Happy Summer!
CSA Weather Report…hot and muggy…it’s summer!
We could use some help at the CSA this week from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, and from 5:30pm to 7:30pm (see #2).
Beet answer…the other week we got Red and some Chiogga (red and white concentric circles like a bullseye inside) Beets!
**CSA Parking suggestion…if you’re coming to the Cinema Arts Centre to pick up at the CSA between 3:45pm and 4:15pm, be aware there will be YMCA camp pickups going on till August 28th. Tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up at the YMCA and they’ll let you go around the line of cars to be able to park in the back by the day care center for the CSA.
Try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance of the Cinema where the CSA is located from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their HOT & SPICY HUMMUS PLATTER Only $5 ! A hefty helping of our garlic hummus, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkled with crushed red pepper, and topped with hot & spicy cherry peppers ! Served with toasted whole grain pita! WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.
New menu items…
Blue Note Burger – Our signature Black Bean Veggie Burger, topped with a rich crumbled Gorgonzola Cheese, just a dash of creamy Blue Cheese, and a drizzle of Buffalo style hot sauce. Garnished with crisp Romaine Lettuce, Spring Mix and fresh cut vine Tomato, on a toasted Brioche Bun. $5.00
Potato Latkes - Our traditional Potato Pancakes, heated to perfection, and served with a side of Sour Cream! $4.00
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2.HELP!!! At the CSA this week we are looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, and ONE (1) person to help out from 5:30pm to 7:30pm …
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4. Click away and help change the world!
5. Dr. Andrew Weil on dehydration…
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7. How to find organic food at a farmers market…
8. What you actually got last week
9. How to save money and food…
10.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2. HELP!!! At the CSA this week we are looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, and ONE (1) person to help out from 5:30pm to 7:30pm …
If you’re available, please..
1. Respond to this email from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 23rd
2. Call 631-421-4864 from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 23rd
3. Call the Cinema Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 from 3pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, July 9th, and make sure we get the message at the CSA (ask them to put the call through to the Sky Café) that you’re coming to work and when
4. Just stop by the CSA a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and see if we still need help.
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 30, 2015
Week #9
1.Cabbage: Green – 1 head
2.Lettuce: Boston, Red – 1 head
3.Fennel – 1 bunch
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch
5.Sorrel OR Tarragon* - 1 bunch
6.Beans, Snap (aka String Beans)
Total Items: 6
Flower Share – Week #7
Tarragon - no Veggie Info Sheet on Tarragon so…
4.Click away and help change the world!
A.Stop selling Bee killing pesticides…
B.Six petitions on this one webpage (and yes, I signed them all but it was no big deal because after the first one, you just had to click as your info is remembered)…
C.Support funding for summer food programs for children and faminiles in need…
5.Dr. Andrew Weil on dehydration…
Seasonal CSA food is all about hydrating this time of year! Eat enough of it (5 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day) and be on your way to being hydrated!
Tuesday, August 4th
6:30pm (distribution starts at 7pm)
Food Not Bombs Huntington Food Share Distribution
E 6th St and Fairground Ave
Huntington Station
For more info and to get on their email list:
If you want to help the group that we’re donating our CSA leftover food to this year, this is when and where you’d go. You can go any Tuesday…they’ll be there.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Sunday, August 16th
10am to 3pm
iEat Green’s Annual Yoga & Farm-to-Table Retreat
iEat Green Homestead
Old Westbury
For more info:
To get tickets:
Join iEat Green for a full day of yoga (Leslie Luft – Absolute Yoga, Woodbury), meditation, chanting (Carole Brill), vegetarian cooking (Bhavani Jaroff – iEat Green), a farm to table luncheon and a dip in the pool!
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7. How to find organic food at a farmers market…
Not as easy as you’d think!
8.What you actually got last week
July 23, 2015
Week #8
1.Cucumbers – up to 1 lb – weighed together with…
2. Squash, Summer** : Costata Romanesco, Eight Ball, Kousa, Golden, Yellow, Zucchini – up to 1 lb (2 lbs total) - $3.50
3.Lettuce: Romaine – 1 head - $3.00
4.Onions, Spring: Red – 1 bunch - $3.50
5.Beans, Fava*** (there is no Veggie Sheet for this…see below) – 1 lb - $3.00
6.Beans, Snap (aka String Beans): Green – 1 lb - $3.50
7.Radicchio: Traviso – 1 head – $3.25
Total Items: 7
Total Amount: $19.75
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $2.00 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of the 28 weeks! So far it’s $7.50 total extra.
Flower Share – Week #6
Herb Share – July 2B
Parsley AND Savory, Summer
Romaine Lettuce…grilled!
Amazingly colorful recipe of Zucchini and more…
Curry Ratatouille
Read the health indications if you’ve never eaten these before…
This has some nutrition info…
Sauteed Fava Beans is an easy recipe…half ingredients since we have 1 lb of Fava Beans in the pod…
Easy recipe for Fava Bean Dip with a video (they say to just boil for 1 minute to loosen up the outer skin so you can pop it out and then use it…the guy in the next recipe says to boil for 3 minutes…I’d go for the 3)…you don’t need the Parsley or Tahini to make this work…also, we don’t have 1 lb of Fava Beans…we got 1 lb of Fava Beans with the pods…I just read that 1 lb of Fava Beans in the pods gets you about 1 cup of Fava Beans…however this is not so helpful when this recipe calls for 1 lb…hopefully you can eyeball it or weigh the beans if you have a scale…my guess is it’s going to be about ½ lb of Fava Beans (see article below this one) so just half everything in this recipe (maybe a little less than half it and then you can always add…though I like Garlic so I’d use a whole clove)…
Good info article…found in Egyptian tombs so have been grown and eaten for about 6,000 years in Persia and Egypt!
To not peel the individual Beans…most of the countries that don’t remove the coating also cook Fava Beans longer than most American cooks would take the time to do…
Or to peel them (I vote on peeling…I’ve eaten them with the coating on in a lovely restaurant in a delicious dish and had to spit them out as they were inedible even after much chewing)…
9.How to save money and food…
Everybody at some point gets a case of vegetable guilt over the course of being a CSA member (that’s what compost piles were invented for )…
Proper food storage and food planning works to help save food (and therefore, money too).
Your Veggie Info Sheets have tips about food storage, and the quick CSA tip about food planning is use your CSA produce in the order of how long each food item will last (and your Veggie Info Sheets have this info too…delicate greens are the first to go and root vegetables last the longest…as long as they are stored properly).
10.And now for something completely different…
Sir Ian McKellen demos his family recipe for scrambled eggs!
The only change I’d make is to break the Eggs in a small dish one at a time before putting them in the pot, in case one has gone bad and you then would have to throw them all out, wash out the pan and start over.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Week #8 July 23, 2015
Happy Summer!
CSA Weather Report…85, sunny, low humidity, slight breeze!
We could use some help at the CSA this week from 5:30pm to 7:30pm (see #2).
Beet question…Did any of you last week get red and white striped Beets (Chiogga) as opposed to the regular Red ones? I know Sharon Levy got Chiogga because she sent me a picture of what she cooked with them and I could see they were Chiogga Beets. The list said Red Beets so I’m wondering if a few Chioggas snuck in, or were they all Chioggas.
**CSA Parking suggestion…if you’re coming to the Cinema Arts Centre to pick up at the CSA between 3:45pm and 4:15pm, be aware there will be YMCA camp pickups going on till August 28th. Tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up at the YMCA and they’ll let you go around the line of cars to be able to park in the back by the day care center for the CSA.
Try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance of the Cinema where the CSA is located from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their Southwest Chipotle Burger – Our signature Black Bean veggie burger, topped with a spicy, yet mild Chipotle aioli sauce and American cheese! Garnished with fresh cut vine Tomato, and spring mix on a toasted broiche bun! ! Served a small Coke! $6.00 (while supplies last).
New menu items…
Blue Note Burger – Our signature Black Bean Veggie Burger, topped with a rich crumbled Gorgonzola Cheese, just a dash of creamy Blue Cheese, and a drizzle of Buffalo style hot sauce. Garnished with crisp Romaine Lettuce, Spring Mix and fresh cut vine Tomato, on a toasted Brioche Bun. $5.00
Potato Latkes - Our traditional Potato Pancakes, heated to perfection, and served with a side of Sour Cream! $4.00
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2.HELP!!! At the CSA this week we are looking for TWO (2) people to help out from 5:30pm to 7:30pm…
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4. Click away and help change the world!
5.This week…WE WEIGH!!!
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7. Romaine Lettuce? WE don’t depend on California for it…
8. What you actually got last week
9.Contest! Win free Burritos for two for a year from Chipotle!
10.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2. HELP!!! At the CSA this week we are looking for TWO (2) people to help out from 5:30pm to 7:30pm…
If you’re available, please..
1. Respond to this email from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 23rd
2. Call 631-421-4864 from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 23rd
3. Call the Cinema Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 from 2:30pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, July 9th, and make sure we get the message at the CSA (ask them to put the call through to the Sky Café) that you’re coming to work and when
4. Just stop by the CSA a little before 5:30pm and see if we still need help.
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 23, 2015
Week #8
2.Lettuce: Romaine – 1 head*
3.Squash, Summer**
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch
5.Beans, Fava*** (there is no Veggie Sheet for this…see below)
6.Beans, Snap (aka String Beans)
7.Radicchio: Traviso – 1 head
Total Items: 7
Flower Share – Week #6
Herb Share – July 2B
Parsley AND Thyme
Romaine Lettuce…grilled!
Amazingly colorful recipe of Zucchini and more…
Curry Ratatouille
Read the health indications if you’ve never eaten these before…
This has some nutrition info…
Sauteed Fava Beans is an easy recipe…half ingredients since we have 1 lb of Fava Beans in the pod…
Easy recipe for Fava Bean Dip with a video (they say to just boil for 1 minute to loosen up the outer skin so you can pop it out and then use it…the guy in the next recipe says to boil for 3 minutes…I’d go for the 3)…you don’t need the Parsley or Tahini to make this work…also, we don’t have 1 lb of Fava Beans…we got 1 lb of Fava Beans with the pods…I just read that 1 lb of Fava Beans in the pods gets you about 1 cup of Fava Beans…however this is not so helpful when this recipe calls for 1 lb…hopefully you can eyeball it or weigh the beans if you have a scale…my guess is it’s going to be about ½ lb of Fava Beans (see article below this one) so just half everything in this recipe (maybe a little less than half it and then you can always add…though I like Garlic so I’d use a whole clove)…
Good info article…found in Egyptian tombs so have been grown and eaten for about 6,000 years in Persia and Egypt!
To not peel the individual Beans…most of the countries that don’t remove the coating also cook Fava Beans longer than most American cooks would take the time to do…
Or to peel them (I vote on peeling…I’ve eaten them with the coating on in a lovely restaurant in a delicious dish and had to spit them out as they were inedible even after much chewing)…
4.Click away and help change the world!
It’s all about GMOs and the Dark Act…it’s being voted on Thursday, July 23rd…
5. This week…WE WEIGH!!!
When we get Summer Squash or Tomatoes at the CSA, that’s the time that the scales come out and we start weighing our produce.
A. Check the wall chart before taking any food so you know what you’re taking and how much to take…assume nothing and please feel free to ask questions!
B. Bring your reading glasses, or ask someone to help if you can’t see the numbers on the scale clearly.
C. PLEASE DO NOT GO OVER THE AMOUNT STATED on the Wall Chart. Please err on the under side of the weight posted…NEVER over. It may not seem like much to you but we have 56 CSA members and if every person is off by ONE OUNCE (for crying out loud! It’s only an ounce!!!) …that means we’ll be short more than THREE POUNDS of produce and so 4 of your fellow CSA members (and one of them could be you) won’t get the food they paid for.
D. IF you are asked to weigh more than one food item at the same time…please follow the directions given to you and weigh in the order you are asked (you might not think there’s a good reason to be doing this but our farmer does, and that should be enough of a reason right there…if you want a further explanation – ask someone working at the CSA or contact suzanne…there is always a method to the madness )
Thursday, July 23rd
Conversations: Ina Garten – The Barefoot Contessa
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and tickets:
An in depth talk with questions from you! Ina Garten, best-selling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa, shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, Ina Garten delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion, and engages the audience in an interactive Q&A. Moderated by Julia Turshen. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
Saturday, July 25th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Paleo Mania (my term, not the Greenmarket’s )
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about these books and to buy online…
Authors Diana Rogers, Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, Ciarra Hannah, The Frugal Paleo Cookbook and Stephanie Gaudreau, Performance Paleo Cookbook will be here to sign their books.
Sunday, July 26th
Saving the Plant – One Bite at a Time with Gary Null
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave
$10 Members/$15 General Public (includes reception)
For more info and to buy tickets:
Alternative health expert Gary Null will be presenting, in person, his latest documentary about the way current eating habits are destroying health and the environment, and what we can do to turn things around…one plate at a time.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Sunday, August 16th
10am to 3pm
iEat Green’s Annual Yoga & Farm-to-Table Retreat
iEat Green Homestead
Old Westbury
For more info:
To get tickets:
Join iEat Green for a full day of yoga (Leslie Luft – Absolute Yoga, Woodbury), meditation, chanting (Carole Brill), vegetarian cooking (Bhavani Jaroff – iEat Green), a farm to table luncheon and a dip in the pool!
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7.Romaine Lettuce? WE don’t depend on California for it…
Yet another reason to eat local and join a CSA…
Articles like this may seem like scare tactics but the truth IS kind of scary these days but we still need to know the truth to make informed decisions and take appropriate action.
8.What you actually got last week
July 16, 2015
Week #7
1.Beets: Red OR Chiogga – 1 bunch* - $3.50
2.Lettuce: Boston, Green – 1 head - $3.00
3.Squash, Summer**: Costata Romanesco, Eight Ball, Golden, Kousa, Patty Pan – White, Yellow, Zucchini – up to 2 lbs - $4.00
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch** - $3.50
5.Beans, Fava*** (there is no Veggie Sheet for this…see below) – 1 lb - $3.00
6.Beans, Snap (aka String Beans)****: Dragon Tongue OR Romano – 1 lb - $3.50
Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $20.50
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $2.00 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of 28 weeks (so far it’s $6.25 total extra).
Flower Share – Week #5
Dr. Weil says to eat more Beets!
It says Zucchini but WE know we’re really talking Summer Squash (18 recipes)…
Read the health indications if you’ve never eaten these before…
This has some nutrition info…
To not peel the individual Beans…most of the countries that don’t remove the coating also cook Fava Beans longer than most American cooks would take the time to do…
Or to peel them (I vote on peeling…I’ve eaten them with the coating on in a lovely restaurant in a delicious dish and had to spit them out as they were inedible even after much chewing)…
Snap Beans with Almond Pesto…
9.Contest! Win free Burritos for two for a year from Chipotle!
Click here and start to play…
10.And now for something completely different…
This video might make you alternately a little sick to your stomach and/or hungry!
CSA Weather Report…85, sunny, low humidity, slight breeze!
We could use some help at the CSA this week from 5:30pm to 7:30pm (see #2).
Beet question…Did any of you last week get red and white striped Beets (Chiogga) as opposed to the regular Red ones? I know Sharon Levy got Chiogga because she sent me a picture of what she cooked with them and I could see they were Chiogga Beets. The list said Red Beets so I’m wondering if a few Chioggas snuck in, or were they all Chioggas.
**CSA Parking suggestion…if you’re coming to the Cinema Arts Centre to pick up at the CSA between 3:45pm and 4:15pm, be aware there will be YMCA camp pickups going on till August 28th. Tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up at the YMCA and they’ll let you go around the line of cars to be able to park in the back by the day care center for the CSA.
Try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance of the Cinema where the CSA is located from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their Southwest Chipotle Burger – Our signature Black Bean veggie burger, topped with a spicy, yet mild Chipotle aioli sauce and American cheese! Garnished with fresh cut vine Tomato, and spring mix on a toasted broiche bun! ! Served a small Coke! $6.00 (while supplies last).
New menu items…
Blue Note Burger – Our signature Black Bean Veggie Burger, topped with a rich crumbled Gorgonzola Cheese, just a dash of creamy Blue Cheese, and a drizzle of Buffalo style hot sauce. Garnished with crisp Romaine Lettuce, Spring Mix and fresh cut vine Tomato, on a toasted Brioche Bun. $5.00
Potato Latkes - Our traditional Potato Pancakes, heated to perfection, and served with a side of Sour Cream! $4.00
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2.HELP!!! At the CSA this week we are looking for TWO (2) people to help out from 5:30pm to 7:30pm…
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4. Click away and help change the world!
5.This week…WE WEIGH!!!
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7. Romaine Lettuce? WE don’t depend on California for it…
8. What you actually got last week
9.Contest! Win free Burritos for two for a year from Chipotle!
10.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2. HELP!!! At the CSA this week we are looking for TWO (2) people to help out from 5:30pm to 7:30pm…
If you’re available, please..
1. Respond to this email from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 23rd
2. Call 631-421-4864 from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 23rd
3. Call the Cinema Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 from 2:30pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, July 9th, and make sure we get the message at the CSA (ask them to put the call through to the Sky Café) that you’re coming to work and when
4. Just stop by the CSA a little before 5:30pm and see if we still need help.
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 23, 2015
Week #8
2.Lettuce: Romaine – 1 head*
3.Squash, Summer**
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch
5.Beans, Fava*** (there is no Veggie Sheet for this…see below)
6.Beans, Snap (aka String Beans)
7.Radicchio: Traviso – 1 head
Total Items: 7
Flower Share – Week #6
Herb Share – July 2B
Parsley AND Thyme
Romaine Lettuce…grilled!
Amazingly colorful recipe of Zucchini and more…
Curry Ratatouille
Read the health indications if you’ve never eaten these before…
This has some nutrition info…
Sauteed Fava Beans is an easy recipe…half ingredients since we have 1 lb of Fava Beans in the pod…
Easy recipe for Fava Bean Dip with a video (they say to just boil for 1 minute to loosen up the outer skin so you can pop it out and then use it…the guy in the next recipe says to boil for 3 minutes…I’d go for the 3)…you don’t need the Parsley or Tahini to make this work…also, we don’t have 1 lb of Fava Beans…we got 1 lb of Fava Beans with the pods…I just read that 1 lb of Fava Beans in the pods gets you about 1 cup of Fava Beans…however this is not so helpful when this recipe calls for 1 lb…hopefully you can eyeball it or weigh the beans if you have a scale…my guess is it’s going to be about ½ lb of Fava Beans (see article below this one) so just half everything in this recipe (maybe a little less than half it and then you can always add…though I like Garlic so I’d use a whole clove)…
Good info article…found in Egyptian tombs so have been grown and eaten for about 6,000 years in Persia and Egypt!
To not peel the individual Beans…most of the countries that don’t remove the coating also cook Fava Beans longer than most American cooks would take the time to do…
Or to peel them (I vote on peeling…I’ve eaten them with the coating on in a lovely restaurant in a delicious dish and had to spit them out as they were inedible even after much chewing)…
4.Click away and help change the world!
It’s all about GMOs and the Dark Act…it’s being voted on Thursday, July 23rd…
5. This week…WE WEIGH!!!
When we get Summer Squash or Tomatoes at the CSA, that’s the time that the scales come out and we start weighing our produce.
A. Check the wall chart before taking any food so you know what you’re taking and how much to take…assume nothing and please feel free to ask questions!
B. Bring your reading glasses, or ask someone to help if you can’t see the numbers on the scale clearly.
C. PLEASE DO NOT GO OVER THE AMOUNT STATED on the Wall Chart. Please err on the under side of the weight posted…NEVER over. It may not seem like much to you but we have 56 CSA members and if every person is off by ONE OUNCE (for crying out loud! It’s only an ounce!!!) …that means we’ll be short more than THREE POUNDS of produce and so 4 of your fellow CSA members (and one of them could be you) won’t get the food they paid for.
D. IF you are asked to weigh more than one food item at the same time…please follow the directions given to you and weigh in the order you are asked (you might not think there’s a good reason to be doing this but our farmer does, and that should be enough of a reason right there…if you want a further explanation – ask someone working at the CSA or contact suzanne…there is always a method to the madness )
Thursday, July 23rd
Conversations: Ina Garten – The Barefoot Contessa
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and tickets:
An in depth talk with questions from you! Ina Garten, best-selling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa, shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, Ina Garten delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion, and engages the audience in an interactive Q&A. Moderated by Julia Turshen. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
Saturday, July 25th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Paleo Mania (my term, not the Greenmarket’s )
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about these books and to buy online…
Authors Diana Rogers, Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, Ciarra Hannah, The Frugal Paleo Cookbook and Stephanie Gaudreau, Performance Paleo Cookbook will be here to sign their books.
Sunday, July 26th
Saving the Plant – One Bite at a Time with Gary Null
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave
$10 Members/$15 General Public (includes reception)
For more info and to buy tickets:
Alternative health expert Gary Null will be presenting, in person, his latest documentary about the way current eating habits are destroying health and the environment, and what we can do to turn things around…one plate at a time.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Sunday, August 16th
10am to 3pm
iEat Green’s Annual Yoga & Farm-to-Table Retreat
iEat Green Homestead
Old Westbury
For more info:
To get tickets:
Join iEat Green for a full day of yoga (Leslie Luft – Absolute Yoga, Woodbury), meditation, chanting (Carole Brill), vegetarian cooking (Bhavani Jaroff – iEat Green), a farm to table luncheon and a dip in the pool!
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7.Romaine Lettuce? WE don’t depend on California for it…
Yet another reason to eat local and join a CSA…
Articles like this may seem like scare tactics but the truth IS kind of scary these days but we still need to know the truth to make informed decisions and take appropriate action.
8.What you actually got last week
July 16, 2015
Week #7
1.Beets: Red OR Chiogga – 1 bunch* - $3.50
2.Lettuce: Boston, Green – 1 head - $3.00
3.Squash, Summer**: Costata Romanesco, Eight Ball, Golden, Kousa, Patty Pan – White, Yellow, Zucchini – up to 2 lbs - $4.00
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch** - $3.50
5.Beans, Fava*** (there is no Veggie Sheet for this…see below) – 1 lb - $3.00
6.Beans, Snap (aka String Beans)****: Dragon Tongue OR Romano – 1 lb - $3.50
Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $20.50
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $2.00 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of 28 weeks (so far it’s $6.25 total extra).
Flower Share – Week #5
Dr. Weil says to eat more Beets!
It says Zucchini but WE know we’re really talking Summer Squash (18 recipes)…
Read the health indications if you’ve never eaten these before…
This has some nutrition info…
To not peel the individual Beans…most of the countries that don’t remove the coating also cook Fava Beans longer than most American cooks would take the time to do…
Or to peel them (I vote on peeling…I’ve eaten them with the coating on in a lovely restaurant in a delicious dish and had to spit them out as they were inedible even after much chewing)…
Snap Beans with Almond Pesto…
9.Contest! Win free Burritos for two for a year from Chipotle!
Click here and start to play…
10.And now for something completely different…
This video might make you alternately a little sick to your stomach and/or hungry!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Week #7 July 16, 2015
Happy Summer!
**CSA Parking suggestion…if you’re coming to the Cinema Arts Centre to pick up at the CSA between 3:45pm and 4:15pm, be aware there will be YMCA camp pickups going on till August 28th. Tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up at the YMCA and they’ll let you go around the line of cars to be able to park in the back by the day care center for the CSA.
Try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance of the Cinema where the CSA is located from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their Hot & Spicy Hummus Platter - A hefty helping of our signature garlic hummus, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkled with crushed red pepper, and topped with hot & spicy cherry peppers ! Served with toasted whole grain pita! $5.00 (while supplies last).
New menu item…Potato Latkes - Our traditional potato pancakes, heated to perfection, and served with a side of sour cream! $4.00
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2. We don’t need you to work at the CSA this week but…
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4. Click away and help change the world!
5.This week…WE WEIGH!!!
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7.Spiralize it!
8. What you actually got last week
9. How and why buying organic makes a difference
10.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2.We don’t need you to work at the CSA this week but…
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 16, 2015
Week #7
1.Beets – 1 bunch*
2.Lettuce – 1 head
3.Squash, Summer**
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch**
5.Beans, Fava*** (there is no Veggie Sheet for this…see below)
6.Beans, Snap (aka String Beans)****
Total Items: 6
Flower Share – Week #5
Dr. Weil says to eat more Beets!
It says Zucchini but WE know we’re really talking Summer Squash (18 recipes)…
Read the health indications if you’ve never eaten these before…
This has some nutrition info…
To not peel the individual Beans…most of the countries that don’t remove the coating also cook Fava Beans longer than most American cooks would take the time to do…
Or to peel them (I vote on peeling…I’ve eaten them with the coating on in a lovely restaurant in a delicious dish and had to spit them out as they were inedible even after much chewing)…
Snap Beans with Almond Pesto…
4.Click away and help change the world!
A.Want GMOs labeled? Then sign here…
Another petition about labeling GMOs…things are heating up on this issue!
B.Tell Costco…no GMO Salmon!
C.We who prefer our food toxin free might also be interested in having the stuff we put on our face and bodies be toxin free too…
D.I know we don’t eat Asbestos but you eat healthy, feed your kids healthy food, and then there’s Asbestos in kid’s toys and in the environment that you might not be aware of…
And Asbestos accountability for us big kids too…
And another one for people who have Asbestos related diseases…
5. This week…WE WEIGH!!!
When we get Summer Squash or Tomatoes at the CSA, that’s the time that the scales come out and we start weighing our produce.
A. Check the wall chart before taking any food so you know what you’re taking and how much to take…assume nothing and please feel free to ask questions!
B. Bring your reading glasses, or ask someone to help if you can’t see the numbers on the scale clearly.
C. PLEASE DO NOT GO OVER THE AMOUNT STATED on the Wall Chart. Please err on the under side of the weight posted…NEVER over. It may not seem like much to you but we have 56 CSA members and if every person is off by ONE OUNCE (for crying out loud! It’s only an ounce!!!) …that means we’ll be short more than THREE POUNDS of produce and so 4 of your fellow CSA members (and one of them could be you) won’t get the food they paid for.
D. IF you are asked to weigh more than one food item at the same time…please follow the directions given to you and weigh in the order you are asked (you might not think there’s a good reason to be doing this but our farmer does, and that should be enough of a reason right there…if you want a further explanation – ask someone working at the CSA or contact suzanne…there is always a method to the madness )
Monday, July 13th to Monday, July 20th
Healthy Heart Summit (online event)
To register:
A plethora of heavy hitting holistic health honchos! Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Stephen Masley, Dr. David Perlmutter, JJ Virgin, and many more.
Saturday, July 18th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: The Connecticut Farm Table Cookbook by Tracey Medeiros
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about this book and to buy it online…
Sunday, July 19th
10am to 3pm
iEat Green’s Annual Yoga & Farm-to-Table Retreat
iEat Green Homestead
Old Westbury
For more info:
To get tickets:
Join iEat Green for a full day of yoga (Leslie Luft – Absolute Yoga, Woodbury), meditation and chanting (Carole Brill), vegetarian cooking (Bhavani Jaroff – iEat Green), a farm to table luncheon and a dip in the pool!
Thursday, July 23rd
Conversations: Ina Garten – The Barefoot Contessa
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and tickets:
An in depth talk with questions from you! Ina Garten, best-selling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa, shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, Ina Garten delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion, and engages the audience in an interactive Q&A. Moderated by Julia Turshen. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
Saturday, July 25th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Paleo Mania (my term, not the Greenmarket’s )
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about these books and to buy online…
Authors Diana Rogers, Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, Ciarra Hannah, The Frugal Paleo Cookbook and Stephanie Gaudreau, Performance Paleo Cookbook will be here to sign their books.
Sunday, July 26th
Saving the Plant – One Bite at a Time with Gary Null
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave
$10 Members/$15 General Public (includes reception)
For more info and to buy tickets:
Alternative health expert Gary Null will be presenting, in person, his latest documentary about the way current eating habits are destroying health and the environment, and what we can do to turn things around…one plate at a time.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Sunday, August 16th
10am to 3pm
iEat Green’s Annual Yoga & Farm-to-Table Retreat
iEat Green Homestead
Old Westbury
For more info:
To get tickets:
Join iEat Green for a full day of yoga (Leslie Luft – Absolute Yoga, Woodbury), meditation, chanting (Carole Brill), vegetarian cooking (Bhavani Jaroff – iEat Green), a farm to table luncheon and a dip in the pool!
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7.Spiralize it!
To those of you who wonder what to do all summer with Zucchini (or Summer Squash in general), you can always spiralize it and go to town!
If you don’t know what to do with all that spiralized Summer Squash/Zucchini once you’ve put Pesto or Tomato Sauce on it, here’s the place to go (she also sells a spiralizer if you don’t own one yet, and now there’s a cookbook of recipes that aren’t on her blog)…
8.What you actually got last week
July 9, 2015
Week #6
1.Peas, Sugar Snap – ½ lb - $3.50
2.Lettuce: Leaf, Green – 1 head - $3.00
3.Squash, Summer*: Costata Romanesco, Eight Ball, Golden, Kousa, Patty Pan: Green, Yellow, Zucchini - 2 lbs - $4.00
4.Onions, Spring** – 1 bunch - $3.50
5.Radicchio: Chiogga – 1 head - $3.25
6. Sorrel – 1 bunch - $2.75
Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $20.00
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $1.50 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of 28 weeks (so far it’s $4.25 total extra).
Flower Share – Week #4
Herb Share – July 1A
Chives, Garlic AND Savory (Summer)
Zucchini Butter…I’m sure you can substitute any Summer Squash for this one
And again…most any Zucchini recipe can often be substituted with other Summer Squashes (and you can make pasta with Costata Romenesco, Golden, Kousa, and Yellow Summer Squash)…
Dr. Weil says to eat more Onions! Though, not just Onions but anything in the Allium family which includes…Scallions, Chives, Garlic (which we get at the CSA)…
Creamed Chard and Spring Onions…
Spring Onion Curry (can get these ingredients at Patel Brothers Market in Hicksville)…
9.How and why buying organic makes a difference…
Here’s 10 reasons why buying organic food is a good idea, and how it makes a difference…
10.And now for something completely different…
Talk about playing with your food!
A man makes an lp record out of Tortilla (with instructions)…clearly a 78 is the way to go…
**CSA Parking suggestion…if you’re coming to the Cinema Arts Centre to pick up at the CSA between 3:45pm and 4:15pm, be aware there will be YMCA camp pickups going on till August 28th. Tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up at the YMCA and they’ll let you go around the line of cars to be able to park in the back by the day care center for the CSA.
Try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance of the Cinema where the CSA is located from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their Hot & Spicy Hummus Platter - A hefty helping of our signature garlic hummus, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkled with crushed red pepper, and topped with hot & spicy cherry peppers ! Served with toasted whole grain pita! $5.00 (while supplies last).
New menu item…Potato Latkes - Our traditional potato pancakes, heated to perfection, and served with a side of sour cream! $4.00
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2. We don’t need you to work at the CSA this week but…
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4. Click away and help change the world!
5.This week…WE WEIGH!!!
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7.Spiralize it!
8. What you actually got last week
9. How and why buying organic makes a difference
10.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2.We don’t need you to work at the CSA this week but…
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 16, 2015
Week #7
1.Beets – 1 bunch*
2.Lettuce – 1 head
3.Squash, Summer**
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch**
5.Beans, Fava*** (there is no Veggie Sheet for this…see below)
6.Beans, Snap (aka String Beans)****
Total Items: 6
Flower Share – Week #5
Dr. Weil says to eat more Beets!
It says Zucchini but WE know we’re really talking Summer Squash (18 recipes)…
Read the health indications if you’ve never eaten these before…
This has some nutrition info…
To not peel the individual Beans…most of the countries that don’t remove the coating also cook Fava Beans longer than most American cooks would take the time to do…
Or to peel them (I vote on peeling…I’ve eaten them with the coating on in a lovely restaurant in a delicious dish and had to spit them out as they were inedible even after much chewing)…
Snap Beans with Almond Pesto…
4.Click away and help change the world!
A.Want GMOs labeled? Then sign here…
Another petition about labeling GMOs…things are heating up on this issue!
B.Tell Costco…no GMO Salmon!
C.We who prefer our food toxin free might also be interested in having the stuff we put on our face and bodies be toxin free too…
D.I know we don’t eat Asbestos but you eat healthy, feed your kids healthy food, and then there’s Asbestos in kid’s toys and in the environment that you might not be aware of…
And Asbestos accountability for us big kids too…
And another one for people who have Asbestos related diseases…
5. This week…WE WEIGH!!!
When we get Summer Squash or Tomatoes at the CSA, that’s the time that the scales come out and we start weighing our produce.
A. Check the wall chart before taking any food so you know what you’re taking and how much to take…assume nothing and please feel free to ask questions!
B. Bring your reading glasses, or ask someone to help if you can’t see the numbers on the scale clearly.
C. PLEASE DO NOT GO OVER THE AMOUNT STATED on the Wall Chart. Please err on the under side of the weight posted…NEVER over. It may not seem like much to you but we have 56 CSA members and if every person is off by ONE OUNCE (for crying out loud! It’s only an ounce!!!) …that means we’ll be short more than THREE POUNDS of produce and so 4 of your fellow CSA members (and one of them could be you) won’t get the food they paid for.
D. IF you are asked to weigh more than one food item at the same time…please follow the directions given to you and weigh in the order you are asked (you might not think there’s a good reason to be doing this but our farmer does, and that should be enough of a reason right there…if you want a further explanation – ask someone working at the CSA or contact suzanne…there is always a method to the madness )
Monday, July 13th to Monday, July 20th
Healthy Heart Summit (online event)
To register:
A plethora of heavy hitting holistic health honchos! Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Stephen Masley, Dr. David Perlmutter, JJ Virgin, and many more.
Saturday, July 18th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: The Connecticut Farm Table Cookbook by Tracey Medeiros
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about this book and to buy it online…
Sunday, July 19th
10am to 3pm
iEat Green’s Annual Yoga & Farm-to-Table Retreat
iEat Green Homestead
Old Westbury
For more info:
To get tickets:
Join iEat Green for a full day of yoga (Leslie Luft – Absolute Yoga, Woodbury), meditation and chanting (Carole Brill), vegetarian cooking (Bhavani Jaroff – iEat Green), a farm to table luncheon and a dip in the pool!
Thursday, July 23rd
Conversations: Ina Garten – The Barefoot Contessa
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and tickets:
An in depth talk with questions from you! Ina Garten, best-selling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa, shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, Ina Garten delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion, and engages the audience in an interactive Q&A. Moderated by Julia Turshen. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
Saturday, July 25th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Paleo Mania (my term, not the Greenmarket’s )
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about these books and to buy online…
Authors Diana Rogers, Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, Ciarra Hannah, The Frugal Paleo Cookbook and Stephanie Gaudreau, Performance Paleo Cookbook will be here to sign their books.
Sunday, July 26th
Saving the Plant – One Bite at a Time with Gary Null
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave
$10 Members/$15 General Public (includes reception)
For more info and to buy tickets:
Alternative health expert Gary Null will be presenting, in person, his latest documentary about the way current eating habits are destroying health and the environment, and what we can do to turn things around…one plate at a time.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Sunday, August 16th
10am to 3pm
iEat Green’s Annual Yoga & Farm-to-Table Retreat
iEat Green Homestead
Old Westbury
For more info:
To get tickets:
Join iEat Green for a full day of yoga (Leslie Luft – Absolute Yoga, Woodbury), meditation, chanting (Carole Brill), vegetarian cooking (Bhavani Jaroff – iEat Green), a farm to table luncheon and a dip in the pool!
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7.Spiralize it!
To those of you who wonder what to do all summer with Zucchini (or Summer Squash in general), you can always spiralize it and go to town!
If you don’t know what to do with all that spiralized Summer Squash/Zucchini once you’ve put Pesto or Tomato Sauce on it, here’s the place to go (she also sells a spiralizer if you don’t own one yet, and now there’s a cookbook of recipes that aren’t on her blog)…
8.What you actually got last week
July 9, 2015
Week #6
1.Peas, Sugar Snap – ½ lb - $3.50
2.Lettuce: Leaf, Green – 1 head - $3.00
3.Squash, Summer*: Costata Romanesco, Eight Ball, Golden, Kousa, Patty Pan: Green, Yellow, Zucchini - 2 lbs - $4.00
4.Onions, Spring** – 1 bunch - $3.50
5.Radicchio: Chiogga – 1 head - $3.25
6. Sorrel – 1 bunch - $2.75
Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $20.00
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $1.50 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of 28 weeks (so far it’s $4.25 total extra).
Flower Share – Week #4
Herb Share – July 1A
Chives, Garlic AND Savory (Summer)
Zucchini Butter…I’m sure you can substitute any Summer Squash for this one
And again…most any Zucchini recipe can often be substituted with other Summer Squashes (and you can make pasta with Costata Romenesco, Golden, Kousa, and Yellow Summer Squash)…
Dr. Weil says to eat more Onions! Though, not just Onions but anything in the Allium family which includes…Scallions, Chives, Garlic (which we get at the CSA)…
Creamed Chard and Spring Onions…
Spring Onion Curry (can get these ingredients at Patel Brothers Market in Hicksville)…
9.How and why buying organic makes a difference…
Here’s 10 reasons why buying organic food is a good idea, and how it makes a difference…
10.And now for something completely different…
Talk about playing with your food!
A man makes an lp record out of Tortilla (with instructions)…clearly a 78 is the way to go…
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Week #6 July 9, 2015 part 2 Important!
Sorry about the first email. My computer is acting weird and sent this without my clicking on send (even though its name is not HAL 9000 ).
This email contains…
1.Update on YMCA pickup traffic
2.Help! We are looking for ONE (1) person to work at the CSA tomorrow from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
1.Update on YMCA pickup traffic
It seems like you might be getting YMCA camp picking up kids traffic in the Cinema parking lot between 3:30pm and 5pm till August 28th.
You can either come later to avoid it or, the trick will be to tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up, and want to go around the line of cars that will be lining up to get their campers.
And then park in the area around the back of the building by the day care center.
2.Help! We are still looking for ONE (1) person to work at the CSA tomorrow from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
While we found two people to help out tomorrow (YAY! ), we’re still looking for ONE (1) more person to be at the CSA this week from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
If you’re available, please..
1. Respond to this email from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 9th
2. Call 631-421-4864 from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 9th
3. Call the Cinema Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 from 2:30pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, July 9th, and make sure we get the message that you’re coming to work and when
4. Just stop by the CSA a little before 5:30pm and see if we still need help.
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
Sorry about the first email. My computer is acting weird and sent this without my clicking on send (even though its name is not HAL 9000 ).
This email contains…
1.Update on YMCA pickup traffic
2.Help! We are looking for ONE (1) person to work at the CSA tomorrow from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
1.Update on YMCA pickup traffic
It seems like you might be getting YMCA camp picking up kids traffic in the Cinema parking lot between 3:30pm and 5pm till August 28th.
You can either come later to avoid it or, the trick will be to tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up, and want to go around the line of cars that will be lining up to get their campers.
And then park in the area around the back of the building by the day care center.
2.Help! We are still looking for ONE (1) person to work at the CSA tomorrow from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
While we found two people to help out tomorrow (YAY! ), we’re still looking for ONE (1) more person to be at the CSA this week from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
If you’re available, please..
1. Respond to this email from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 9th
2. Call 631-421-4864 from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 9th
3. Call the Cinema Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 from 2:30pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, July 9th, and make sure we get the message that you’re coming to work and when
4. Just stop by the CSA a little before 5:30pm and see if we still need help.
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
Week #6 July 9, 2015 GREAT NEWS! Rodale’s Organic Gardening magazine has chosen our Green Thumb farm stand as the “Best Farm Stand” in New York State!
Happy Summer!
We need help at the CSA this week (see #2), and our farm got some very cool news (see #7…I’ve always known how great our farm is, but it’s nice to be given recognition for the literal fruits and vegetables of one’s labors ).
Anybody want an Herb Share? If you’re interested and want to try it out, you can buy this week’s Herb Share for $5, and then the cost for the remainder of the Herb Share is $50 from July to December (the next delivery will be in 2 weeks). Let me know!
**CSA Parking suggestion…if you’re coming to the Cinema Arts Centre to pick up at the CSA between 3:45pm and 4:30pm, be aware there will be YMCA camp pickups going on till August 28th. Tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up at the YMCA and they’ll let you go around the line of cars to be able to park in the back by the day care center for the CSA.
Try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their Hot & Spicy Hummus Platter - A hefty helping of our signature garlic hummus, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkled with crushed red pepper, and topped with hot & spicy cherry peppers ! Served with toasted whole grain pita! $5.00 (while supplies last).
New menu item…Potato Latkes - Our traditional potato pancakes, heated to perfection, and served with a side of sour cream! $4.00
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2. HELP! We don’t have anyone to work at the CSA from 5:30pm to 7:30pm this week!!!
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4.Notes from the Farm
5.This week…WE WEIGH!!!
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7. Eat fish? Got cats? Check this out…
8. What you actually got last week
9.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2. HELP! We don’t have anyone to work at the CSA from 5:30pm to 7:30pm this week!!!
We’re looking for THREE (3) people to be at the CSA this week from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
If you’re available, please..
1. Respond to this email from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 9th
2. Call 631-421-4864 from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 9th
3. Call the Cinema Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 from 2:30pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, July 9th, and make sure we get the message that you’re coming to work and when
4. Just stop by the CSA a little before 5:30pm and see if we still need help.
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 2, 2015
Week #6
1.Peas, Sugar Snap – 1 bag
2.Lettuce – 1 head
3.Squash, Summer…we will probably start weighing this week!*
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch**
5.Radicchio – 1 head
6. Sorrel – 1 bunch
Total Items: 5
Flower Share – Week #4
Herb Share – July 1A
Chives, Garlic AND Savory (Winter? Summer?)
Zucchini Butter…I’m sure you can substitute any Summer Squash for this one
And again…most any Zucchini recipe can often be substituted with other Summer Squashes (and you can make pasta with Costata Romenesco, Golden, Kousa, and Yellow Summer Squash)…
Dr. Weil says to eat more Onions! Though, not just Onions but anything in the Allium family which includes…Scallions, Chives, Garlic (which we get at the CSA)…
Creamed Chard and Spring Onions…
Spring Onion Curry (can get these ingredients at Patel Brothers Market in Hicksville)…
4. Notes from the Farm
July 3, 2015
Happy July!
Our crops are coming in now! Beets - Red, Gold and Chiogga; Carrots - Baby Orange, Red, and Rainbow; Fennel, two types of Radicchio, red and white Onions all have started to come in this week.
Still picking Peas, (mostly Sugar Snaps) and Summer Squash has begun, and we’re now picking 15 types of Lettuce and all sorts of herbs. So there’s plenty to choose from to bring in the next several weeks.
In other farm news, the editors of Organic Life magazine (the new editor-in-chief is James Oseland, former editor-in-chief of Saveur magazine and Top Chef Master judge, published by Rodale Press…it’s the new version of Rodale’s Organic Gardening magazine) have chosen our Green Thumb farm stand as the “Best Farm Stand” in New York State! It’s in this month’s magazine on the 50 best farm stands in the USA.
So, summer is here - Happy 4th Independence Day, and enjoy our organic CSA produce because the season’s over way too soon – there’s already only 8 weeks until Labor Day!
Organically Yours,
Farmer Bill (Halsey)
PS…You can get a free trial issue of Organic Life magazine and subscribe here (that’s what I just did)…
5. This week…WE WEIGH!!!
When we get Summer Squash or Tomatoes at the CSA, that’s the time that the scales come out and we start weighing our produce.
A. Check the wall chart before taking any food so you know what you’re taking and how much to take…assume nothing and please feel free to ask questions!
B. Bring your reading glasses, or ask someone to help if you can’t see the numbers on the scale clearly.
C. PLEASE DO NOT GO OVER THE AMOUNT STATED on the Wall Chart. Please err on the under side of the weight posted…NEVER over. It may not seem like much to you but we have 56 CSA members and if every person is off by ONE OUNCE (for crying out loud! It’s only an ounce!!!) …that means we’ll be short more than THREE POUNDS of produce and so 4 of your fellow CSA members (and one of them could be you) won’t get the food they paid for.
D. IF you are asked to weigh more than one food item at the same time…please follow the directions given to you and weigh in the order you are asked (you might not think there’s a good reason to be doing this but our farmer does, and that should be enough of a reason right there…if you want a further explanation – ask someone working at the CSA or contact suzanne…there is always a method to the madness )
Thursday, July 9th
8pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
A Comedy Benefit for Homecoming Farm in Amityville
Governor’s Comedy Club
90 Division Ave
$20 (plus 2 drink minimum)
To get tickets (which must be purchased before the event from Sister Jean Clark of Homecoming Farm)…
Call Sister Jean Clark at 631-842-6000 xt 338
Or email Sister Jean at earthhomej@aol.com
For more info about Homecoming Farm…
Homecoming Farm is a CSA project run by Dominican nuns on their property in Amityville. The featured comic is Tim Krompier who has a new comedy CD titled Fifty Shades of Fatherhood.
Saturday, July 11th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
A book about eating well on $4 a day…
And here’s her free PDF version of her cookbook (however, the new edition is longer)…
2pm to 4pm
If I Could Write a Book: the Beverly Fite story
Cold Spring Harbor Public Library
Large Meeting Room
95 Harbor Rd
Cold Spring Harbor
Advance Registration Requested
CSA member Lenore Hanson’s mother-in-law, B Hanson (also a long time CSA member), is the subject of this documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Ron Rudaitis. B Hanson will be here for a Q & A after the film. I’ll be there…will you?
From pre-Civil Rights Alabama to Rodgers and Hammerstein-era Broadway to present-day suburban Long Island, this whimsical and heartwarming documentary tells the story of the life, career and indomitable spirit of a truly inspiring American voice. Join B (Beverly Fite) Hanson on an emotional and revelatory journey back to Alabama in search of the real story of her father's disbarment and ultimately the meaning of her own life's journey.
Tuesday, July 14th
10am to 12pm
Seed Saving Workshop
Quail Hill Farm – Apple Orchard
660 Old Stone Highway
$5 Members/$10 General Public
Heavy rains will move this event indoors.
Saturday, July 18th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: The Connecticut Farm Table Cookbook by Tracey Medeiros
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about this book and to buy it online…
Thursday, July 23rd
Conversations: Ina Garten – The Barefoot Contessa
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and tickets:
An in depth talk with questions from you! Ina Garten, best-selling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa, shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, Ina Garten delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion, and engages the audience in an interactive Q&A. Moderated by Julia Turshen. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
Saturday, July 25th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Paleo Mania (my term, not the Greenmarket’s )
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about these books and to buy online…
Authors Diana Rogers, Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, Ciarra Hannah, The Frugal Paleo Cookbook and Stephanie Gaudreau, Performance Paleo Cookbook will be here to sign their books.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7.Eat fish? Got cats? Check this out…
Another reason to know where your food (and even your pet food) comes from, AND to require transparency and responsibility from the companies you’re giving your money to.
Walmart and Sysco, and pet food companies Iams, Fancy Feast and Meow Mix, all have used fish from these companies that use slave labor (what year is this???)…
8.What you actually got last week
July 2, 2015
Week #5
1.Peas, Sugar Snap – 1 lb - $6.50
2.Lettuce: Leaf, Red – 1 head - $3.00
3.Kale: Siberian, White – 1 bunch - $3.50
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch - $3.50
5.Cilantro OR Dill – 1 bunch - $2.75
Total Items: 5
Total Amount: $19.25
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $.75 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of 28 weeks (so far it’s $2.75 total extra).
Flower Share – Week #3
9.And now for something completely different…
Gives new meaning to the phrase…Eat my shorts!
Have eaten at No. 7 Sub (very funky and good sandwiches), Robicelli’s (pleasant cupcakes), but not the last guy.
We need help at the CSA this week (see #2), and our farm got some very cool news (see #7…I’ve always known how great our farm is, but it’s nice to be given recognition for the literal fruits and vegetables of one’s labors ).
Anybody want an Herb Share? If you’re interested and want to try it out, you can buy this week’s Herb Share for $5, and then the cost for the remainder of the Herb Share is $50 from July to December (the next delivery will be in 2 weeks). Let me know!
**CSA Parking suggestion…if you’re coming to the Cinema Arts Centre to pick up at the CSA between 3:45pm and 4:30pm, be aware there will be YMCA camp pickups going on till August 28th. Tell the people directing traffic that you’re not picking anyone up at the YMCA and they’ll let you go around the line of cars to be able to park in the back by the day care center for the CSA.
Try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their Hot & Spicy Hummus Platter - A hefty helping of our signature garlic hummus, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkled with crushed red pepper, and topped with hot & spicy cherry peppers ! Served with toasted whole grain pita! $5.00 (while supplies last).
New menu item…Potato Latkes - Our traditional potato pancakes, heated to perfection, and served with a side of sour cream! $4.00
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2. HELP! We don’t have anyone to work at the CSA from 5:30pm to 7:30pm this week!!!
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4.Notes from the Farm
5.This week…WE WEIGH!!!
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7. Eat fish? Got cats? Check this out…
8. What you actually got last week
9.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2. HELP! We don’t have anyone to work at the CSA from 5:30pm to 7:30pm this week!!!
We’re looking for THREE (3) people to be at the CSA this week from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
If you’re available, please..
1. Respond to this email from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 9th
2. Call 631-421-4864 from now till 1pm, Thursday, July 9th
3. Call the Cinema Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 from 2:30pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, July 9th, and make sure we get the message that you’re coming to work and when
4. Just stop by the CSA a little before 5:30pm and see if we still need help.
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 2, 2015
Week #6
1.Peas, Sugar Snap – 1 bag
2.Lettuce – 1 head
3.Squash, Summer…we will probably start weighing this week!*
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch**
5.Radicchio – 1 head
6. Sorrel – 1 bunch
Total Items: 5
Flower Share – Week #4
Herb Share – July 1A
Chives, Garlic AND Savory (Winter? Summer?)
Zucchini Butter…I’m sure you can substitute any Summer Squash for this one
And again…most any Zucchini recipe can often be substituted with other Summer Squashes (and you can make pasta with Costata Romenesco, Golden, Kousa, and Yellow Summer Squash)…
Dr. Weil says to eat more Onions! Though, not just Onions but anything in the Allium family which includes…Scallions, Chives, Garlic (which we get at the CSA)…
Creamed Chard and Spring Onions…
Spring Onion Curry (can get these ingredients at Patel Brothers Market in Hicksville)…
4. Notes from the Farm
July 3, 2015
Happy July!
Our crops are coming in now! Beets - Red, Gold and Chiogga; Carrots - Baby Orange, Red, and Rainbow; Fennel, two types of Radicchio, red and white Onions all have started to come in this week.
Still picking Peas, (mostly Sugar Snaps) and Summer Squash has begun, and we’re now picking 15 types of Lettuce and all sorts of herbs. So there’s plenty to choose from to bring in the next several weeks.
In other farm news, the editors of Organic Life magazine (the new editor-in-chief is James Oseland, former editor-in-chief of Saveur magazine and Top Chef Master judge, published by Rodale Press…it’s the new version of Rodale’s Organic Gardening magazine) have chosen our Green Thumb farm stand as the “Best Farm Stand” in New York State! It’s in this month’s magazine on the 50 best farm stands in the USA.
So, summer is here - Happy 4th Independence Day, and enjoy our organic CSA produce because the season’s over way too soon – there’s already only 8 weeks until Labor Day!
Organically Yours,
Farmer Bill (Halsey)
PS…You can get a free trial issue of Organic Life magazine and subscribe here (that’s what I just did)…
5. This week…WE WEIGH!!!
When we get Summer Squash or Tomatoes at the CSA, that’s the time that the scales come out and we start weighing our produce.
A. Check the wall chart before taking any food so you know what you’re taking and how much to take…assume nothing and please feel free to ask questions!
B. Bring your reading glasses, or ask someone to help if you can’t see the numbers on the scale clearly.
C. PLEASE DO NOT GO OVER THE AMOUNT STATED on the Wall Chart. Please err on the under side of the weight posted…NEVER over. It may not seem like much to you but we have 56 CSA members and if every person is off by ONE OUNCE (for crying out loud! It’s only an ounce!!!) …that means we’ll be short more than THREE POUNDS of produce and so 4 of your fellow CSA members (and one of them could be you) won’t get the food they paid for.
D. IF you are asked to weigh more than one food item at the same time…please follow the directions given to you and weigh in the order you are asked (you might not think there’s a good reason to be doing this but our farmer does, and that should be enough of a reason right there…if you want a further explanation – ask someone working at the CSA or contact suzanne…there is always a method to the madness )
Thursday, July 9th
8pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
A Comedy Benefit for Homecoming Farm in Amityville
Governor’s Comedy Club
90 Division Ave
$20 (plus 2 drink minimum)
To get tickets (which must be purchased before the event from Sister Jean Clark of Homecoming Farm)…
Call Sister Jean Clark at 631-842-6000 xt 338
Or email Sister Jean at earthhomej@aol.com
For more info about Homecoming Farm…
Homecoming Farm is a CSA project run by Dominican nuns on their property in Amityville. The featured comic is Tim Krompier who has a new comedy CD titled Fifty Shades of Fatherhood.
Saturday, July 11th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
A book about eating well on $4 a day…
And here’s her free PDF version of her cookbook (however, the new edition is longer)…
2pm to 4pm
If I Could Write a Book: the Beverly Fite story
Cold Spring Harbor Public Library
Large Meeting Room
95 Harbor Rd
Cold Spring Harbor
Advance Registration Requested
CSA member Lenore Hanson’s mother-in-law, B Hanson (also a long time CSA member), is the subject of this documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Ron Rudaitis. B Hanson will be here for a Q & A after the film. I’ll be there…will you?
From pre-Civil Rights Alabama to Rodgers and Hammerstein-era Broadway to present-day suburban Long Island, this whimsical and heartwarming documentary tells the story of the life, career and indomitable spirit of a truly inspiring American voice. Join B (Beverly Fite) Hanson on an emotional and revelatory journey back to Alabama in search of the real story of her father's disbarment and ultimately the meaning of her own life's journey.
Tuesday, July 14th
10am to 12pm
Seed Saving Workshop
Quail Hill Farm – Apple Orchard
660 Old Stone Highway
$5 Members/$10 General Public
Heavy rains will move this event indoors.
Saturday, July 18th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: The Connecticut Farm Table Cookbook by Tracey Medeiros
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about this book and to buy it online…
Thursday, July 23rd
Conversations: Ina Garten – The Barefoot Contessa
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and tickets:
An in depth talk with questions from you! Ina Garten, best-selling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa, shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, Ina Garten delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion, and engages the audience in an interactive Q&A. Moderated by Julia Turshen. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
Saturday, July 25th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Paleo Mania (my term, not the Greenmarket’s )
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about these books and to buy online…
Authors Diana Rogers, Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, Ciarra Hannah, The Frugal Paleo Cookbook and Stephanie Gaudreau, Performance Paleo Cookbook will be here to sign their books.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7.Eat fish? Got cats? Check this out…
Another reason to know where your food (and even your pet food) comes from, AND to require transparency and responsibility from the companies you’re giving your money to.
Walmart and Sysco, and pet food companies Iams, Fancy Feast and Meow Mix, all have used fish from these companies that use slave labor (what year is this???)…
8.What you actually got last week
July 2, 2015
Week #5
1.Peas, Sugar Snap – 1 lb - $6.50
2.Lettuce: Leaf, Red – 1 head - $3.00
3.Kale: Siberian, White – 1 bunch - $3.50
4.Onions, Spring – 1 bunch - $3.50
5.Cilantro OR Dill – 1 bunch - $2.75
Total Items: 5
Total Amount: $19.25
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $.75 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of 28 weeks (so far it’s $2.75 total extra).
Flower Share – Week #3
9.And now for something completely different…
Gives new meaning to the phrase…Eat my shorts!
Have eaten at No. 7 Sub (very funky and good sandwiches), Robicelli’s (pleasant cupcakes), but not the last guy.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
FOLLOW UP to Week #5 July 2, 2015 TODAY!
I forgot to put this in the CSA email so I’m sending it out now.
You can pick up your CSA share and then head to the movies tonight!
There’s a documentary about Leon Russell (that also includes Willie Nelson, George Jones and Eric Anderson) that takes place in his recording studio in Oklahoma, and it was made by one of the great documentary filmmakers (who had a special fondness for the subjects of music and food), Les Blank. Les Blank visited the Cinema Arts Centre numerous times over the course of his life. His son, Harrod Blank, will be at the screening for a Q & A, and he’s a filmmaker and artist in his own right.
Thursday, July 2nd
Creativity Series: A Poem is a Naked Person
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave
$10 Members/$15 General Public (includes a reception)
For more info and to get tickets:
Trailer for the film…
Being fairly familiar with the work of Les Blank, it should be weird, wonderful, and something music fans will want to see.
I forgot to put this in the CSA email so I’m sending it out now.
You can pick up your CSA share and then head to the movies tonight!
There’s a documentary about Leon Russell (that also includes Willie Nelson, George Jones and Eric Anderson) that takes place in his recording studio in Oklahoma, and it was made by one of the great documentary filmmakers (who had a special fondness for the subjects of music and food), Les Blank. Les Blank visited the Cinema Arts Centre numerous times over the course of his life. His son, Harrod Blank, will be at the screening for a Q & A, and he’s a filmmaker and artist in his own right.
Thursday, July 2nd
Creativity Series: A Poem is a Naked Person
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave
$10 Members/$15 General Public (includes a reception)
For more info and to get tickets:
Trailer for the film…
Being fairly familiar with the work of Les Blank, it should be weird, wonderful, and something music fans will want to see.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Week #5 July 2, 2015
Happy Summer!
Anybody want an Herb Share? If you’re interested, the cost is $55 from July to December (the next delivery will be next week). Let me know!
This is the fifth week, of the 18th year, for Green Thumb CSA – Huntington, at our CSA’s new location at the Cinema Arts Centre’s Sky Room Café (423 Park Ave, Huntington)! It’s going to take a while for the CSA to get its bearings in the new space so please be patient.
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
CSA Parking suggestion…try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their Tomato and Mozzarella Bruschetta (freshly sliced Tomato & Mozzarella on toasted Focaccia Bread,
garnished with Spinach Leaves, & drizzled with Extra Virgin Olive Oil & a Balsamic Vinegar Glaze) plus a 16 oz bottle of water for $4 (while supplies last).
New menu item…the Southwest Chipotle Burger - signature black bean veggie burger, topped with a spicy yet mild chipotle aioli sauce, American cheese, and freshly cut vine tomato, garnished with romaine lettuce and spring mix, and served on a toasted brioche bun for$5.00!
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2. We don’t need you to work at the CSA this week but…
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4.Veggie Info Sheets
5.Explanation from Whole Foods
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7.Produce wrangler and counselor
8. What you actually got last week
9.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2.We don’t need you to work at the CSA this week but…
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 2, 2015
Week #5
1.Peas, Sugar Snap – 1 bag
2.Lettuce – 1 head
3.Kale – 1 bunch
4.Onions – 1 bunch
5.Cilantro OR Dill – 1 bunch
Total Items: 5
Flower Share – Week #3
4.Veggie Info Sheets
The attachments to this email are your Veggie Info Sheets. You’ll be getting them every week, and if you print them out and put them in a notebook (and put in plastic sleeves if you want to keep them clean), you’ll have a CSA cookbook by the end of the CSA season!
If we get something that doesn’t have a Veggie Info Sheet, there will be links to click to help you out.
5.Explanation from Whole Foods
Just got this email talking about the Whole Foods overcharging/undercharging news report…
Tuesday, July 8th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Thursday, July 9th
8pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
A Comedy Benefit for Homecoming Farm in Amityville
Governor’s Comedy Club
90 Division Ave
$20 (plus 2 drink minimum)
To get tickets (which must be purchased before the event from Sister Jean Clark of Homecoming Farm)…
Call Sister Jean Clark at 631-842-6000 xt 338
Or email Sister Jean at earthhomej@aol.com
For more info about Homecoming Farm…
Homecoming Farm is a CSA project run by Dominican nuns on their property in Amityville. The featured comic is Tim Krompier who has a new comedy CD titled Fifty Shades of Fatherhood.
Saturday, July 11th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
A book about eating well on $4 a day…
And here’s her free PDF version of her cookbook (however, the new edition is longer)…
2pm to 4pm
If I Could Write a Book: the Beverly Fite story
Cold Spring Harbor Public Library
Large Meeting Room
95 Harbor Rd
Cold Spring Harbor
Advance Registration Requested
CSA member Lenore Hanson’s mother-in-law, B Hanson (also a long time CSA member), is the subject of this documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Ron Rudaitis. B Hanson will be here for a Q & A after the film. I’ll be there…will you?
From pre-Civil Rights Alabama to Rodgers and Hammerstein-era Broadway to present-day suburban Long Island, this whimsical and heartwarming documentary tells the story of the life, career and indomitable spirit of a truly inspiring American voice. Join B (Beverly Fite) Hanson on an emotional and revelatory journey back to Alabama in search of the real story of her father's disbarment and ultimately the meaning of her own life's journey.
Tuesday, July 14th
10am to 12pm
Seed Saving Workshop
Quail Hill Farm – Apple Orchard
660 Old Stone Highway
$5 Members/$10 General Public
Heavy rains will move this event indoors.
Saturday, July 18th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: The Connecticut Farm Table Cookbook by Tracey Medeiros
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about this book and to buy it online…
Thursday, July 23rd
Conversations: Ina Garten – The Barefoot Contessa
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and tickets:
An in depth talk with questions from you! Ina Garten, best-selling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa, shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, Ina Garten delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion, and engages the audience in an interactive Q&A. Moderated by Julia Turshen. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
Saturday, July 25th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Paleo Mania (my term, not the Greenmarket’s )
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about these books and to buy online…
Authors Diana Rogers, Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, Ciarra Hannah, The Frugal Paleo Cookbook and Stephanie Gaudreau, Performance Paleo Cookbook will be here to sign their books.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7.Produce Wrangler and Veggie Counselor
In addition to being the CSA founder, organizer, and matchmaker, I’m also a Produce Wrangler and Veggie Counselor! Please feel free to ask me/contact me about ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING you get at the CSA! I’m happy to share my knowledge about cooking, food storage, etc. and if I don’t know, I’m happy to keep on learning so we can both find out. Oh yeah, and my basic cooking style is lazy working class gourmet (few ingredients, not a lot of time, good results). I’m a fan of the Working Class Foodie videos, and I steal their credo…local, seasonal and affordable…
8.What you actually got last week
June 25, 2015
Week #4
1.Peas, Snow – .5 lb - $3.50
2.Mint – 1 bunch - $2.75
3.Mustard Greens – 1 bunch - $3.25
4.Lettuce: Romaine – 1 head - $3.00
5.Peas, Sugar Snap – .5 lb - $3.50
6.Scallions – 1 bunch - $3.25
Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $19.25
It has begun! We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $.75 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of 28 weeks (so far it’s $2.00 total extra).
Herb Share – June 2B
Cilantro AND Dill
Flower Share – Week #2
9.And now for something completely different…
A day in the life of Foodbaby NY…
I wish I were Foodbaby !
Anybody want an Herb Share? If you’re interested, the cost is $55 from July to December (the next delivery will be next week). Let me know!
This is the fifth week, of the 18th year, for Green Thumb CSA – Huntington, at our CSA’s new location at the Cinema Arts Centre’s Sky Room Café (423 Park Ave, Huntington)! It’s going to take a while for the CSA to get its bearings in the new space so please be patient.
CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).
CSA Parking suggestion…try parking all the way around the building in the upper parking lot where the day care center play area is. You hopefully will find a spot, and it’s a short walk down the stairs to the entrance from there, and most people don’t seem to think of parking up there. If you park illegally you can get a parking ticket, it does happen!
If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.
Sky Room Café Deal of the Week…if you’re picking up your food and want a snack, this week the special is their Tomato and Mozzarella Bruschetta (freshly sliced Tomato & Mozzarella on toasted Focaccia Bread,
garnished with Spinach Leaves, & drizzled with Extra Virgin Olive Oil & a Balsamic Vinegar Glaze) plus a 16 oz bottle of water for $4 (while supplies last).
New menu item…the Southwest Chipotle Burger - signature black bean veggie burger, topped with a spicy yet mild chipotle aioli sauce, American cheese, and freshly cut vine tomato, garnished with romaine lettuce and spring mix, and served on a toasted brioche bun for$5.00!
This email contains…
1.We bag our own!
2. We don’t need you to work at the CSA this week but…
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4.Veggie Info Sheets
5.Explanation from Whole Foods
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7.Produce wrangler and counselor
8. What you actually got last week
9.And now for something completely different…
1.We bag our own
CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!
So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in! Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.
The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.
I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.
2.We don’t need you to work at the CSA this week but…
You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens ).
If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)! Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.
July 2, 2015
Week #5
1.Peas, Sugar Snap – 1 bag
2.Lettuce – 1 head
3.Kale – 1 bunch
4.Onions – 1 bunch
5.Cilantro OR Dill – 1 bunch
Total Items: 5
Flower Share – Week #3
4.Veggie Info Sheets
The attachments to this email are your Veggie Info Sheets. You’ll be getting them every week, and if you print them out and put them in a notebook (and put in plastic sleeves if you want to keep them clean), you’ll have a CSA cookbook by the end of the CSA season!
If we get something that doesn’t have a Veggie Info Sheet, there will be links to click to help you out.
5.Explanation from Whole Foods
Just got this email talking about the Whole Foods overcharging/undercharging news report…
Tuesday, July 8th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Thursday, July 9th
8pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
A Comedy Benefit for Homecoming Farm in Amityville
Governor’s Comedy Club
90 Division Ave
$20 (plus 2 drink minimum)
To get tickets (which must be purchased before the event from Sister Jean Clark of Homecoming Farm)…
Call Sister Jean Clark at 631-842-6000 xt 338
Or email Sister Jean at earthhomej@aol.com
For more info about Homecoming Farm…
Homecoming Farm is a CSA project run by Dominican nuns on their property in Amityville. The featured comic is Tim Krompier who has a new comedy CD titled Fifty Shades of Fatherhood.
Saturday, July 11th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
A book about eating well on $4 a day…
And here’s her free PDF version of her cookbook (however, the new edition is longer)…
2pm to 4pm
If I Could Write a Book: the Beverly Fite story
Cold Spring Harbor Public Library
Large Meeting Room
95 Harbor Rd
Cold Spring Harbor
Advance Registration Requested
CSA member Lenore Hanson’s mother-in-law, B Hanson (also a long time CSA member), is the subject of this documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Ron Rudaitis. B Hanson will be here for a Q & A after the film. I’ll be there…will you?
From pre-Civil Rights Alabama to Rodgers and Hammerstein-era Broadway to present-day suburban Long Island, this whimsical and heartwarming documentary tells the story of the life, career and indomitable spirit of a truly inspiring American voice. Join B (Beverly Fite) Hanson on an emotional and revelatory journey back to Alabama in search of the real story of her father's disbarment and ultimately the meaning of her own life's journey.
Tuesday, July 14th
10am to 12pm
Seed Saving Workshop
Quail Hill Farm – Apple Orchard
660 Old Stone Highway
$5 Members/$10 General Public
Heavy rains will move this event indoors.
Saturday, July 18th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: The Connecticut Farm Table Cookbook by Tracey Medeiros
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about this book and to buy it online…
Thursday, July 23rd
Conversations: Ina Garten – The Barefoot Contessa
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and tickets:
An in depth talk with questions from you! Ina Garten, best-selling cookbook author and star of Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa, shares her natural approach to food; sharing tips, stories and maybe even some recipes. Onstage, Ina Garten delivers a charming insider’s view of the world of the Barefoot Contessa and the pleasures of good food, cooked with love and passion, and engages the audience in an interactive Q&A. Moderated by Julia Turshen. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
Saturday, July 25th
11am to 1pm
Book signing: Paleo Mania (my term, not the Greenmarket’s )
Union Square Greenmarket
Between 17th and 15th St and Union Square West and East
For more info about these books and to buy online…
Authors Diana Rogers, Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, Ciarra Hannah, The Frugal Paleo Cookbook and Stephanie Gaudreau, Performance Paleo Cookbook will be here to sign their books.
Saturday, August 8th
1pm to 5pm
North Fork Craft Beer Festival
Calverton Links Golf Course
149 Edwards Ave
$10 to $75
For more info and to buy tickets:
Featuring 50 + breweries with 100+ beers, food trucks and live music! No kids, no pets.
Tuesday, August 11th
10am to noon
Lost Ladybird Search
Quail Hill Farm farm stand
660 Old Stone Highway
For more info about this project:
Help find native ladybugs and let scientists know where they are and how they’re doing! Heavy rains cancels this event.
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th
NOFA Summer Conference
U Mass at Amherst
Amherst, MA
For more info and to register:
This is where all the cool kids of all ages go . Keynote speakers this year will be Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (developer of the GAPS…gut and psychology syndrome…diet used to treat and reverse chronic neurological and digestive illnesses).
Friday, August 14th
8am to 4:30pm
FTCLDF 2nd Annual Food Freedom Conference
Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Staunton, VA
For more info and to register:
The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is having a gathering of food activists and community members including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.
Saturday, August 15th
8:30am to 2:30pm
Deluxe Tour of Polyface Farm
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
This is the farm that Joel Salatin built and a rare opportunity to visit it.
6:30pm to 10pm
Premium Night at Polyface
Polyface Farm
Swoope, VA
For more info and to register:
There are only 22 seats out of 30 left (as of 7/1) for this intimate event with Joel Salatin and his wife and the president of FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund), and others.
Thursday, August 20th
Outstanding in the Field at Beekman 1802
6725 State Road
Sharon Springs, NY
For more info and to get tickets:
There were other Outstanding in the Field events on Long Island and NYC but they’re sold out, and this is the only one left in the area. The chef at this event used to work at WD-50 in NYC, and Beekman 1802 is the farm featured on the TV show called The Beekman Boys starring owners Brent and Josh.
Saturday, September 19th
12pm to 8pm
7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:
Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.
Thursday, October 29th
Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…
An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!
7.Produce Wrangler and Veggie Counselor
In addition to being the CSA founder, organizer, and matchmaker, I’m also a Produce Wrangler and Veggie Counselor! Please feel free to ask me/contact me about ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING you get at the CSA! I’m happy to share my knowledge about cooking, food storage, etc. and if I don’t know, I’m happy to keep on learning so we can both find out. Oh yeah, and my basic cooking style is lazy working class gourmet (few ingredients, not a lot of time, good results). I’m a fan of the Working Class Foodie videos, and I steal their credo…local, seasonal and affordable…
8.What you actually got last week
June 25, 2015
Week #4
1.Peas, Snow – .5 lb - $3.50
2.Mint – 1 bunch - $2.75
3.Mustard Greens – 1 bunch - $3.25
4.Lettuce: Romaine – 1 head - $3.00
5.Peas, Sugar Snap – .5 lb - $3.50
6.Scallions – 1 bunch - $3.25
Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $19.25
It has begun! We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $.75 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of 28 weeks (so far it’s $2.00 total extra).
Herb Share – June 2B
Cilantro AND Dill
Flower Share – Week #2
9.And now for something completely different…
A day in the life of Foodbaby NY…
I wish I were Foodbaby !
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