Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Autumn (it’s still Autumn) and Happy Hanukkah (it’s still Hanukkah)!

This is the last day of the CSA for this season but not the last email. Stay tuned for end of season tying up of loose ends, and more events and info in the next week or two (having major computer issues so didn’t get much done this week…it’s either software or hardware…my hard drive may be not long for this world but was able to get it cranking to do this email and then off to the computer doctor for tests and repair/replacement).

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups), and the last CSA is TODAY on Thursday, December 13th.

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 57) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…
2. Bags and you
3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…

If you can work this week from 3:30 to 5:30pm or 5:30 to 7:30pm or 3:30 to 7:30pm, please…

A. respond to this email before 1pm today
B. call 631-421-4864 before 1pm today
C. call 631-385-1079 after 3pm today
D. show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm today

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 
If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week. And if you got an email from Judi asking you to confirm that you’re working…you need to respond to that in the time frame stated in the email otherwise she’s going to try and find someone else to take your place.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #34
December 13, 2012

1. Kale: Red – 1 head
2. Rosemary – 1 bunch
3. Jerusalem Artichokes – 1 bag
4. Squash, Winter: Pharsi – 1
5. Garlic
6. Radish, Winter Mix – 1 bag
7. Beet/Carrot Mix – 1 bag

Total Items: 7

4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Thursday, December 13th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, Bhavani will be interviewing Danielle Nierenberg, the Co-Founder of FoodTank: The Food Think Tank, which will debut on January 10, 2013. Bhavani first met Danielle at the Greene Space, where she was hosting the book launch of “Eating Planet-NutritionToday: A Challenge for Mankind and for the Planet”. At that time, Danielle was working for D.C.’s Worldwatch Institute and had just returned from a 2 year trip through Africa and Asian, where she was researching and recording our current methods of producing and consuming food, and how that impacts the environment, economics and social sustainability. Her latest endeavor, FoodTank, will be an organization dedicated to bridging the gap between organizations that work with hunger and those that work with obesity, as well as farmers with consumers, policy makers with activists, and eaters with chefs. All of these groups need to work together to find new answers to address our global food system and to find solutions on feeding the world.

Saturday, December 15th


Food Chain Radio

Great topics every week about food, farming, health, etc., and MANY archived topics…last week was Michael Hansen of Consumer’s Union talking about GMOs.

Tuesday, December 18th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Thursday, January 10th to Friday, January 11th


LI Ag Forum
Suffolk Community College
For more info and to register:
631-272-7850 xt 341

Friday to Sunday, January 25 to 27th

NOFA-NY Winter Conference
Saratoga Springs
For more info and to register:

Saturday, March 2nd

NOFA-NY’s 2nd Long Island CSA Fair!
Polish Hall
Details TBA

Friday, March 29th and Saturday, March 30th

Just Food Conference 2013: Eat * Work * Grow the Movement
Food & Finance High School
525 W 50th St
$45 per day
For more info and to get tickets:

April 2013

Spring Gardening School
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County
Riverhead and ???


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Autumn!

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups), and the last CSA is on Thursday, December 13th.

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 57) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…
2. Bags and you
3. Edible Long Island
4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
6. And now for something completely different…

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…

If you can work this week from 3:30 to 5:30pm or 5:30 to 7:30pm or 3:30 to 7:30pm, please…

A. respond to this email before 1pm today
B. call 631-421-4864 before 1pm today
C. call 631-385-1079 after 3pm today
D. show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm today

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! J
If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week. And if you got an email from Judi asking you to confirm that you’re working…you need to respond to that in the time frame stated in the email otherwise she’s going to try and find someone else to take your place.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. Edible Long Island

There’s going to be a new magazine coming in the spring of 2013 called Edible Long Island. It’s part of the Edible family of magazines that’s nationwide. In our area there’s Edible East End, Edible Brooklyn, Edible Queens and Edible Manhattan.

There’s a Facebook page for Edible Long Island and they are hoping to get more people liking them.

Click here to join the gang…!/EdibleLongIsland?fref=ts

And don’t bother with the website yet as I couldn’t sign up…they’re still having issues with it.

4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #33
December 6, 2012

1. Lettuce: Leaf, Red – 1 head
2. Leeks – 1 bunch
3. Sweet Potatoes
4. Squash, Winter: Butternut – 1
5. Collard Greens – 1 bunch
6. Broccoli – 1 head

Total Items: 6

Herb Share – the end
Peppers, Hot: dried (and fresh?) AND Savory, Winter

5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

Thursday, December 6th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, Bhavani will be interviewing Kim O’Donnel, author, journalist and chef. Kim’s first book, The Meat Lover’s Meatless Cookbook, was published in 2010 and her second book, The Meat Lover’s Meatless Celebrations was just released in October. As a past caterer, Bhavani is excited to talk to her about this book! It is filled with creative recipes, beautiful pictures, and a passion for celebrating the festivals and life cycles of the year. Kim is also the founder of Canning Across America, a collective dedicated to the revival of preserving food, a skill we all need to learn.

I’m Eating What???
Holistic Moms Network
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke (corner of Elwood Rd)
E Northport
For more info:

Join CSA member Vickie Muller at this month’s meeting where the topic is GMOs. The guest speaker is Kathleen Furey, Certified GMO Educator/Institute of Responsible Technology and learn about GMOs…what they are, our right to know where they are, labeling of GMOs and how to grow your own food

Saturday, December 8th


Food Chain Radio

Great topics every week about food, farming, health, etc., and MANY archived topics…last week was Michael Hansen of Consumer’s Union talking about GMOs.

Sunday, December 9th


In person: Gary Null presents…Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave
$10 Members/$15 General Public (includes reception and DVD of the film)
For more info and to buy tickets (this will probably sell out):
Gary Null PhD exposes the public health dangers of genetically modified foods in this feature-length documentary featuring leading scientists, physicians, professors, attorneys and activists. You’ll see the deep corruption surrounding GMOs and the nefarious deception being perpetrated against the world. Gary Null is a talk show radio host, author, filmmaker, nutritionist, educator, and human rights activist. He is a published author of over 60 books on health and nutrition topics as well as numerous articles published in leading magazines.

Slow Food Huntington presents: Terre Madre
Cinema Arts Centre
432 Park Ave
For more info:
Join Slow Food Huntington and its three delegates, at the Cinema Arts Centre for a local Terra Madre evening including a video presentations, guest speakers, music, and a reception. This is a celebration of our international food community and the work that is taking place in all corners of our globe to preserve biodiversity and our Good Food heritage and traditions. We will hear the stories and see images and video of this spectacular event. Bring a dish to share!

Tuesday, December 11th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Wednesday, December 12th


A Spiritual Call to Ban Fracking & Vigil to Protect our Sacred Land and Water
UU Congregation at Shelter Rock
Shelter Rock Rd
For more info:

Join faith & community leaders in urging Governor Cuomo to ban fracking. Vigil followed by potluck — please bring drink or food to share! Co-sponsored by the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock.

Thursday, January 10th to Friday, January 11th


LI Ag Forum
Suffolk Community College
For more info and to register:
631-272-7850 xt 341

Friday to Sunday, January 25 to 27th

NOFA-NY Winter Conference
Saratoga Springs
For more info and to register:

Saturday, March 2nd

NOFA-NY’s 2nd Long Island CSA Fair!
Polish Hall
Details TBA

Friday, March 29th and Saturday, March 30th

Just Food Conference 2013: Eat * Work * Grow the Movement
Food & Finance High School
525 W 50th St
$45 per day
For more info and to get tickets:

April 2013

Spring Gardening School
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County
Riverhead and ???

6. And now for something completely different…

The International Banana Museum located near the Salton Sea…

And remember…buy organic Bananas to keep the children (yes, it’s child labor that does the vast majority of this work) around the world who pick and pack them healthy!


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Autumn!

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups), and the last CSA is on Thursday, December 13th.

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 57) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…
2. Bags and you
3. News from the Farm
4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
6. Carrot Top Pesto!

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…

If you can work this week from 3:30 to 5:30pm or 5:30 to 7:30pm or 3:30 to 7:30pm, please…

A. respond to this email before 1pm today
B. call 631-421-4864 before 1pm today
C. call 631-385-1079 after 3pm today
D. show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm today

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 
If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week. And if you got an email from Judi asking you to confirm that you’re working…you need to respond to that in the time frame stated in the email otherwise she’s going to try and find someone else to take your place.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. News from the Farm

Thanksgiving 2012

Our season is drawing to a close with only a few weeks left in our 2012 season!

This season has been a challenging one…Hurricane Sandy, a lightning strike at our CSA in Brooklyn, warm spring, rainy Strawberry season, dry summer. However, through it all we managed to bring in our certified organic produce…not everything we had hoped for but enough for all our CSA members.

It was a good Tomato season and there are lots of Sweet Potatoes after having none last year. There were plenty of Peppers and Lettuces (though in the last several weeks some had burned outer leaves due to the salty winds from Hurricane Sandy). Winter Squash, especially Butternut, had a good crop. Leeks, Scallions, and Carrots also did well. And Garlic, one of our minor crops, had nice size and good quantity…better than our last several years.

So…Happy Thanksgiving, count your blessings, and be thankful!

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill (Halsey)

4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #32
November 29, 2012

1. Cauliflower: White – 1 head *
2. Scallions – 1 bunch
3. Cabbage: Green OR Portuguese – 1 head total
4. Squash, Winter: Farsi – 1
5. Carrots: Round – 1 bunch
6. Rutabagas

Total Items: 6

Cauliflower Leek Soup…

5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
Thursday, November 29th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, I will be interviewing Karen Washington, a community activist who has helped to change the landscape in the Bronx. She has worked to transform empty lots into community gardens, and to bring fresh, local produce to her neighborhoods. She is also a board member of Just Food and the NYC Community Garden Coalition.

Saturday, December 1st


Food Chain Radio

Great topics every week about food, farming, health, etc., and MANY archived topics…last week was Michael Hansen of Consumer’s Union talking about GMOs.

Tuesday, December 4th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

Thursday, December 6th


I’m Eating What???
Holistic Moms Network
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke (corner of Elwood Rd)
E Northport
For more info:

Join CSA member Vickie Muller at this month’s meeting where the topic is GMOs. The guest speaker is Kathleen Furey, Certified GMO Educator/Institute of Responsible Technology and learn about GMOs…what they are, our right to know where they are, labeling of GMOs and how to grow your own food

Sunday, December 9th


Slow Food Huntington presents: Terre Madre
Cinema Arts Centre
432 Park Ave
For more info:
Join Slow Food Huntington and its three delegates, at the Cinema Arts Centre for a local Terra Madre evening including a video presentations, guest speakers, music, and a reception. This is a celebration of our international food community and the work that is taking place in all corners of our globe to preserve biodiversity and our Good Food heritage and traditions. We will hear the stories and see images and video of this spectacular event. Bring a dish to share!

Wednesday, December 12th


A Spiritual Call to Ban Fracking & Vigil to Protect our Sacred Land and Water
UU Congregation at Shelter Rock
Shelter Rock Rd
For more info:

Join faith & community leaders in urging Governor Cuomo to ban fracking. Vigil followed by potluck — please bring drink or food to share! Co-sponsored by the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock.

Friday to Sunday, January 25 to 27th

NOFA-NY Winter Conference
Saratoga Springs
For more info and to register:

Saturday, March 2nd

NOFA-NY’s 2nd Long Island CSA Fair!
Polish Hall
Details TBA

6. Carrot top Pesto!

And many of you guys are throwing them out!

Well, the horses who get them are loving them… 


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Autumn!

The CSA is TODAY, Wednesday, November 21st, from 2:30pm to 7:30pm.

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays (except the week of Thanksgiving where it’s on Wednesday) from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups), and the last CSA is on Thursday, December 13th.

Mystery of the week…Did anyone by chance end up with two bunches of Leeks last week? If so, let me know as we counted them twice before the CSA and at the end of the night we were off by one bunch of Leeks. If someone picked up for you, could you check with them? Thanks!

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 57) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…
2. Bags and you
3. News from the Farm
4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
6. And now for something completely different…

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…

If you can work this week from 3:30 to 5:30pm or 5:30 to 7:30pm or 3:30 to 7:30pm, please…

A. respond to this email before 1pm today
B. call 631-421-4864 before 1pm today
C. call 631-385-1079 after 3pm today
D. show up a little before 3:30pm today

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 
If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week. And if you got an email from Judi asking you to confirm that you’re working…you need to respond to that in the time frame stated in the email otherwise she’s going to try and find someone else to take your place.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. News from the Farm

November 2, 2012

Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, we’ve all had challenging weeks. No electricity and/or flooding effected most of us. The farm was without power only 1 ½ days. I still don’t have it at my home…5 days and counting. Lots of wind damage to most of the greens which were all looking beautiful up to that point! 

Our Tuesday deliveries were canceled so for those of you who missed your CSA delivery, we will be bringing in some extra produce the next several weeks to make up as best we can. Still have Sweet Potatoes and Winter Squashes in dry storage. Some types of Lettuces did better than others, and the Radicchio looks nice. Carrots, Turnips and Winter Radishes all can still be picked. Kales and other cole crops still look good. Peppers survived though the plants lost all their leaves.

Our last delivery will be the 2nd week of December so it’s time to begin thinking about next year! As always, any input from members is important. Any ideas of how we can fine tune our CSAs to keep them going smoothly is well received (please email them to suzanne). This is the end of our 17th CSA season (15th for Huntington) and has been our most challenging!

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill (Halsey)

4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #31
November 21, 2012

1. Sweet Potatoes – 1 bag
2. Fennel – 1 bunch
3. Lettuce – 1 head
4. Tat Soi – 1 bunch
5. Rosemary – 1 bunch
6. Squash, Winter: Butternut - 1

Total Items: 6

Herb Share – Nov 2B
Arugula AND Mizuna (yes, they are considered Salad Herbs!)

5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
Thursday, November 22nd

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, I will be interviewing ???.

Friday, November 23rd


The Healthy Planet Radio Program
Or listen online at:

Saturday, November 24th


Food Chain Radio

Great topics every week about food, farming, health, etc., and MANY archived topics…last week was Michael Hansen of Consumer’s Union talking about GMOs.

Tuesday, November 27th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

6. And now for something completely different…

You’ve heard of the Turducken…here’s the Veggieducken!

Watch the video…

Follow the recipe…

If you don’t want to microwave the Sweet Potatoes (I don’t), bake them instead for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. I emailed the creator of the Veggieducken and this was his suggestion.

The hardest part of this will be finding the right Banana Squash for the job!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy Autumn!

Next week is Thanksgiving week and our CSA will be on Wednesday, November 21st from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (we may start earlier but must first find out if 1) our farmer can get here earlier and 2) the room that the CSA is held is available for the farmer to come earlier…will let you know when I do).

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays (except the week of Thanksgiving where it’s on Wednesday) from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups).

Anyone still not have electricity??? If not, one of our CSA members has generously offered the use of her generator to a fellow CSA member until it comes back. If this is something you’re interested in, please respond to this email and I’ll connect the two of you.

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 57) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

FYI – Re: last week’s Tomatoes…yes Virginia, they were real, they were from our farm and yes, they were from out in the fields! I checked with Farmer Bill as one of our CSA members (a longtime food professional) commented that they didn’t think they looked like end of season Tomatoes. The comment from Farmer Bill was that they had Tomatoes out in the fields till November 5th and then that night, the frost killed the last of them so the one’s we got were picked during the day on Monday, November 5th and kept in storage till we got them on Friday. Lucky us! 

This week’s email includes…

1. Your CSA doesn’t need you to help out today, however…
2. Bags and you
3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
5. Shake Shack opened in Westbury!

1. Your CSA doesn’t need you to help out today, however…

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 

If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #30
November 15, 2012

1. Sweet Potatoes – 1 bag
2. Kohlrabi – 1 bunch
3. Lettuce – 1 head*
4. Leeks – 1 bunch
5. Greens, Mustard – 1 bunch
6. Squash, Winter: Butternut - 1

Total Items: 6

4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
Thursday, November 15th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, I will be interviewing ???.

Saturday, November 17th


Food Chain Radio

Great topics every week about food, farming, health, etc., and MANY archived topics…last week was Michael Hansen of Consumer’s Union talking about GMOs.


Turkey Free Thanksgiving Dinner/Lecture by Gavin Schmidt, climatologist with NASA, on climate change: Irene & Sandy…Our Creation/Our Solution
Healthy Planet
Molloy College
7180 Republic Airport (off Rt 110)
$10 Members/$15 General Public
For more info, reservations and directions:

Evening’s Schedule…5pm – doors open, live music, free soup/6:30pm – Potluck/8pm – Lecture. Come for all or part of the evening (I often just go for the lecture). In the past it’s been worth it to come just for the raffles!


Starstruck! The UUFH Services Auction
109 Browns Rd
For more info:

The UUFH annual Services Auction is a highlight of the year, as well as our major fundraiser. It includes contributions from Green Thumb CSA – Huntington and from the Cinema Arts Centre through CSA member Dylan Skolnick.

Sunday, November 18th


The NAVAL Expo
Huntington Hilton
$10 (if tickets are bought online)
For more info (if you look at the last one they had in May you’ll get an idea of what they’ll have in November) and to buy tickets:

All day alternative health expo with many lectures, demos, samplings!

Tuesday, November 20th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

Friday, November 23rd


The Healthy Planet Radio Program
Or listen online at:

5. Shake Shack opened in Westbury!

Hamburger meat is no-hormones/no-antibiotics (not grass fed but vegetarian fed)…they use Niman Ranch Bacon (a good thing as far as Bacon goes), Mast Brothers Chocolate (a very good thing) in their Malt Whitman Concrete (see the menu for details), and organic fair trade Coffee in their “Fair Shake”…the beer is local…they are dog friendly (there’s a hook outside on the lawn to put your dog’s leash on and they have food for dogs on the menu)…not perfect (who or what is?  ) but they’re trying. In the food biz you have to pick and choose your priorities and create food that the public wants to purchase and eat so you can be financially sustainable. It’s a challenge! 5% of the sales from their Old Country Rocky Road Concrete is going to Island Harvest. The building is green and solar! Spread the word and support better food choices on Long Island! Vegetarians can get the Shroom Burger and the Shackcago Dog without the Dog. Not sure how vegan these things are (or can be made). This stuff is not “health food” but it’s certainly several steps up from conventional fast food joints.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy Autumn!

Hope y’all are ok and have power and gas (in your car…not in your digestive tract)!

The farm is coming to the UUFH and so that means I have to be there and open up even if the UUFH office is not open (barring downed power lines or treeage…if I find that…I’ll think of something…I’d say go to the Cinema Arts Centre if the place looks trashed and you can’t safely get in the building…no light or heat is not a problem as we’ll dress warm and have flashlights). The UUFH office phone is busy (not working?) and no one is picking up the hall phone that seems to be working (631-385-1079) because the building is empty? One hour at a time.

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays (except the week of Thanksgiving where it’s on Wednesday) from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups).

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 56) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. Your CSA doesn’t need you to help out today, however…
2. Bags and you
3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
5. And now for something completely different…

1. Your CSA doesn’t need you to help out today, however…

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 

If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #29
November 8, 2012

1. Sweet Potatoes – 2 lbs
2. Tomatoes, Mini – 1 pt
3. Radicchio – 1 head*
4. Scallions – 1 bunch
5. Peppers, Sweet
6. Squash, Winter: Acorn - 1

Total Items: 6

No Veggie Info Sheet for this…Salad, Saute (look up recipes), Grill…will get info to you later

Herb Share – Nov 1A
Rosemary and Thyme

4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
Thursday, November 8th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, I will be interviewing ???.

Saturday, November 10th


Food Chain Radio

Great topics every week about food, farming, health, etc., and MANY archived topics…last week was Michael Hansen of Consumer’s Union talking about GMOs.

Sunday, November 11th


Vegan Thanksgiving Meal Cooking Class
The Purple Elephant
81B Ft Salonga Rd
$40 (includes food and recipes…must be paid in advance)
For more info and to reserve:

Chef David, owner and chef at The Purple Elephant, and Chef Elyse (raw food chef at Live Island Café), will be sharing their tools, tips and tricks for you to create a delicious vegan feast for the holidays! The class will take place at The Brittania Yachting Center (in the meeting room), behind The Purple Elephant.

Tuesday, November 13th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

Thursday, November 15th


Harvesting Opportunities in NY
Hotel Albany
40 Lodge St
For more info and to register:

A conference to inspire and educate New Yorkers to support local agriculture, strengthen local farm and food economies, and get involved in protecting farmland.


Organic Wine: The Vineyard as an Ecosystem
American Museum of Natural History
Linder Theater
Central Park West and 77th St
For more info and to get tickets:
Sip wine with agronomist, vintner, and co-owner of Shinn Estate Vineyards Barbara Shinn as she discusses the fostering of organic and biodynamic-based winegrowing and the ways in which harmony amongst the vines brings grace and clarity to the wines. Wine samplings from Shinn Estate will be provided.

Saturday, November 17th


Starstruck! The UUFH Services Auction
109 Browns Rd
For more info:

The UUFH annual Services Auction is a highlight of the year, as well as our major fundraiser. It includes contributions from Green Thumb CSA – Huntington and from the Cinema Arts Centre through CSA member Dylan Skolnick.

Afternoon (more info TBA)
Turkey Free Thanksgiving Dinner/Lecture by Gavin Schmidt, climatologist with NASA, on climate change
Healthy Planet
Molloy College
For more info, reservations and directions:

Sunday, November 18th


The NAVAL Expo
Huntington Hilton
For more info (if you look at the last one they had in May you’ll get an idea of what they’ll have in November) and to buy tickets:

All day alternative health expo with many lectures, demo, samplings, etc including Steve Meyerowitz, the Sproutman! More info TBA.

Friday, November 23rd


The Healthy Planet Radio Program
Or listen online at:

5. And now for something completely different…

Beyond the Burrito…the Hexa-flexa-mexagon! Try to make one today!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hi gang!

First off, hoping everyone is safe, has power and is warm. Unfortunately, at least two of our CSA members that I’m aware of are still without power - Sonam Kushner, has escaped to Brooklyn for warmth, and Karen Rubino at least has a generator but still... And I’m sure there are others out there in the same spot. May LIPA smile down upon you and give you power!

Today, Monday, is the first day I’ve had to download and look at emails since last Monday morning and about 2,000 came in. In its infinite wisdom, my computer decided it needed to download all 2,000 again. I was afraid it would do it another time but at least I only have doubles of everything and not triples.

We were at the CSA last week at the UUFH with no heat or light (but we had flashlights and some folks brought them just like I asked…go you!  ) and about ¾ of us made it in and everyone was in good spirits and we got some food that could either be stored (Winter Squash) or used raw in a salad (we actually still had Tomatoes!) and nothing really needed refrigeration (or you could keep it in your garage or basement to keep it cool…cars are now getting too cold with freezing overnight temps).

The UUFH building now has light and heat but who knows what will happen Thursday AM when this next storm is over. Regardless, I imagine Farmer Bill will show up with food and we’ll be there for everyone to pick it up.

Again, my power may go out so I might not be able to communicate to you with the list for the week (I only got it on my cell phone on Thursday after I was able to charge the dead thing up somewhere and when I magically could connect with voicemail which had been difficult, if not impossible, to do, but still couldn’t email it), or about anything else once the storm starts.

Our CSA could use one person to work from 3:30 to 5:30pm, and two people from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. I don’t know if Judi, our CSA work coordinator, has power to communicate with me or anyone else by email. If you could help out at the CSA this week…call my home phone ASAP (631-421-4864) before it punks out (maybe it won’t but…), reply to this email but unless you get a response, I might not have gotten it, or just show up a little before 3:30 or 5:30 and offer to help.

Best wishes to everyone, and hope you’re able to go and vote!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Autumn!

If you’re interested in the environment and all things anti-nuclear, the place to be this weekend is seeing planetary treasure (she really is!), Helen Caldicott (see below for Saturday, Oct 27th for details). Plus, there will be stuff to purchase to eat from The Purple Elephant (and some other places)!!! Haven’t been to TPE yet? This is a great chance to sample some of their healthy and delicious eats (the vegan Chinese spareribs are insanely good and taste just like Chinese ribs without the bone)…though I imagine they will sell out quickly so if you want to get something to eat, get there at 5:30pm! Or, go to The Purple Elephant and eat, and THEN go to this event and go at your leisure (at least if you prepaid or reserved tickets so it’s not sold out when you show up).

CSA member Vickie Muller wants to let us know that if you’re at all interested in joining her group, the Holistic Moms Network (Huntington Area Chapter), there’s a $10 discount if you join up to October 31st! If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll connect you with Vickie, or email the group at .

Anybody out there make it to our farm over the weekend for the farm tour and Pumpkin picking? Want to share your thoughts/photos? Let me know!

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays (except the week of Thanksgiving where it’s on Wednesday) from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups).

Bulk Certified Organic Paste (Roma) Tomatoes available from our farm…$45 per 20 lb box (to place an order, call the farm at 631-726-1900 between 9am to 5pm and be ready to pay with a credit card).
Here’s some Tomato talk from the folks at the NYC Greenmarkets…
Forget proper storage, eat this fruit immediately! We suggest tomato sandwiches, mozzarella and tomato salad, tomato soup, tomato pie, salsa, gazpacho, tomato sauce, tomato juice, fried green tomatoes and plain old tomatoes eaten as is, or with a dash of salt. If you get a little overwhelmed by this steady diet, follow the lead of Greenmarket staff and host a tomato canning party at your house. Each September we pile into our co-worker's Brooklyn backyard and set up an assembly line to scald, peel, seed and can as many flats as we can get our hands on. If a perfect, local tomato is a treat in September, it's a bona fide treasure in the middle of March!

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 56) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. Your CSA doesn’t need you to help out today, however…
2. Bags and you
3. News from the Farm
4. Want to start, continue or expand a school or community garden but need money?
5. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
6. Do you REALLY want that GMO labeling law in California to pass?
7. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
8. Any pet lovers out there? How about organizing a four legged pet drive???
9. What you actually got last week
10. Do you shop at Whole Foods?
11. Help change the world with a click of your mouse!
12. And now…for something completely different

1. Your CSA doesn’t need you to help out today, however…

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 

If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. News from the Farm

Mid-October, 2012

Fall is upon us, and the days are becoming cooler and shorter. We still have a few Tomatoes, Eggplants, and Peppers to pick. Beans are still growing but very slowly, and Summer Squash is about over.

Sweet Potatoes will be in abundance for the next weeks as will Lettuces, Radicchio, several types of fall greens, Turnips, Radishes, Leeks, and Scallions. Broccolis, Cauliflowers, Kales, Cabbages and Collards won’t be ready until November!

News 12 Long Island recently filmed at our farm stand and fields for a weekly feature they do. It aired last week as a six minute segment with the Green Thumb farm family being interviewed, and showing some of our vegetables. The segment can be seen by going to the News 12 website , clicking “Features”, then clicking “East End”, and finding our segment (Of course this won’t work at all if you don’t have Cablevision…I don’t…and don’t pay extra to get into the News 12 website. Anyone know how to get a link to this without being a Cablevision subscriber?).

We hope all who visited our farm had a great time, and learned a little bit about farming. The next farm visit is June 2013!

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill (Halsey)

4. Want to start, continue or expand a school or community garden but need money?

Kids Growing Food School Garden Program - deadline Nov, 16, 2012 – up to $500 plus educational and gardening materials, workshop and webinar opportunities and access to a network of school gardeners
Teachers submit mini-grant proposals
Schools receive a cash award to start or maintain a food garden

Fiskars Project Orange Thumb – deadline Dec 15, 2012 - $5,000 and Fiskars garden tools
Must be part of a community garden or civic organization (school, youth group, treatment center, etc)
For neighborhood beautification thru community gardens, and a possible total makeover for a new community garden…

Win a school garden from Annie’s - deadline Dec. 15, 2012 - $500 to $1,500
Can apply if you’re a parent, teacher, principal or after school program director
Funds can be used to buy gardening tools, seeds or other needed supplies for a new or existing school garden

5. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #27
October 25, 2012

1. Sweet Potatoes
2. Broccoli Raab
3. Lettuce: Escarole
4. Snap Beans
5. Peppers, Sweet

Total Items: 6

Herb Share – Oct 2B
Savory AND Sorrel

6. Do you REALLY want that GMO labeling law in California to pass?

You can sign up to call California voters to ask them to vote YES to label GMOs…for free!

7. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Thursday, October 25th to Sunday, October 28th

Salone del Gusto & Terre Madre
Turin, Italy
For more info and to get tickets:

This is Slow Food’s biannual international event in the land where the organization Slow Food began…Italy! CSA member Ann Rathkopf (one of the founders of Slow Food Huntington) will be attending, and she’s been there before, so ask her if you have any questions.

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, I will be interviewing Kathleen Furey. She is one of the environmental activists educating people about the dangers of GMO’s and working on Proposition 37 in California. She works with the Institute for Responsible Technology and Jeffery Smith as the Tour Coordinator for his California “Truth About GMO’s Speaking Tour.” She was also a researcher for the newly released documentary film Genetic Roulette.

Friday, October 26th


Spooky Storytelling
Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s
480 Hempstead Ave
$15 (suggested ages 16 and up)
For more info:
Take a dark journey through the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe in “Once Upon a Midnight Dreary,” a spooky presentation by the Malverne Community Theater!

Saturday, October 27th


Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s
480 Hempstead Ave
For more info:

Enjoy a free family fun day, including hayrides, games, and pumpkin picking at the farm on Saturday from 11am to 2pm.


Food Chain Radio

Great topics every week about food, farming, health, etc., and MANY archived topics…last week was Michael Hansen of Consumer’s Union talking about GMOs.


Dr. Helen Caldicott…the medical and political implications of Fukushima
Healthy Planet
Sweet Hollow Hall
Gwynne Rd
$10 Members of Healthy Planet/$15 General Public/FREE – Children under 12 years old
For more info, reservations and directions:

5:30pm - Eco Café with live music and food (to buy) from The Purple Elephant, Sweet to Lick Vegan Bakery and Gentle Brew Coffee
7pm – Panel Discussion and Q & A – Karl Grossman, Kevin Kamps and Chris Williams (I’d go just for Karl Grossman)
8pm – Dr Helen Caldicott lecture


Spooky Storytelling
Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s
480 Hempstead Ave
$15 (suggested ages 16 and up)
For more info:
Take a dark journey through the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe in “Once Upon a Midnight Dreary,” a spooky presentation by the Malverne Community Theater!

Sunday, October 28th


A Harvest Homecoming
Dominican Village
565 Albany Ave
$40 Adults/$10 Children
For more info and to purchase tickets:
516-842-6000 xt 307

Music, dancing, food, raffles, Chinese auction benefitting Homecoming Farm and Sofia Garden, and honoring Sister Ginny Maguire.

Tuesday, October 30th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

Wednesday, October 31st


Any of them
For more info:

Come dressed in costume (you or kids or whoever) to any Chipotle today from 4pm to closing (10pm usually) and you’ll get a taco, burrito, bowl or salad for just TWO DOLLARS!!! Chipotle is donating your $2 to The Chipotle Cultivate Foundation to help create a more sustainable and healthy food supply and raise awareness concerning food issues.

PLUS…take a photo of you (or kids, etc) in costume in, or in front of, Chipotle on Halloween and enter the costume contest to win prizes up to $2,500!!!

Thursday, November 1st

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, I will be interviewing Jeffrey Smith, author of "Seeds of Deception" and the newly released documentary "Genetic Roulette" on my show, to further discuss the GMO issue and to answer any questions you may have. Remember, my show is recorded live, so you can always call in with questions, and either my guest or I will answer them to the best of our ability. I hope you can join us and participate in this very important discussion!

NOFA-NY Fall Benefit Cocktail Party
Back Forty
190 Ave B (near 12th St)
$75 to $1,000
For more info and to get tickets:
Please join NOFA-NY (the NYS chapter of the Northeast Organic Farmers Association) board members Scott Chaskey (of Quail Hill Farm, Amagansett) and Karen Meara at this fall benefit, honoring Frances Moore Lappe, and Benjamin and Lindsey Shute.
Local and organic wine, beer and cocktails will be served with a selection of passed hors d’oeuvres and other small bites. Food and beverages donated by NOFA-NY member farmers and business will be prepared by the talented staff at Back Forty.

I’m Eating What???
Holistic Moms Network Monthly Meeting (Huntington, NY Chapter)
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke (on the northeast corner of Jericho and Elwood Rd…in the strip mall where a Blockbuster used to be)
E Northport
For more info:
Check them out on Facebook…!/pages/Holistic-Moms-Network-Suffolk-County-Huntington-Area-NY-Chapter/399399243443967

Join CSA member Vickie Muller (co-founder of this chapter) at this month’s meeting with featured speaker Kathleen Furey, trained by GMO expert Jeffrey Smith talking about GMOs (what are they, labeling and our right to know) and growing our own food. Tea and healthy snacks will be provide but please bring your own mug to help keep us green! 

Sunday, November 11th


Vegan Thanksgiving Meal Cooking Class
The Purple Elephant
81B Ft Salonga Rd
$40 (includes food and recipes…must be paid in advance)
For more info and to reserve:

Chef David, owner and chef at The Purple Elephant, and Chef Elyse (raw food chef at Live Island Café), will be sharing their tools, tips and tricks for you to create a delicious vegan feast for the holidays! The class will take place at The Brittania Yachting Center (in the meeting room), behind The Purple Elephant.

Thursday, November 15th


Harvesting Opportunities in NY
Hotel Albany
40 Lodge St
For more info and to register:

A conference to inspire and educate New Yorkers to support local agriculture, strengthen local farm and food economies, and get involved in protecting farmland.


Organic Wine: The Vineyard as an Ecosystem
American Museum of Natural History
Linder Theater
Central Park West and 77th St
For more info and to get tickets:
Sip wine with agronomist, vintner, and co-owner of Shinn Estate Vineyards Barbara Shinn as she discusses the fostering of organic and biodynamic-based winegrowing and the ways in which harmony amongst the vines brings grace and clarity to the wines. Wine samplings from Shinn Estate will be provided.

Saturday, November 17th


Starstruck! The UUFH Services Auction
109 Browns Rd
For more info:

The UUFH annual Services Auction is a highlight of the year, as well as our major fundraiser. It includes contributions from Green Thumb CSA – Huntington and from the Cinema Arts Centre through CSA member Dylan Skolnick.

Afternoon (more info TBA)
Turkey Free Thanksgiving Dinner/Lecture by Gavin Schmidt, climatologist with NASA, on climate change
Healthy Planet
Molloy College
For more info, reservations and directions:

Sunday, November 18th


The NAVAL Expo
Huntington Hilton
For more info (if you look at the last one they had in May you’ll get an idea of what they’ll have in November) and to buy tickets:

All day alternative health expo with many lectures, demo, samplings, etc including Steve Meyerowitz, the Sproutman! More info TBA.

Friday, November 23rd


The Healthy Planet Radio Program
Or listen online at:

8. Any pet lovers out there? How about volunteering for, or organizing, a four legged pet food drive???

The animal rights group Best Friends Animal Society is holding its 3rd annual Pet Food Drive with all the Petco stores from October 28th to November 11th (Fridays to Sundays only) to collect food (and maybe we can contribute natural/organic pet foods) to be delivered to food pantries for the holidays.

Here’s the info how to volunteer…(all volunteers will get a $5 off Petco coupon and one volunteer will win a $500 Petco shopping spree for the food bank partner of their choice)

Or maybe you’d like to organize one for our neck of the woods at another time…

9. What you actually got last week

Week #26
October 18, 2012

1. Tomatoes, Mini: Grape, Red – 1 pt - $4.25
2. Lettuce: Bibb, Green Leaf – 1 head - $2.75
3. Snap Beans, Yellow/Wax (1 lb) OR Beans: Soy (1/2 lb) – 1 bag - $3.25
4. Eggplant (Japanese, Thai green and others) and Peppers, Sweet (Bell, Hungarian Wax and others) Mix – 2 lb bag - $5.25
5. Senposai* - 1 bunch - $3.00
6. Bitter Melon – 1 – FREE (take it or leave it)

Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $18.50 (We pay $17.50 per week to our farmer for the food we get every week. Today we’ve gotten $1 extra, making the total extra that we’ve received from our farmer [over and above the $17.50 we pay per week] for the year so far $32.75 – doesn’t include Aug 9th)

About Senposai…


10. Do you shop at Whole Foods?

Sign up for their newsletter so you can get coupons like this one…(every little bit of savings helps!)

11. Help change the world with a click of your mouse!

Sign petition to encourage “organic” and “natural” companies to put their money where their mouths are and financially support the effort to pass GMO labeling in California!
Pro-GMO companies have contributed about $35 million to not label GMO foods and the natural and organic guys have come up with about $4 million (apparently Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and Stonyfield Yogurt have contributed nothing so far)…

Ask the FDA to ban GMO Salmon…

Do you shop at Trader Joe’s? Whether you do or not (but especially if you do), ask Trader Joe’s to support GMO labeling…

Help protect the Clean Water Act…

Clean air = no schmutz on vegetables!

keep speaking out against soot pollution

tell BP to pay for the mess they made in the Gulf!

Protect our families from toxic chemicals thru the passage of the Safe Chemicals Act, as supported by the League of Conservation Voters

tell Senators that you want oversight regarding toxic chemicals

ask Senators to support conservations efforts within the Farm Bill

stand up against plane pollution!

tell senators again to stand up against aviation pollution to help stop climate change!

They want to destroy this mountain in West Virginia for coal and pollute the water surrounding it forever…just say no…

12. And now for something completely different…

If you’re a fan of Japanese food, check out Monster Roll…fun short that will hopefully turn into a feature length movie.

Oddest food museums around the world (and one is in NY State!)…

Woman finds live frog in bag of pre-washed, ready-to-eat (for the frog  ) Lettuce Mix bought at a Walmart (see the video)…and some folks eat this stuff right out of the bag without washing it again (please don’t!)…


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happy Autumn!

Anybody out there make it to our farm over the weekend for the farm tour and Pumpkin picking? Want to share your thoughts/photos? Let me know! I ended up with a wicked cold so didn’t make it (boo-hoo!).

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays (except the week of Thanksgiving where it’s on Wednesday) from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups).

Bulk Certified Organic Paste (Roma) Tomatoes available from our farm…$45 per 20 lb box (to place an order, call the farm at 631-726-1900 between 9am to 5pm and be ready to pay with a credit card).
Here’s some Tomato talk from the folks at the NYC Greenmarkets…
Forget proper storage, eat this fruit immediately! We suggest tomato sandwiches, mozzarella and tomato salad, tomato soup, tomato pie, salsa, gazpacho, tomato sauce, tomato juice, fried green tomatoes and plain old tomatoes eaten as is, or with a dash of salt. If you get a little overwhelmed by this steady diet, follow the lead of Greenmarket staff and host a tomato canning party at your house. Each September we pile into our co-worker's Brooklyn backyard and set up an assembly line to scald, peel, seed and can as many flats as we can get our hands on. If a perfect, local tomato is a treat in September, it's a bona fide treasure in the middle of March!

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 56) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. HELP! Can anyone work at the CSA today from 5:30pm to 7:30pm?
2. Bags and you
3. New article by Michael Pollan about GMOs
4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
5. How to store vegetables for the winter
6. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
7. What you actually got last week
8. And now…for something completely different

1. HELP! Can anyone work at the CSA today from 5:30pm to 7:30pm?

I have a cold/flu and it would be a good thing if I didn’t have to be at the CSA today (beyond opening up the CSA and closing up…and I have help to get that done).

If you can fill in today please…
1. respond to this email before 1pm today
2. call 631-421-4864 before 1pm today
3. call 631-385-1079 after 3pm
4. show up a little before 5:30pm and tell me to go home! 

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 

If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. New article by Michael Pollan about GMOs

4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #26
October 18, 2012

1. Tomatoes, Mini
2. Eggplant
3. Lettuce
4. Snap Beans, Yellow/Wax OR Beans: Soy
5. Peppers, Sweet
6. Senposai*

Total Items: 6

About Senposai…


5. How to store vegetables for the winter

Great article and great website…

6. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
Thursday, October 18th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
Today’s guest will my guest will be Jonny Dubowsky, the musician and Founder of Rock’n Renew, a non-profit organization that helps musicians, students, and their communities live and act in sustainable ways. Recognizing the connection between the health of culture and the health of the planet, Rock’n Renew uses art and music to generate excitement about green solutions as they custom-design eco-blueprints for concert tours, schools, businesses, and events. I’m really excited to have Jonny on my show, because getting young people involved in the sustainability movement is so important, and he has found a way!

Friday, October 19th


The Healthy Planet Radio Program
Or listen online:

Saturday, October 20th


Wellness Walk/Lunch Party
Cactus Salon
258 Main St
For more info and to register:
Please join me, Alex Lubarsky (organizer of the Naval Expo…see Nov.18th), and a few of my close friends, in front of the Cactus Salon, as we help shift our national attention from disease to wellness. Join us, as we lay the foundation for an event that will eventually draw thousands of like-minded people, as well as the national media. Let's give being well, and the proactive approaches to vitality, fitness, lasting beauty and longevity, the attention it deserves.
Everyone who attends will receive 2 free tickets to the NAVEL expo, lunch complements of the Berry Healthy Cafe, NutraFit Wraps & Live Island Cafe, an opportunity to make a difference as you network with the leaders in the wellness arena.

Pour to the Core
Peconic Bay Winery
31320 Main Rd
For more info and to buy tickets:

Fee includes parking, admission, seminars, and tasting for 30+ local and international hard Ciders.

Sunday, October 21st


Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s Fall Festival
480 Hempstead Ave.
For more info:
For the third year, Crossroads will host a fun-filled event with hayrides, pumpkin picking, storytelling, antique engines & fire trucks, farm animals, live music, and face painting. Come visit one of Nassau’s last remaining farms for a great family event plus an exclusive “Made on Long Island” Market, and don’t forget to purchase your share of beautiful fall produce picked fresh from the fields!

Tuesday, October 23rd


Taste of the Harvest
Crest Hollow Country Club
Jericho Tpke
For more info and to buy tickets:

Island Harvest is celebrating 20 years of service fighting hunger and touching lives, and honoring Stop and Shop.


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

Wednesday, October 24th

Food Day!
For more info and to get involved…
And to find an event…

I notice that there’s nothing happening anywhere near Huntington (thoughts for all you food activists for next year…myself included), and the events I see scheduled are connected to schools, hospitals and social service agencies. We can do better than this! 


The Future of Food: 2050
US Capitol Visitor Center
Washington, DC
For more info and to get involved…
To reserve a seat…
• Dr. Michael Jacobson, Executive Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest
• Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture
• Eric Meade, Vice President and Senior Futurist, Institute for Alternative Futures
• A.G. Kawamura, farmer, former California Secretary of Agriculture
• Dr. Catherine Badgley, Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
What will we be eating in the year 2050? How will that food be produced? Where is the food movement going? Food Day’s national marquee event conference will bring together forward-thinking experts on agriculture policy, nutrition, and sustainability to discuss the future of Americans’ diet and food system.


Plant-based Nutrition
109 Browns Rd

Do you want to learn more about the health benefits of Plant-Based Nutrition? In 2 lectures/discussions and 1 cooking demonstration, Nina G, D.O. will cover diseases of affluence and the impact of diet, healthy ethical eating and foods the whole family will love. Helpful tips on being good stewards to animals and our planet.

Thursday, October 25th to Sunday, October 28th

Salone del Gusto & Terre Madre
Turin, Italy
For more info and to get tickets:

This is Slow Food’s biannual international event in the land where the organization Slow Food began…Italy! CSA member Ann Rathkopf (one of the founders of Slow Food Huntington) will be attending, and she’s been there before, so ask her if you have any questions.

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, I will be interviewing Kathleen Furey. She is one of the environmental activists educating people about the dangers of GMO’s and working on Proposition 37 in California. She works with the Institute for Responsible Technology and Jeffery Smith as the Tour Coordinator for his California “Truth About GMO’s Speaking Tour.” She was also a researcher for the newly released documentary film Genetic Roulette.

Friday, October 26th


Spooky Storytelling
Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s
480 Hempstead Ave
$15 (suggested ages 16 and up)
For more info:
Take a dark journey through the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe in “Once Upon a Midnight Dreary,” a spooky presentation by the Malverne Community Theater!

Saturday, October 27th


Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s
480 Hempstead Ave
For more info:

Enjoy a free family fun day, including hayrides, games, and pumpkin picking at the farm on Saturday from 11am to 2pm.


Dr. Helen Caldicott…the medical and political implications of Fukushima
Healthy Planet
Sweet Hollow Hall
Gwynne Rd
For more info, reservations and directions:


Spooky Storytelling
Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s
480 Hempstead Ave
$15 (suggested ages 16 and up)
For more info:
Take a dark journey through the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe in “Once Upon a Midnight Dreary,” a spooky presentation by the Malverne Community Theater!

Sunday, October 28th


A Harvest Homecoming
Dominican Village
565 Albany Ave
$40 Adults/$10 Children
For more info and to purchase tickets:
516-842-6000 xt 307

Music, dancing, food, raffles, Chinese auction benefitting Homecoming Farm and Sofia Garden, and honoring Sister Ginny Maguire.

Wednesday, October 31st


Any of them
For more info:

Come dressed in costume (you or kids or whoever) to any Chipotle today from 4pm to closing (10pm usually) and you’ll get a taco, burrito, bowl or salad for just TWO DOLLARS!!! Chipotle is donating your $2 to The Chipotle Cultivate Foundation to help create a more sustainable and healthy food supply and raise awareness concerning food issues.

PLUS…take a photo of you (or kids, etc) in costume in, or in front of, Chipotle on Halloween and enter the costume contest to win prizes up to $2,500!!!

Thursday, November 1st


NOFA-NY Fall Benefit Cocktail Party
Back Forty
190 Ave B (near 12th St)
$75 to $1,000
For more info and to get tickets:
Please join NOFA-NY (the NYS chapter of the Northeast Organic Farmers Association) board members Scott Chaskey (of Quail Hill Farm, Amagansett) and Karen Meara at this fall benefit, honoring Frances Moore Lappe, and Benjamin and Lindsey Shute.
Local and organic wine, beer and cocktails will be served with a selection of passed hors d’oeuvres and other small bites. Food and beverages donated by NOFA-NY member farmers and business will be prepared by the talented staff at Back Forty.

Holistic Moms Network Monthly Meeting (Huntington, NY Chapter)
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke (on the northeast corner of Jericho and Elwood Rd…in the strip mall where a Blockbuster used to be)
E Northport
For more info:
Check them out on Facebook…!/pages/Holistic-Moms-Network-Suffolk-County-Huntington-Area-NY-Chapter/399399243443967

Join CSA member Vickie Muller (co-founder of this chapter) at this month’s meeting with featured speaker Kathleen Furey, trained by GMO expert Jeffrey Smith.

Sunday, November 11th


Vegan Thanksgiving Meal Cooking Class
The Purple Elephant
81B Ft Salonga Rd
$40 (includes food and recipes…must be paid in advance)
For more info and to reserve:

Chef David, owner and chef at The Purple Elephant, and Chef Elyse (raw food chef at Live Island Café), will be sharing their tools, tips and tricks for you to create a delicious vegan feast for the holidays! The class will take place at The Brittania Yachting Center (in the meeting room), behind The Purple Elephant.

Thursday, November 15th


Harvesting Opportunities in NY
Hotel Albany
40 Lodge St
For more info and to register:

A conference to inspire and educate New Yorkers to support local agriculture, strengthen local farm and food economies, and get involved in protecting farmland.


Organic Wine: The Vineyard as an Ecosystem
American Museum of Natural History
Linder Theater
Central Park West and 77th St
For more info and to get tickets:
Sip wine with agronomist, vintner, and co-owner of Shinn Estate Vineyards Barbara Shinn as she discusses the fostering of organic and biodynamic-based winegrowing and the ways in which harmony amongst the vines brings grace and clarity to the wines. Wine samplings from Shinn Estate will be provided.

Saturday, November 17th


Starstruck! The UUFH Services Auction
109 Browns Rd
For more info:

The UUFH annual Services Auction is a highlight of the year, as well as our major fundraiser. It includes contributions from Green Thumb CSA – Huntington and from the Cinema Arts Centre through CSA member Dylan Skolnick.

Sunday, November 18th


The NAVAL Expo
Huntington Hilton
For more info (if you look at the last one they had in May you’ll get an idea of what they’ll have in November) and to buy tickets:

All day alternative health expo with many lectures, demo, samplings, etc including Steve Meyerowitz, the Sproutman! More info TBA.

Afternoon (more info TBA)
Turkey Free Thanksgiving Dinner/Lecture
Healthy Planet
Sweet Hollow Hall
Gwynne Rd
For more info, reservations and directions:

7. What you actually got last week

Week #25
October 11, 2012

1. Tomatoes: Mix – up to 2 lbs - $5.25
2. Leeks – 1 bunch - $3.50
3. Pak Choi* - 1 bunch - $2.75
4. Snap Beans, Yellow/Wax – ¾ lb - $2.75
5. Sweet Potatoes – 2 lbs - $4.50

Total Items: 5
Total Amount: $18.75 (We pay $17.50 per week to our farmer for the food we get every week. Today we’ve gotten $1.25 extra, making the total extra that we’ve received from our farmer [over and above the $17.50 we pay per week] for the year so far $31.75 – doesn’t include Aug 9th)

See Bok Choi Veggie Info Sheet

Herb Share – Oct 1A
Thyme AND Rosemary

8. And now for something completely different…

New Symphony of Science video about climate change…


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Autumn!

Can you help out a fellow CSA member? Marissa Waller needs someone to hold her CSA shares till Friday.

She actually picks up three CSA shares (her one share and her mom’s two shares) but if you don’t have room in your fridge (which I imagine most people wouldn’t…unless you have an extra fridge in your garage or basement and in that case…you might have room), the temperature isn’t too bad to leave the food unrefrigerated in your basement or garage as the night time lows will be in the 40s (fridge temp) and the day is in the 50s. And bottom line, if you can only handle the one share…that would be fine too. If choose to accept this mission , please reply to this email before 1pm today (or call 631-421-4864 before 1pm today or call the CSA at 631-385-1079 after 3pm), or talk to the person at the sign-in table at the CSA. I’ll email Marissa’s contact info and vice versa with yours.

THIS SATURDAY IS OUR CSA FARM TOUR!!! See below under #5 on Saturday, October 13th.

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays (except the week of Thanksgiving where it’s on Wednesday) from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups).

Bulk Certified Organic Paste (Roma) Tomatoes available from our farm…$45 per 20 lb box (to place an order, call the farm at 631-726-1900 between 9am to 5pm and be ready to pay with a credit card).

Here’s some Tomato talk from the folks at the NYC Greenmarkets…
Forget proper storage, eat this fruit immediately! We suggest tomato sandwiches, mozzarella and tomato salad, tomato soup, tomato pie, salsa, gazpacho, tomato sauce, tomato juice, fried green tomatoes and plain old tomatoes eaten as is, or with a dash of salt. If you get a little overwhelmed by this steady diet, follow the lead of Greenmarket staff and host a tomato canning party at your house. Each September we pile into our co-worker's Brooklyn backyard and set up an assembly line to scald, peel, seed and can as many flats as we can get our hands on. If a perfect, local tomato is a treat in September, it's a bona fide treasure in the middle of March!

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 56) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. Your CSA does not need you this week, however…
2. Bags and you
3. News from the Farm
4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
6. What you actually got last week
7. And now…for something completely different

1. Your CSA does not need you this week, however…

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 

If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. News from the Farm

October 1, 2012

September is over and our summer crops are coming to an end. We still have a few more summer Squashes, Tomatoes, Eggplants and Peppers, but all of these will be done very soon.

We will have Snap Beans until the end of October if the weather cooperates. Our Sweet Potato crop has been dug and looks very good! We’ll be bringing in lots of these over the next two months.

Some fall greens have started to arrive but several types have been newly discovered by our local deer population, and they are enjoying them immensely. Broccoli Raab, Pak Choi, Mizuna, Winter Radishes, Daikon, all will be in short supply because of the deer.

The Annual CSA Fall Farm Tour, wagon ride and Pumpkin picking will be this Saturday, October 13th. See #5 under Saturday, October 13th for details. Call for reservations! Call the farm at 631-726-1900 between 9:30am and 4:30pm only! It’s your last chance to see the farm this season and chat with Farmer Bill. We hope everyone can make it!

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill (Halsey)

4. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #25
October 11, 2012

1. Tomatoes
2. Leeks
3. Pak Choi*
4. Snap Beans, Yellow/Wax
5. Sweet Potatoes

Total Items: 5

See Bok Choi Veggie Info Sheet

Herb Share – Oct 1A
Thyme AND Rosemary

5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Thursday, October 11th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.

Today’s guest will my guest will be Sandor Ellix Katz, a self-taught fermentation experimentalist and author of Wild Fermentation - which Newsweek called the "fermenting bible". Katz has taught hundreds of fermentation workshops across the country, sharing his knowledge and demystify home fermentation. His new book, The Art of Fermentation, takes it one step further, sharing stories and history, while guiding anyone willing, into the wild arena of fermentation.

Friday, October 12th


Beer Tasting and Growler Fill (Great South Bay Brewery)
Syosset Beverage
600 Jericho Turnpike
Syosset, NY 11791
Growlers: $11 to $15
For more info:


Pumpkin Palooza 2012 (pumpkin beers including Great South Bay Brewery)
Loyal Dog Ale House
288 E Montauk Hwy
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
For more info:

Saturday, October 13th


Holistic Moms Network presents…
9th Annual Natural Living Conference
Chicago, IL
$80 Member/$90 General Public/$45 child over 3 (lunch included)
For more info and to register:

Celebrate holistic parenting with special guests Andrea Beaman (natural foods chef, author, tv host and Top Chef contestant..and she cured herself of thyroid disease thru diet and natural methods) and Barbara Loe Fisher (National Vaccine Information Center Co-Founder). Learn…share…connect!


Green Thumb Farm CSA Annual Farm Tour and Pumpkin Picking
829 Montauk Hwy
Water Mill
To make your reservation:
631-726-1900 (M to Su from 9:30am to 4:30pm)

Tour schedule: 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm, and 1:30pm.

We do a riding tour on a farm wagon pulled by a tractor. We ride around the farm stopping to see our fall crops, some of our farming equipment, then up to a field where each person that comes can pick up a Pumpkin to take home (FYI - they are not organic and they are not grown on the farm). There is no charge for the tour or Pumpkin, but reservations are required since seating is limited on each wagon. Our tour is open to current CSA member and their immediate families only! If you are sharing a CSA share with someone, only one person/family can attend and you need to use the name of the person that is the CSA member. This is the last chance in 2012 to see a part of our farm, talk to farmer Bill, and ask any questions you might have about the farm, the food, and any gardening questions you might have (for starters you could ask why the Pumpkins aren’t organic and why they aren’t grown on the farm ).


Long Ireland in-store Tasting
StonyBrook Beverage
710 Rt. 25A
Setauket, NY 11733
For more info:


Barrier Brewing Tasting
Big Z Beverage
1675 Jericho Tpke.
Huntington, NY 11743
For more info:

Tuesday, October 16th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Distribution of food and clothing to all who attend and are in need.

Thursday, October 18th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
Today’s guest will my guest will be Jonny Dubowsky, the musician and Founder of Rock’n Renew, a non-profit organization that helps musicians, students, and their communities live and act in sustainable ways. Recognizing the connection between the health of culture and the health of the planet, Rock’n Renew uses art and music to generate excitement about green solutions as they custom-design eco-blueprints for concert tours, schools, businesses, and events. I’m really excited to have Jonny on my show, because getting young people involved in the sustainability movement is so important, and he has found a way!

Friday, October 19th


The Healthy Planet Radio Program
Or listen online:

Saturday, October 20th


Pour to the Core
Peconic Bay Winery
31320 Main Rd
For more info and to buy tickets:

Fee includes parking, admission, seminars, and tasting for 30+ local and international hard Ciders.

Tuesday, October 23rd


Taste of the Harvest
Crest Hollow Country Club
Jericho Tpke
For more info and to buy tickets:

Island Harvest is celebrating 20 years of service fighting hunger and touching lives, and honoring Stop and Shop.

Wednesday, October 24th

Food Day!
For more info and to get involved…


The Future of Food: 2050
US Capitol Visitor Center
Washington, DC
For more info and to get involved…
To reserve a seat…
• Dr. Michael Jacobson, Executive Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest
• Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture
• Eric Meade, Vice President and Senior Futurist, Institute for Alternative Futures
• A.G. Kawamura, farmer, former California Secretary of Agriculture
• Dr. Catherine Badgley, Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
What will we be eating in the year 2050? How will that food be produced? Where is the food movement going? Food Day’s national marquee event conference will bring together forward-thinking experts on agriculture policy, nutrition, and sustainability to discuss the future of Americans’ diet and food system.

Thursday, October 25th to Sunday, October 28th

Salone del Gusto & Terre Madre
Turin, Italy
For more info and to get tickets:

This is Slow Food’s biannual international event in the land where the organization Slow Food began…Italy! CSA member Ann Rathkopf (one of the founders of Slow Food Huntington) will be attending, and she’s been there before, so ask her if you have any questions.

Saturday, October 27th


Dr. Helen Caldicott…the medical and political implications of Fukushima
Healthy Planet
Sweet Hollow Hall
Gwynne Rd
For more info, reservations and directions:

Sunday, October 28th


A Harvest Homecoming
Dominican Village
565 Albany Ave
$40 Adults/$10 Children
For more info and to purchase tickets:
516-842-6000 xt 307

Music, dancing, food, raffles, Chinese auction benefitting Homecoming Farm and Sofia Garden, and honoring Sister Ginny Maguire.

Wednesday, October 31st


Any of them
For more info:

Come dressed in costume (you or kids or whoever) to any Chipotle today from 4pm to closing (10pm usually) and you’ll get a taco, burrito, bowl or salad for just TWO DOLLARS!!! Chipotle is donating your $2 to The Chipotle Cultivate Foundation to help create a more sustainable and healthy food supply and raise awareness concerning food issues.

PLUS…take a photo of you (or kids, etc) in costume in, or in front of, Chipotle on Halloween and enter the costume contest to win prizes up to $2,500!!!

Thursday, November 1st


Holistic Moms Network Monthly Meeting (Huntington, NY Chapter)
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke (on the northeast corner of Jericho and Elwood Rd…in the strip mall where a Blockbuster used to be)
E Northport
For more info:
Check them out on Facebook…!/pages/Holistic-Moms-Network-Suffolk-County-Huntington-Area-NY-Chapter/399399243443967

Join CSA member Vickie Muller (co-founder of this chapter) at this month’s meeting with featured speaker Kathleen Furey, trained by GMO expert Jeffrey Smith.

Thursday, November 15th


Harvesting Opportunities in NY
Hotel Albany
40 Lodge St
For more info and to register:

A conference to inspire and educate New Yorkers to support local agriculture, strengthen local farm and food economies, and get involved in protecting farmland.

Sunday, November 18th


The NAVAL Expo
Huntington Hilton
For more info (if you look at the last one they had in May you’ll get an idea of what they’ll have in November) and to buy tickets:

All day alternative health expo with many lectures, demo, samplings, etc including Steve Meyerowitz, the Sproutman! More info TBA.

Afternoon (more info TBA)
Turkey Free Thanksgiving Dinner/Lecture
Healthy Planet
Sweet Hollow Hall
Gwynne Rd
For more info, reservations and directions:

6. What you actually got last week

Week #24
October 4, 2012

1. Tomatoes, Mini: Grape, Yellow OR Pear, Red OR Pear, Yellow – 1 pt - $4.25
2. Arugula – 1 bunch - $2.75
3. Lettuce: Romaine – 1 head - $2.75
4. Snap Beans: Dragon Tongue, Green OR Romano – ¾ lb - $2.75
5. Scallions – 1 bunch - $2.75
6. Celeriac (Celery Root) – 1 - $1.25
7. Greens, Mustard: Red – 1 bunch - $2.75
8. Bitter Melon – 1 – no charge (so take it or leave it)

Total Items: 7
Total Amount: $19.25 (We pay $17.50 per week to our farmer for the food we get every week. Today we’ve gotten $1.75 extra, making the total extra that we’ve received from our farmer [over and above the $17.50 we pay per week] for the year so far $30.50 – doesn’t include Aug 9th)

7. And now for something completely different…

Hope you like Christopher Walken…

Cooking with Christopher Walken…Chicken and Pears…

Cooking with Christopher Walken parody from Australia

Updated Chicken and Pear recipe with Christopher Walken & Richard Belzer (was at the Cinema Arts Centre last night)…
The dog with the Belz is Bebe, his constant companion that he found wandering the streets of France (yes, he brought Bebe to the Cinema Arts Centre).

Christopher Walken has a history with the food world as he grew up around his folks bakery in Astoria, Queens…Walkens Bakery…where he worked with Lidia Bastianich!

Walken as he revisits his old neighborhood where the bakery used to be and talks about his father, the baker…

But if you don’t like Christopher Walken, try this…

Wine glass orchestra! Ad for an Italian wine…how cool is this!
This piece was composed by Mario Bajardi…not sure how this was performed…if it was composed and dubbed, or from sampled sounds, or live, but whatever it is…it was still cool!
