic and seasonal!

Greenhouse grown – Arugula, Baby Lettuces, Dandelion Greens, Kale, Mibuna, Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Tat Soi

Winter staples – Beets, Carrots, Celeriac, Rutabagas, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Winter Radishes, Winter Squash

Field grown (weather dependent) – Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale

Dried Herbs, Hot Peppers and possibly Garlic

And as usual, you’d be getting Veg Info Sheets for everything you get and if there’s no Veg Info Sheet, you’ll be provided with links for info and recipes.

  1. Working at the CSA

Every CSA member is requested to work 2 hours over the course of the Winter Share season, and an additional 6 hours (making 8 total) are what’s needed to either maintain Working Member status, or attain Working Member status and get the Work Deposit returned.

On most weeks our CSA will continue to look like a farmer’s market, BUT on certain weeks (due to bad weather or not having access to the Sky Room CafĂ©), the CSA shares may be individually pre-packed at the farm.

We now have the option of getting farm fresh, certified organic food from Green Thumb Farm ALL YEAR ROUND! Whoo-hoo!!! J

Join now!

Any further questions, please email and/or call (leave a voice message and I’ll return the call).

Organically yours…suzanne
