Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Spring!

Soon-to-be CSA member (she’s working on coordinating her share partner and getting paperwork submitted), Beth Feldman wants two certified organic seedling plants from Green Thumb Farm (see #9 below). Anyone want to help her out and order the other two (there’s a 4 plant minimum order), or put her two plants in your order? She’s a horticulturist and owner of Haven on Earth landscaping company. Maybe she could give you a hint or two about what you’re planning to plant! If you’re able to assist, please respond to this email and I’ll get y’all in touch with each other.

BRING BAGS TO PACK YOUR CSA SHARE…now and forever! Put bags (paper/plastic/canvas) in every car you own so you’ll never be without. In your trunk, glove compartment, back seat…whatever works for you. You’ll be needing them every week for the next 30 weeks and the CSA is not set up to provide them. If you are sending someone else to pick up your CSA share (spouse, relative, friend, offspring), this is the most important thing to tell them.

We have 51 intrepid CSAers for the fifth week of the CSA season and we now have room for 113 CSA members for the rest of the year. If each CSA member were to find 2 more members…ONLY TWO EACH…we could fill the CSA. Attached is the CSA “kit” consisting of the contract for new members, brochure and fee sheet. Let’s do this thing! The sooner I don’t have to beat the bushes for members, the more time I have for things like managing the CSA better, finding cool new things to add to the CSA mix (Mushrooms, Tempeh, a Winter CSA Share?) and doing the extra work it would entail.

I’d be happy to place brochures, do a lecture, call, email…do whatever’s needed to spread the good word about CSA. If you have suggestions, please make them known. So far this year we’re going to put an ad in the program for an auction at a local Montessori School. Next, will be an ad placed in the UUFH bulletin called The Beacon (never done before…silly CSA). Both should be reasonably priced. $40 for the Montessori ad and not sure about the UUFH one yet but I don’t imagine it will be very expensive (that one we may want to run a few times).

Any ideas for recruiting new members will be considered… how about jumping out of a van, putting a bag over some random person’s head, taking them to a warehouse in a discreet industrial area, feeding them amazing salads, juiced veggies, soups, vegetable delights made with CSA produce, and Dines Farm grilled marinated chicken thighs, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs (if they’re not vegetarians), and let the food do the talking? Just a thought  .

This email includes…

1. Your CSA doesn’t need you this week! However…
2. We still have plenty of Herb Shares and Flower Shares available. Why would you want one?
3. The list…subject to change without notice…farming is like that!
4. Foreign produce has us eating crap…literally…
5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
6. Just in time for summer! Stainless steel popsicle molds!!!
7. What you actually got last week…
8. If you eat Veggie Burgers or Energy Bars…you need to check this out!!! Another reason to buy ORGANIC!
9. Certified Organic Seedlings Available from Green Thumb Farm!
10. How to grill fruit…

1. Your CSA doesn’t need you this week! However…

you can ALWAYS show up a little before 3:30 or 5:30pm at the CSA and offer to work if help is still needed…you never know! Everyone that’s scheduled doesn’t always show up on time…or at all.

2. We still have plenty of Herb Shares, Basil Shares, and Flower Shares available. Why would you want one?

Why a Flower Share?

You’re paying $7 for a bunch of flowers that might easily cost $10 elsewhere (I just paid $10 for two VERY SMALL stems of Lilac the other week at the Sweet Hollow Hall market and they were on their way out after two days…the gal didn’t cut them properly as I learned in my research AND she should have had little packs of flower food to include for that price) AND the Flower Share flowers are organic. I get two Flower Shares every year and they are a joy to behold!

You don’t have to cut the ones in your garden and you can leave them to beautify your landscape.

They’re organically grown so you can sniff with impunity!

The first ones we usually get are Peonies (that’s enough of a reason for me) and then it may be followed by (and not in this order) Sunflowers, Zinneas, Sweet Williams, Snapdragons, Straw Flowers, Gomphrena, Flamingo Feathers…some are everlasts (can be dried) and some are not…all depending on what’s ready and when. The flowers do NOT come every week.

Why an Herb Share or a Basil Share?

Tired of eating the same vegetable more than one week in a row…USE HERBS! They can totally change the flavor profile of what you’re cooking.

Just like we get Vegetable Information Sheets, we have Herb Information Sheets (and we may put an order in for an Herb Wheel…later for that).

You can freeze or dry them for use during the winter (or when you don’t have them fresh on hand).

Herbs are amazing for our health. We don’t eat enough of them. They have more antioxidants than Blueberries! Use them in Juices (in small quantities), on Salad, in Salad Dressings, on most anything you cook…Vegetables, Meat, Fish, Eggs, Soups…anything!

Herbs are green…anything that’s green is ultra healthy. Here’s some info from Dr. Andrew Weil…
To turn down pain: Like some over-the-counter painkillers, some plants also act as natural COX 2 inhibitors, thus reducing pain and inflammation. Adding Basil to the diet may be useful for those with minor aches and pains.
To fight infections: In India, Basil is commonly used a home remedy for coughs and colds and topically for minor cuts and scrapes. Research has now shown that the herb indeed has potent antimicrobial activity and may reduce bronchial spasm, said Dr. Low Dog. Thyme is another herb to consider when fighting off a cold. It is approved in Europe for use in upper respiratory infections; it’s also effective against oral thrush. Likewise, Sage tea is effective for sore throats.
To calm and soothe: Rosemary is a traditional remedy for headaches—perhaps due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Sage is approved in Germany for those troubled by excessive perspiration, and herbalists commonly recommend it for menopausal women troubled with night sweats.
To improve your outlook: Another promising herb for brain health may be Sage. Dr. Low Dog presented some of the research that suggests the herb may improve some symptoms of early Alzheimer’s disease. She also noted that the word “sage” is used to signify a wise elder. Maybe the ancients were on to somethin
We DO get Herbs as part of our basic CSA share (this week we’re getting Parsley) but you get more of them with the CSA share…

We will most likely be getting Celery at some point this season…
Please Pass the Parsley … and the Celery
Parsley and celery contain a compound that may help protect against breast cancer, possibly by blocking the growth of tumor cells. This interesting finding, from a University of Missouri animal study, suggests that apigenin, a flavonoid found in parsley, celery, apples, oranges, nuts and other plant products, seemed to block or delay tumor formation in rats that had been programmed to develop breast cancer when exposed to MPA (medroxyprogesterone acetate). MPA is a synthetic hormone that has been found to accelerate human breast tumor development in women on hormone replacement therapy. In the rat study, apigenin blocked the formation of new blood vessels needed by breast tumors, and also reduced the overall number of tumors the rats developed. However, apigenin didn't stop cancer cells from forming in the breast in the first place. The investigators said that they're not yet sure what dose of apigenin would be appropriate for humans, but suggested that eating some parsley and fruit daily could help ensure that you're getting the minimal amount. The study was published online April 19, 2011 by Cancer Prevention Research.
How to I get an Herb, Basil or Flower Share after the CSA season start?

It’s easy…ASK or EMAIL! You need to join AT the CSA because…it’s a timing thing.

3. The list…subject to change without notice…farming is like that!

Vegetable Info Sheets attached to this email (keep in a notebook – by the end of the year you’ll have a cookbook!)

Week #5
May 26, 2011

1. Swiss Chard
2. Kale: Russian, White
3. Lettuce(greenhouse*)
4. Leeks
5. Parsley

Total Items: 5

*Refers to being grown in their greenhouse as opposed to when we get it (whatever it is) after it’s been planted out in the field…go to the farm tours in June and October to see what I’m talking about

Herb Share – Week #2B

4. Foreign produce has us eating crap…literally…

More reasons to eat local…

5. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Thursday, June 2nd

6:30 to 8:30pm

Breast Health and Modern Toxicity
Organic Avenue
116 Suffolk St
For more info:

In this FREE lecture, Dr. Loretta Friedman of Synergy Health Associates addresses not the question of “Am I toxic”, but “How toxic am I”.

Learn about the extremely noxious world we live in today and how your breast are the #1 target for toxins. According to the American Cancer Society one in two men and one in three women will develop some kind of cancer in their lifetime. Our ill health is directly related to the assaults we face every day. The lymph system is the other circulatory system and is a vital part of our body; it manages elimination of toxins and functions as the bodies primary immune defense. Learn how an organic diet, lifestyle changes, and lymphatic drainage can benefit you whether you are a man or a woman.


Holistic Moms Network Open House and Chapter Kick Off!
Western Suffolk NY Chapter
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke
E Northport
For more info and to get involved:

Our CSA member Vickie Muller has helped organized this new group! Cool!!! It’s all about “Living Healthy, Living Green”

Sunday, June 5th

11am to 5pm

Bay Day
Beekman Beach
Oyster Bay

Slow Food Huntington will be tabling at this event. Come by and say hello! Bay Day is an annual festival, hosted by The WaterFront Center, to promote environmental awareness and stewardship. It's a free community event that strengthens the connection to Oyster Bay and the marine environment by providing exciting, water related activities. Live music will be on stage throughout the day for your enjoyment and food and refreshments will be served for your convenience. The WaterFront Center specifically will provide activities including: Anything That Floats Race (ATFR), Harbor Tours aboard the Christeen , free sails aboard our Sonars, free use of our kayaks, and touch tanks of local marine life. Other local not for profits and businesses that align with our vision have been invited to share with the public what they are working on, their goals, values and mission. Those groups will have various activities and information available and be on site to answer your questions.

Tuesday, June 7th

7 to 8pm

In the Small Kitchen
126 Franklin St
For more info and to sign up on Facebook:

Meet the authors of In the Small Kitchen, Cara Eisenpress & Phoebe Lapine (the bloggers of Big Girls, Small Kitchen). They’ll be on hand discussing their new book, In the Small Kitchen, which contains tried & true recipes and tons of great advice for those of us with more ambition than space.

Wednesday, June 15th

5pm to 1am

An Evening of Longevity with David Wolfe
Organic Avenue
116 Suffolk St
For more info:
For more info and to register:
5:00pm - 9:00pm - A lecture on longevity and beauty, with intermission and hors d'oeuvres. David highlights studies on beauty, longevity and anti-aging featuring cutting edge Telomere life-extension research and foods for beauty. For $100, each guest enjoys David's information, gift bag, raw appetizers, chocolates and Organic Avenue Mocktails inspired by David's longevity research. Access to David's Longevity Boutique with unique product selection is also provided. {pre-registration required, seating limited}
9:00pm - 1:00am - DJ After-Party for Discover The Gift film (featuring David Wolfe, for info click here), with delicious complimentary chocolate samples from Sacred Chocolate. The cash bar will have invigorating Organic Avenue Mocktails and a special "Longevity Potion" inspired by David's research on longevity.

Bio: With a masters degree in nutrition, and a background in science and mechanical engineering, David Wolfe is considered one of the world’s top authorities on natural health, beauty nutrition, herbalism, chocolate, and organic superfoods. David has over 15 years of dedicated experience and understanding of the inner workings, the delicate chemistry, and hardcore mechanics of the human body and how the body is affected by the modern-day stressors of today’s fast-paced, over-worked, and unbalanced lifestyle, which is literally a “killer” to our beauty, health, and longevity.
David is the author of the best-selling books, Eating for Beauty (4th Edition), The Sunfood Diet Success System (8th Edition), Naked Chocolate (2nd Edition), David Wolfe on Raw Foods, Superfoods, and Superherbs, Amazing Grace (3rd Edition), Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future (North Atlantic Books/distributed by Random House, 2009), and The LongevityNOW Program (
David Wolfe's celebrity fan base includes Woody Harrelson, Bryce Dallas Howard, John Assaraf, Anthony Robbins, Steve Jobs, Angela Bassett, and many others. A highly sought after health and personal success speaker, David has given over 2,000 live lecture events in the past 15 years. Today, David Wolfe continues to share the stage in the company of Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Buzz Aldrin, T. Harv Eker, John Gray, Les Brown, Barbara DeAngelis, Brian Tracy, and many more.
David Wolfe is also a gourmet chocolatier. He is a passionate proponent of the healing and beautifying power of raw chocolate (cacao beans). Just ask David about chocolate — he will tell you why chocolate is the greatest, most prosperous, nutritious, mood-elevating, highest energizing, and top weight loss aphrodisiac food on the planet! To try some of David’s exotic chocolate, visit:

Thursday, June 16th

6:30 to 8:30pm

Breast Health and Modern Toxicity
Organic Avenue
116 Suffolk St
For more info:

In this FREE lecture, Dr. Loretta Friedman of Synergy Health Associates addresses not the question of “Am I toxic”, but “How toxic am I”.

Learn about the extremely noxious world we live in today and how your breast are the #1 target for toxins. According to the American Cancer Society one in two men and one in three women will develop some kind of cancer in their lifetime. Our ill health is directly related to the assaults we face every day. The lymph system is the other circulatory system and is a vital part of our body; it manages elimination of toxins and functions as the bodies primary immune defense. Learn how an organic diet, lifestyle changes, and lymphatic drainage can benefit you whether you are a man or a woman.

Saturday, June 18th

Times: TBA

Annual CSA Member Strawberry Picking Walking Tour
Halsey’s Green Thumb Organic Farm
Rt 25
Water Mill, NY

MEET your farmer! SEE where your food is being grown! EAT the Strawberries! This is one of two opportunities we have to tour the farm and spend time with the people that make it happen…Farmer Bill Halsey, his family and co-workers. This event is for CSA members and immediate family only! If you are sharing a CSA share with another person or family…you have to choose who’s going and register under the name of the CSA member. There are too many CSA members between Long Island and NYC to accommodate more people.

Monday, June 27nd

6:30 to 8:30pm

Breast Health and Modern Toxicity
Organic Avenue
116 Suffolk St
For more info:

In this FREE lecture, Dr. Loretta Friedman of Synergy Health Associates addresses not the question of “Am I toxic”, but “How toxic am I”.

Learn about the extremely noxious world we live in today and how your breast are the #1 target for toxins. According to the American Cancer Society one in two men and one in three women will develop some kind of cancer in their lifetime. Our ill health is directly related to the assaults we face every day. The lymph system is the other circulatory system and is a vital part of our body; it manages elimination of toxins and functions as the bodies primary immune defense. Learn how an organic diet, lifestyle changes, and lymphatic drainage can benefit you whether you are a man or a woman.

August 12th to 14th

NOFA (Northeast Organic Farmers Association) 37th Annual Summer Conference
For more info:

I’m going this year…and you? It’s fun, educational, reasonably priced, and anyone who goes WILL have a great time. Whether you’re single, family, senior…whatever…a good time will be had!

Monday, October 24th

Food Day
For more info:

6. Just in time for summer! Stainless steel popsicle molds!!!

If you want to get plastic out of your life, these puppies are here just in time for making summer treats…

7. What you actually got last week…

Week #5
May 26, 2011

1. Asparagus – ¾ lb - $4.50
2. Kale: Russian, Red – 1 bunch - $3.00
3. Tat Soi (greenhouse*) – 1 bunch - $2.75
4. Scallions – 1 bunch - $2.25
5. Greens: Mustard, Green (greenhouse*) – 1 bunch - $2.75
6. Greens: Mustard, Red (greenhouse*) – 1 bunch - $2.75

Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $18.00 ($.50 more than we paid…it adds up over the course of the year!)

*Refers to being grown in their greenhouse as opposed to when we get it (whatever it is) after it’s been planted out in the field…go to the farm tours in June and October to see what I’m talking about

Herb Share – Week #1A
Mint – 1 bunch
Thyme – 1 bunch

8. If you eat Veggie Burgers or Energy Bars…you need to check this out!!! Another reason to buy ORGANIC!

Do you know about Hexane (byproduct of gasoline refining) in Soy foods?

Hexane free Energy Bar guide…

Hexane free Veggie Burger guide…

9. Certified Organic Seedlings Available from Green Thumb Farm!

Order certified organic seedlings grown at Green Thumb Farm and have them delivered to the CSA for your garden!

Have your credit card ready (to be paid only by credit card) and call the farm at 631-726-1900 between 9:30 to 4pm any day of the week and they will tell you, depending on when you place your order, what week they will arrive at the CSA…and make sure you don’t forget to pick them up!

How much:
$5.50 per pot (4” pot) with a 4 pot minimum order

(if you don’t see what you’re looking for on this list, or want more details…call the farm and ask)

Marigolds, Bonanza
Marigolds, Genie (edible)

Tarragon, French


Swiss Chard

10. How to grill fruit…

Chef Sam Talbot mentions Crenshaw Melons which we might get if the Melon gods are kind to us this year at the CSA…and he mentions Strawberries…

My thoughts…grilling is a great idea for fruit that’s not totally or overly ripe…it needs to be firm enough not to turn to mush in the pan/skillet/grill top/skewer whatever you’re using…


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Spring!

You might want to get to the Cinema Arts Centre tonight! Sorry for the last minute notice but better late than not at all!

CSA member, B Hanson (mom of Polly Hanson Greenberg who’s name is on the CSA sign-in sheet), is the subject of the film being shown tonight, Wednesday, May 18th, 7pm. It’s also a benefit for a scholarship to the East Woods School. The name of the movie is…If I Could Write a Book: The Beverly Fite Story. B (Beverly Fite was her stage name on Broadway) is one of my holistic health heros. I don’t know if, and how much, it will be discussed in the movie but B was diagnosed with Lymphoma and given 6 months to live. Instead of preparing to die, as the doctors suggested, she was determined to see if she could live instead. B, and daughter Polly, went to the Gerson Institute in Mexico (after having major growths removed thru surgery) and went thru their vigorous holistic healing regimen which she continued after returning home to Huntington. After six months, she not only wasn’t dead but after her CAT scan, was told there was no sign of Lymphoma. It’s now been about 14 years and B is still alive and kicking. She’s quite a gal! If it’s not brought up in the movie and doesn’t get talked about in the Q & A afterwards…I know she’d be glad to talk about it at the reception (or at the CSA if you see her). The film was directed by Ron Rudaitis, Huntington resident and director of the terrific documentary (that our Farmer Bill and me are in) Farming the Future: Farm Life on Long Island, and he’ll be there as well.
For more info:
To pre-purchase tickets (and check out B’s photo as a Broadway ingénue):

BRING BAGS TO PACK YOUR CSA SHARE…now and forever! Put bags (paper/plastic/canvas) in every car you own so you’ll never be without. In your trunk, glove compartment, back seat…whatever works for you. You’ll be needing them every week for the next 32 weeks and the CSA is not set up to provide them. If you are sending someone else to pick up your CSA share (spouse, relative, friend, offspring), this is the most important thing to tell them.

We have 49 intrepid CSAers for the third week of the CSA season and we have room for 15 more members for the Spring Session…and then starting June 2nd, room for 100 CSA members for the rest of the year. If each CSA member were to find 3 more members…we could fill the CSA. Attached is the CSA “kit” consisting of the contract for new members, brochure and fee sheet. Let’s do this thing! The sooner I don’t have to beat the bushes for members, the more time I have for things like managing the CSA better, finding cool new things to add to the CSA mix (Mushrooms, Tempeh, a Winter CSA Share?) and doing the extra work it would entail.

I’d be happy to place brochures, do a lecture, call, email…do whatever’s needed to spread the good word about CSA. If you have suggestions, please make them known. So far this year we’re going to put an ad in the program for an auction at a local Montessori School. Next, will be an ad placed in the UUFH bulletin called The Beacon (never done before…silly CSA). Both should be reasonably priced. $40 for the Montessori ad and not sure about the UUFH one yet but I don’t imagine it will be very expensive (that one we may want to run a few times).

Any ideas for recruiting new members will be considered… how about jumping out of a van, putting a bag over some random person’s head, taking them to a warehouse in a discreet industrial area, feeding them amazing salads, juiced veggies, soups, vegetable delights made with CSA produce, and Dines Farm grilled marinated chicken thighs, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs (if they’re not vegetarians), and let the food do the talking? Just a thought  .

This email includes…

1. HELP!!! Your CSA DOES need you this week! Looking for ONE (1) person for the Late Shift from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
2. The unofficial farm report
3. The list…subject to change without notice…farming is like that!
4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
5. What you actually got last week…
6. Kale Chips according to Dan Barber (and he should know!)…
7. Another reason to eat local and/or organic!
8. Cute guide to indentifying real food while shopping…
9. Want to save a farm in Commack?
10. Organic Seedlings Available from Green Thumb Farm!

1. HELP!!! Your CSA DOES need you this week! Looking for ONE (1) person for the Late Shift from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.

IF you can work, please 1) respond to this email, 2) call 631-421-4864 and leave a message before 1pm, 3) call the UUFH Hall Phone at 631-385-1079 after 3pm and let us know you’re coming OR 4) show up a little before 5:30pm and offer to help out.

You can always show up a little before 3:30 or 5:30pm at the CSA and offer to work if help is still needed…you never know! Everyone that’s scheduled doesn’t always show up on time…or at all.

2. The unofficial farm report

After 14 years of doing the CSA, I can pretty much tell you what’s going on at the farm without talking to the farmer…just by seeing what we get each week (though I do confirm my observations by asking).

What I can say it this point is…it’s too darn wet!!! The Spring (starting in March) gave the farm too much rain. The thing with water and farming is you’re better off with a drought than excessive rainfall. You can always irrigate but once it’s in the ground, you can’t suck it out or mop it up!

Water Mill (where the farm is located) is, on average, two weeks behind Huntington as far as its growing season. So, if you have a garden and your Lettuce is ready, and you wonder why you haven’t seen it at the CSA yet you have to wait another 2 weeks minimum before it would be ready at Green Thumb Farm. Also, because of the excessive Spring rainfall, everything is a week behind the normal two weeks making things 3 weeks behind Huntington’s growing season.

My latest guess is that with all the rain we’ve been having lately, the folks at the farm can’t even get out into the fields to do planting with the seedlings in the greenhouse because the ground is too wet 1) for the tractors to get in the fields (otherwise they’ll compact the ground with it being so muddy…not a good thing…even if they didn’t get stuck in the mud…no fun there either) and 2) even when you’re doing hand planting, if the ground is too muddy, it’s not good for the seedlings to start to grow in mud (they need aerated moist soil, not wet goo).

So, what does that mean for us? We’re getting produce that has overwintered (Kale, Scallions, Leeks…a common farming practice and it’s what every locavore chef waits for all winter) and from the greenhouse (Mustards, Tat Soi…also a common practice to extend the growing season…read The Four Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman) and it needs to dry out a bit before more can either be planted out in the fields or start popping out of the ground.

In the meanwhile, it’s time to enjoy what we’re getting because soon enough everything you’re getting now will be either be gone till next year (Asparagus) or won’t show up again till the fall (Jerusalem Artichokes).

3. The list…subject to change without notice…farming is like that!

Vegetable Info Sheets attached to TOMORROW’s email (keep in a notebook – by the end of the year you’ll have a cookbook!)…I didn’t want too many attachments to this email but have no fear…you’ll get them tomorrow

Week #4
May 19, 2011

1. Asparagus
2. Kale: Russian, Red
3. Tat Soi (greenhouse*)
4. Scallions
5. Greens: Mustard, Green (greenhouse*)
6. Greens: Mustard, Red (greenhouse*)

Total Items: 6

*Refers to being grown in their greenhouse as opposed to when we get it (whatever it is) after it’s been planted out in the field…go to the farm tours in June and October to see what I’m talking about

Herb Share – Week #1A

4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Wednesday, May 18th

5pm to 6pm

iEat Green with Bhavani
The Progressive Radio Network

To listen to archived shows…

The guest will be Jared Koch, Founder of Clean Plates, a restaurant guide that features every dietary preference from delectable vegan dishes to juicy grass-fed burgers. Jared graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition with certification by Columbia University, Teachers College in 2005 and graduated from the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine in 2004. He is a health coach, nutritional consultant, and certified yoga instructor with expertise in meditation, and he speaks frequently on the topic of nutrition. Jared believes in offering individuals and groups that are committed to living a more conscious, healthier lifestyle the education, inspiration, resources, and support to be able to do so


I Could Write a Book: The Beverly Fite Story
Cinema Arts Center
423 Park Ave
$9 Members/$13 General Public (includes a reception)
To purchase tickets:
For more info:

From pre-Civil Rights Alabama to Rodgers and Hammerstein-era Broadway to present-day suburban Long Island, this whimsical and heartwarming documentary tells the story of the life, career and indomitable spirit of a truly inspiring American voice. Beverly Fite (known to Huntington residents as B Hanson) began her Broadway career as a dancer in the original Broadway production of Oklahoma! and performed the role of Linda English in the original 1950 Columbia album Pal Joey, singing the Rodgers and Hart classic "I Could Write A Book." B’s father was a country lawyer from a small town in Alabama and her mother was a member of Birmingham society. Hard times came early in her life when her father was disbarred. Join B on an emotional and revelatory journey back to Alabama in search of the real story of her father's disbarment and ultimately the meaning of her own life's journey. Directed by Emmy Award-winning Long Island filmmaker Ron Rudaitis, who comments "B's life is such a rich tapestry. It's a story that touches on Civil Rights and social justice, as well as women's rights and it's one that will leave audiences moved and ultimately cheering for B, who is truly a remarkable person and an exceptional artist. The beauty of her voice is eclipsed perhaps only by the beauty of her spirit."

Friday, May 20th

6 to 7pm

The Healthy Planet Radio Show
WUSB-FM / 90.1FM
For more info and to listen live or archived:

Tuesday, May 24th

7 to 9pm

Celebrate Spring with JUST FOOD
Whole Foods Market – Bowery
Culinary Center
95 E Houston St
New York City
$25 (Demonstration & Tasting)
To register…

In this benefit class for Just Food! join Peter Berley, cookbook author (The Flexitarian Table, Houghton Mifflin) and former executive chef of the legendary Angelica’s Kitchen, as he shows you how to prepare seasonal and healthy dishes while highlighting some of the season’s tastiest offerings, such as early greens and herbs, radishes, and strawberries.
All proceeds from tonight’s class will benefit Just Food.
On the Menu: Potage of Spring Greens with Green Garlic and Mint; Dandelion and Goat Cheese Frittata; Butter-Glazed Radishes with Radish Greens; Warm Honey-Lemon Curd with Strawberries.
Instructor: Peter Berley, Chef, Cookbook Author, and Culinary Instructor

Thursday, June 2nd


Holistic Moms Network Open House and Chapter Kick Off!
Western Suffolk NY Chapter
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke
E Northport
For more info and to get involved:

Our CSA member Vickie Muller has helped organized this new group! Cool!!! It’s all about “Living Healthy, Living Green”

Sunday, June 5th

11am to 5pm

Bay Day
Beekman Beach
Oyster Bay

Slow Food Huntington will be tabling at this event. Come by and say hello! Bay Day is an annual festival, hosted by The WaterFront Center, to promote environmental awareness and stewardship. It's a free community event that strengthens the connection to Oyster Bay and the marine environment by providing exciting, water related activities. Live music will be on stage throughout the day for your enjoyment and food and refreshments will be served for your convenience. The WaterFront Center specifically will provide activities including: Anything That Floats Race (ATFR), Harbor Tours aboard the Christeen , free sails aboard our Sonars, free use of our kayaks, and touch tanks of local marine life. Other local not for profits and businesses that align with our vision have been invited to share with the public what they are working on, their goals, values and mission. Those groups will have various activities and information available and be on site to answer your questions.

Saturday, June 18th

Times: TBA

Annual CSA Member Strawberry Picking Walking Tour
Halsey’s Green Thumb Organic Farm
Rt 25
Water Mill, NY

MEET your farmer! SEE where your food is being grown! EAT the Strawberries! This is one of two opportunities we have to tour the farm and spend time with the people that make it happen…Farmer Bill Halsey, his family and co-workers. This event is for CSA members and immediate family only! If you are sharing a CSA share with another person or family…you have to choose who’s going and register under the name of the CSA member. There are too many CSA members between Long Island and NYC to accommodate more people.

August 12th to 14th

NOFA (Northeast Organic Farmers Association) 37th Annual Summer Conference
For more info:

I’m going this year…and you? It’s fun, educational, reasonably priced, and anyone who goes WILL have a great time. Whether you’re single, family, senior…whatever…a good time will be had!

Monday, October 24th

Food Day
For more info:

5. What you actually got last week…

Week #3
May 12, 2011

1. Mizuna (greenhouse*) – 1 bunch
2. Tat Soi (greenhouse*) – 1 bunch
3. Greens: Mustard, Red (greenhouse*) – 1 bunch - $8.25 for all 3 bunches (not sure why Farmer Bill did it this way…but he did)
4. Kale Rabe** - 1 bunch - $2.75
5. Scallions – 1 bunch - $2.50
6. Kale: Curly – 1 bunch - $3.00
7. Chives – 1 bunch - $2.25

Total Items: 7
Total Amount:$18.75 (our farmer had given us $1.75 more on produce than we’ve paid so far this year…it adds up!)

*Refers to being grown in their greenhouse as opposed to when we get it (whatever it is) after it’s been planted out in the field…go to the farm tours in June and October to see what I’m talking about
**Kale Rabe article…
I learn something new every day whether I want to or not! I thought it was a natural hybrid! Cool…

6. Kale Chips according to Dan Barber (and he should know!)…

7. Another reason to eat local and/or organic!

The exploding Watermelons were amusing but you’ve got to read the rest of this (cadmium in Rice???)…

8. Cute guide to indentifying real food while shopping…

9. Want to save a farm in Commack?

CSA members, the Ettingers, are spearheading Friends of the Marion Carll Community Farm.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the farm or joining the effort to preserve it (the developers are at the door):

The fliers for this are on the CSA sign-in table.

10. Organic Seedlings Available from Green Thumb Farm!

Order certified organic seedlings grown at Green Thumb Farm and have them delivered to the CSA for your garden!

Have your credit card ready (to be paid only by credit card) and call the farm at 631-726-1900 between 9:30 to 4pm any day of the week and they will tell you, depending on when you place your order, what week they will arrive at the CSA…and make sure you don’t forget to pick them up!

How much:
$5.50 per pot (4” pot) with a 4 pot minimum order

(if you don’t see what you’re looking for on this list, or want more details…call the farm and ask)

Marigolds, Bonanza
Marigolds, Genie (edible)

Tarragon, French


Swiss Chard


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Spring!

Let’s see what happens when I send these out this time!

We have 46 intrepid CSAers for the third week of the CSA season and we have room for 18 more members for the Spring Session…and then starting June 2nd, room for 100 CSA members for the rest of the year. If each CSA member were to find 4 more members…we could fill the CSA. Attached is the CSA “kit” consisting of the contract for new members, brochure and fee sheet. Let’s do this thing! The sooner I don’t have to beat the bushes for members, the more time I have for things like managing the CSA better, finding cool new things to add to the CSA mix (Mushrooms, Tempeh, a Winter CSA Share?) and doing the extra work it would entail.

I’d be happy to place brochures, do a lecture, call, email…do whatever’s needed to spread the good word about CSA. If you have suggestions, please make them known. So far this year we’re going to put an ad in the program for an auction at a local Montessori School. Next, will be an ad placed in the UUFH bulletin called The Beacon (never done before…silly CSA). Both should be reasonably priced. $40 for the Montessori ad and not sure about the UUFH one yet but I don’t imagine it will be very expensive (that one we may want to run a few times).

Any ideas for recruiting new members will be considered… how about jumping out of a van, putting a bag over some random person’s head, taking them to a warehouse in a discreet industrial area, feeding them amazing salads, juiced veggies, soups, vegetable delights made with CSA produce, and Dines Farm grilled marinated chicken thighs, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs (if they’re not vegetarians), and let the food do the talking? Just a thought  .

This email includes…

1. What you actually got this week…
2. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

1. What you actually got this week…

Vegetable Info Sheets attached (keep in a notebook – by the end of the year you’ll have a cookbook!)

Week #3
May 12, 2011

1. Mizuna (greenhouse*)
2. Kale Rabe**
3. Tat Soi (greenhouse*)
4. Scallions
5. Kale: Curly
6. Greens: Mustard, Red (greenhouse*)
7. Chives

Total Items: 7

*Refers to being grown in their greenhouse as opposed to when we get it (whatever it is) after it’s been planted out in the field…go to the farm tours in June and October to see what I’m talking about
**Kale Rabe article…
I learn something new every day whether I want to or not! I thought it was a natural hybrid! Cool…

2. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Saturday, May 14th


The National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive

All across the US, people can leave non perishable food at their mailbox and their letter carrier will do the rest. The food is then collected and combined with product collected, and given to the local food banks. Here on LI, they are hoping to collect more than 1 million pounds on that day which will benefit more than 200 LI food pantry’s who are part of the Island Harvest network. And, you can help the less fortunate eat naturally by leaving organic or natural food products (Trader Joes and Fairway are good places to find natural non-perishables on sale or very reasonably priced).

9am to 1pm (or 2pm…not sure)

G & G Long Island Winter Farmers Market
Sweet Hollow Hall (or outside in the picnic/dog park area…there will be signs if it’s outdoors)
Gwynne Rd
For more info:

Free samples from Dines Farm (the rancher/farmer that should be starting their weekly visit to Green Thumb CSA – Huntington starting June 2nd) and other vendors. This is the last week at this location till further notice (maybe till the winter?).

9:30am to 4pm

2011 NYC Community Gardeners’ Forum
Youth in Gardens: Growing Peas and Justice
The New School
66 W 12th St
New York City
FREE (Suggested donation $5 for lunch)
To register and for more info…

Sponsored by the New York City Community Garden Coalition. Workshops include a range of topics, including Grant Writing & Fund Raising, Green Classrooms, Youth Empowerment, and Garden-to-School Café.

6pm (preview) 7pm (auction)

Love of Learning (LOL) Montessori School Spring Gala and Art Auction
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church
Corner of Prospect Road &Mill Dam Road
Centerport NY
$15 in advance/$20 at the door (Dinner, wine & dessert included in ticket price)
Information and advance tickets contact Love of Learning Montessori School:

CSA members Hayley Wiggins and Tree DeZazzo have children going to LOL Montessori school. Hayley asked our Farmer Bill to donate some items (cookbook, t-shirt, mug) for a basket so they’re available at the auction.

Door Prize - Raffle baskets - Silent Auction (for details about the auction items see the attachments to this email…LOL Basket Donations and LOL List of Silent Auctions)
Food, Wine and Dessert all donated by local businesses and restaurants!

ALL ARE WELCOME! We are a not for profit School with all money going back to our school.

Sunday, May 15th


Slow Food/Slow Money: Reconnecting with Mother Earth
109 Browns Rd
For more info:
There is nothing more central to our lives than the food we eat. Fast food and industrial farming have disconnected our individual choices from their collective impact on farmers and the earth itself. CSA member, Ann Rathkopf and radio personality and chef Bhavani Jaroff, both co-founders of Slow Food Huntington, will lead us in an exploration of the physical, ethical, and ultimately spiritual power of returning to the slow pleasures of the table.
11am (assembly) Noon (parade)

Veggie Pride Parade
From Meatpacking District to Union Square
For more info:

Huntington’s own Bob DiBenedetto, president of Healthy Planet, will be there and be one of the speakers!


Gallery Opening
109 Browns Rd

The Green Initiative at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington (a formalized process to “green” the UUFH) is hosting a gallery opening of nature photographs. There will be food, music and videos.

Monday, May 16th

2 to 7pm

Water Fight! Fracking, Food, Art & Economy
The New School
Tischman Auditorium
66 W 12th St
New York City
FREE (suggested donation $10)
To register…

Parsons The New School for Design and The Baum Forum present an action-oriented conference to energize and educate the public about industrial hydrofracking in our watersheds and regional foodsheds. The event will provide inspiration and tools to protect our ecosystem and build a green economy. By confronting, debating, strategizing and visioning, we will celebrate water, food, art and activism. The program will be moderated by Anna Lappé, author of Diet for a Hot Planet.

Hydrofracking, a dangerous, modern technology employed by gas and oil companies to extract hard to reach gas in the Marcellus and other low-permeable shales, is recognized for its potential to degrade the watersheds of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and beyond. The toxic effects of fracking on water, air, soil and health have been documented and measured, and will compromise the sustainability of farming, vitaculture, and tourism in this region and elsewhere.


Hungry Filmmakers V
Anthology Film Archives
32 2nd Ave
New York City
To purchase tickets…
For more info:

Admission includes the screenings/discussions of seven up and coming unique food related films, panel hosted by George C. Stoney (NYU Professor Emeritus and legendary documentary filmmaker), and recepton with Lagunitas beer, wine and snacks.

Wednesday, May 18th

5pm to 6pm

iEat Green with Bhavani
The Progressive Radio Network

To listen to archived shows…

The guest will be Jared Koch, Founder of Clean Plates, a restaurant guide that features every dietary preference from delectable vegan dishes to juicy grass-fed burgers. Jared graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition with certification by Columbia University, Teachers College in 2005 and graduated from the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine in 2004. He is a health coach, nutritional consultant, and certified yoga instructor with expertise in meditation, and he speaks frequently on the topic of nutrition. Jared believes in offering individuals and groups that are committed to living a more conscious, healthier lifestyle the education, inspiration, resources, and support to be able to do so

Friday, May 20th

6 to 7pm

The Healthy Planet Radio Show
WUSB-FM / 90.1FM
For more info and to listen live or archived:

Tuesday, May 24th

7 to 9pm

Celebrate Spring with JUST FOOD
Whole Foods Market – Bowery
Culinary Center
95 E Houston St
New York City
$25 (Demonstration & Tasting)
To register…

In this benefit class for Just Food! join Peter Berley, cookbook author (The Flexitarian Table, Houghton Mifflin) and former executive chef of the legendary Angelica’s Kitchen, as he shows you how to prepare seasonal and healthy dishes while highlighting some of the season’s tastiest offerings, such as early greens and herbs, radishes, and strawberries.
All proceeds from tonight’s class will benefit Just Food.
On the Menu: Potage of Spring Greens with Green Garlic and Mint; Dandelion and Goat Cheese Frittata; Butter-Glazed Radishes with Radish Greens; Warm Honey-Lemon Curd with Strawberries.
Instructor: Peter Berley, Chef, Cookbook Author, and Culinary Instructor

Thursday, June 2nd


Holistic Moms Network Open House and Chapter Kick Off!
Western Suffolk NY Chapter
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke
E Northport
For more info and to get involved:

Our CSA member Vickie Muller has helped organized this new group! Cool!!! It’s all about “Living Healthy, Living Green”

Sunday, June 5th

11am to 5pm

Bay Day
Beekman Beach
Oyster Bay

Slow Food Huntington will be tabling at this event. Come by and say hello! Bay Day is an annual festival, hosted by The WaterFront Center, to promote environmental awareness and stewardship. It's a free community event that strengthens the connection to Oyster Bay and the marine environment by providing exciting, water related activities. Live music will be on stage throughout the day for your enjoyment and food and refreshments will be served for your convenience. The WaterFront Center specifically will provide activities including: Anything That Floats Race (ATFR), Harbor Tours aboard the Christeen , free sails aboard our Sonars, free use of our kayaks, and touch tanks of local marine life. Other local not for profits and businesses that align with our vision have been invited to share with the public what they are working on, their goals, values and mission. Those groups will have various activities and information available and be on site to answer your questions.

Saturday, June 18th

Times: TBA

Annual CSA Member Strawberry Picking Walking Tour
Halsey’s Green Thumb Organic Farm
Rt 25
Water Mill, NY

MEET your farmer! SEE where your food is being grown! EAT the Strawberries! This is one of two opportunities we have to tour the farm and spend time with the people that make it happen…Farmer Bill Halsey, his family and co-workers. This event is for CSA members and immediate family only! If you are sharing a CSA share with another person or family…you have to choose who’s going and register under the name of the CSA member. There are too many CSA members between Long Island and NYC to accommodate more people.

August 12th to 14th

NOFA (Northeast Organic Farmers Association) 37th Annual Summer Conference
For more info:

I’m going this year…and you? It’s fun, educational, reasonably priced, and anyone who goes WILL have a great time. Whether you’re single, family, senior…whatever…a good time will be had!

Monday, October 24th

Food Day
For more info:


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Spring!

BRING BAGS TO PACK YOUR CSA SHARE…now and forever! Put bags (paper/plastic/canvas) in every car you own so you’ll never be without. In your trunk, glove compartment, back seat…whatever works for you. You’ll be needing them every week for the next 34 weeks and the CSA is not set up to provide them. If you are sending someone else to pick up your CSA share (spouse, relative, friend, offspring), this is the most important thing to tell them.

We have 41 intrepid CSAers for the second week of the CSA season. If each CSA member were to find 4 more members…we could fill the CSA. Attached is the CSA “kit” consisting of the contract for new members, brochure and fee sheet. Let’s do this thing! The sooner I don’t have to beat the bushes for members, the more time I have for things like managing the CSA better, finding cool new things to add to the CSA mix (Mushrooms, Tempeh, a Winter CSA Share?) and doing the extra work it would entail.

I’d be happy to place brochures, do a lecture, call, email…do whatever’s needed to spread the good word about CSA. If you have suggestions, please make them known. So far this year we’re going to put an ad in the program for an auction at a local Montessori School. Next, will be an ad placed in the UUFH bulletin called The Beacon (never done before…silly CSA). Both should be reasonably priced. $40 for the Montessori ad and not sure about the UUFH one yet but I don’t imagine it will be very expensive (that one we may want to run a few times).

Any ideas for recruiting new members will be considered… how about jumping out of a van, putting a bag over some random person’s head, taking them to a warehouse in a discreet industrial area, feeding them amazing salads, juiced veggies, soups, vegetable delights made with CSA produce, and Dines Farm grilled marinated chicken thighs, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs (if they’re not vegetarians), and let the food do the talking? Just a thought  .

This email includes…

1. HELP!!! Your CSA does need you this week!!! We need ONE (1) person from 3:30pm to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm
2. The list…subject to change without notice…farming is like that!
3. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)
4. Mother’s Day…or any day…try Organic Bouquet for the gift of flowers
5. What you actually got last week…
6. Still have that Sorrel hanging around?
7. Computer click activist – Support Food Day!
8. Got milk? Not anymore!!!
9. Amazing food art!

1. HELP!!! Your CSA does need you this week!!! We need ONE (1) person from 3:30pm to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm

IF you can work, please 1) respond to this email, 2) call 631-421-4864 and leave a message before 1pm, 3) call the UUFH Hall Phone at 631-385-1079 after 3pm and let us know you’re coming OR 4) show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out.

You can always show up a little before 3:30 or 5:30pm at the CSA and offer to work if help is still needed…you never know! Everyone that’s scheduled doesn’t always show up on time…or at all.

2. The list…subject to change without notice…farming is like that!

Vegetable Info Sheets attached to this email (keep in a notebook – by the end of the year you’ll have a cookbook!)

Week #2
May 5, 2011

1. Mizuna (greenhouse*)
2. Kale Rabe**
3. Greens: Collard
4. Leeks
5. Beans: Turtle, Black (dried)
6. Greens: Mustard, Red (greenhouse*)

Total Items: 6

*Refers to being grown in their greenhouse as opposed to when we get it (whatever it is) after it’s been planted out in the field…go to the farm tours in June and October to see what I’m talking about
**Kale Rabe article…
I learn something new every day whether I want to or not! I thought it was a natural hybrid! Cool.

3. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Friday, May 6th to Thusday, May 12th

Check listings for times

Le Quatro Volte
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave
$6 – Members/$10 – General Public/$7 – Seniors & Students (except NOT Fri & Sat after 7pm)
For more info and schedule:
An idyllic village in Italy's region of Calabria is the setting for Le Quattro Volte, an exquisitely filmed take on the cycles of life. Structured in four parts, per its title (“four times”), it opens with a shepherd tending his herd of goats, then shifts focus to one animal in particular, the tree under which he seeks shelter, and the industrialized fate of that plant. A.O. Scott of The New York Times writes: "(Its) view of nature is among the most profound, expansive and unsettling I have ever encountered on film. There is virtually no dialogue, yet the film is far from silent: the rustling of trees, the sounds of agricultural labor, and in particular the cries of goats supply a meaning that transcends words, while Mr. Frammartino's eye for both comedy and mystery produces compositions that are so strange and memorable that they seem to reinvent the very act of perception."

Thursday, May 12th

3 to 5pm

Vineyard Walk & Wine Tasting at Shinn Estate Vineyards
2000 Oregon Rd
$5 – NOFA-NY Member/$15 General Public
To register:
For more info:
Join owners Barbara Shinn and David Page on a walk through their vineyard, where they will discuss the organic and biodynamic farming practices they are using, along with natural winemaking practices including indigenous yeast fermentations. They can answer your questions about biodynamic farming & the certification process, as well as addressing how they make use of practices such as:
• permanent cover cropping in tandem with permaculture
• compost tea
• biodynamic field preps
• putting compost "to sleep" for an extended summer cure.


Molloy College
Suffolk Center
516-678-5000 xt 7562

See the movie that Woody Harrelson says…This is the single most powerful and informative movie about society’s treatment of animals. Vegetarian food by 3 Brothers Pizza of Rockville Center. This event is co-sponsored by Healthy Planet, and The Sustainability Institute at Molloy College (and part of their Sustainable Film Series). For directions:

Saturday, May 14th

9:30am to 4pm

2011 NYC Community Gardeners’ Forum
Youth in Gardens: Growing Peas and Justice
The New School
66 W 12th St
New York City
FREE (Suggested donation $5 for lunch)
To register and for more info…

Sponsored by the New York City Community Garden Coalition. Workshops include a range of topics, including Grant Writing & Fund Raising, Green Classrooms, Youth Empowerment, and Garden-to-School Café.

Monday, May 16th

2 to 7pm

Water Fight! Fracking, Food, Art & Economy
The New School
Tischman Auditorium
66 W 12th St
New York City
FREE (suggested donation $10)
To register…

Parsons The New School for Design and The Baum Forum present an action-oriented conference to energize and educate the public about industrial hydrofracking in our watersheds and regional foodsheds. The event will provide inspiration and tools to protect our ecosystem and build a green economy. By confronting, debating, strategizing and visioning, we will celebrate water, food, art and activism. The program will be moderated by Anna Lappé, author of Diet for a Hot Planet.

Hydrofracking, a dangerous, modern technology employed by gas and oil companies to extract hard to reach gas in the Marcellus and other low-permeable shales, is recognized for its potential to degrade the watersheds of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and beyond. The toxic effects of fracking on water, air, soil and health have been documented and measured, and will compromise the sustainability of farming, vitaculture, and tourism in this region and elsewhere.


Hungry Filmmakers V
Anthology Film Archives
32 2nd Ave
New York City
To purchase tickets…
For more info:

Admission includes the screenings/discussions of seven up and coming unique food related films, panel hosted by George C. Stoney (NYU Professor Emeritus and legendary documentary filmmaker), and recepton with Lagunitas beer, wine and snacks.

Friday, May 20th

6 to 7pm

The Healthy Planet Radio Show
WUSB-FM / 90.1FM
For more info and to listen live or archived:

Tuesday, May 24th

7 to 9pm

Celebrate Spring with JUST FOOD
Whole Foods Market – Bowery
Culinary Center
95 E Houston St
New York City
$25 (Demonstration & Tasting)
To register…

In this benefit class for Just Food! join Peter Berley, cookbook author (The Flexitarian Table, Houghton Mifflin) and former executive chef of the legendary Angelica’s Kitchen, as he shows you how to prepare seasonal and healthy dishes while highlighting some of the season’s tastiest offerings, such as early greens and herbs, radishes, and strawberries.
All proceeds from tonight’s class will benefit Just Food.
On the Menu: Potage of Spring Greens with Green Garlic and Mint; Dandelion and Goat Cheese Frittata; Butter-Glazed Radishes with Radish Greens; Warm Honey-Lemon Curd with Strawberries.
Instructor: Peter Berley, Chef, Cookbook Author, and Culinary Instructor

Thursday, June 2nd


Holistic Moms Network Open House and Chapter Kick Off!
Western Suffolk NY Chapter
Elwood Public Library
1929 Jericho Tpke
E Northport
For more info and to get involved:

Our CSA member Vickie Muller has helped organized this new group! Cool!!! It’s all about “Living Healthy, Living Green”

Saturday, June 18th

Times: TBA

Annual CSA Member Strawberry Picking Walking Tour
Halsey’s Green Thumb Organic Farm
Rt 25
Water Mill, NY

MEET your farmer! SEE where your food is being grown! EAT the Strawberries! This is one of two opportunities we have to tour the farm and spend time with the people that make it happen…Farmer Bill Halsey, his family and co-workers. This event is for CSA members and immediate family only! If you are sharing a CSA share with another person or family…you have to choose who’s going and register under the name of the CSA member. There are too many CSA members between Long Island and NYC to accommodate more people.

August 12th to 14th

NOFA (Northeast Organic Farmers Association) 37th Annual Summer Conference
For more info:

I’m going this year…and you? It’s fun, educational, reasonably priced, and anyone who goes WILL have a great time. Whether you’re single, family, senior…whatever…a good time will be had!

Monday, October 24th

Food Day
For more info:

4. Mother’s Day…or any day…try Organic Bouquet for the gift of flowers

5. What you actually got last week…

Week #1
April 28, 2011

1. Jerusalem Artichokes – ¾ lb - $4.50
2. Kale: Russian, White – 1 bunch - $3.00
3. Greens: Turnip – 1 bunch - $2.75
4. Scallions – 1 bunch - $2.50
5. Sorrel – 1 bunch - $2.50
6. Mizuna (greenhouse) – 1 bunch - $2.50

Total Items: 6
Total Amount: $17.75 ($.50 more than what we paid for…over the course of the year this adds up!)

6. Still have that Sorrel hanging around?

Different variety of Sorrel (never seen this before) but surely can be substituted…

7. Computer click activist – Support Food Day!

Ask members of Congress to support the Eat Real Agenda!

Check out their advisory board…some pretty heavy hitters and talented chefs…Michel Nishan, Nora Pouillon, Marion Nestle, Michael Pollan, Dr Dean Ornish, Colin Campbell, Alice Waters, Dan Barber & Caldwell Esselstyn!

8. Got milk? Not anymore!!!

Feds sting Amish farmer for selling raw milk locally (Rainbow Acres Farms)…

Rainbow Acres Farms delivers raw dairy to Long Island…but for how much longer?

Why are people interested in drinking raw milk?

If this is an issue that is meaningful to you…if you’ve ever purchased from this farm…if you’ve ever enjoyed their food…consider joining the Weston A. Price Foundation…
Suffolk County Chapter Leader
Suffolk County: Betty Moore (631) 987-9792,

Membership info…

And the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund…
Membership info…

9. Amazing food art!
