Wednesday, November 15, 2017

CSA - HELP! Can you please help out at the CSA TOMORROW 11/16?


At the moment we’re still looking for…

THREE (3) people (please don’t make me do this alone L !) who can be at the CSA this week from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.

Keep in mind we’ll be outside this week (under the overhang at the entrance to the building that’s near the upper parking lot stairs), so be prepared to dress warm and bring a flashlight. The Cinema Arts Centre will be providing free Coffee and Tea to those working. IF the weather report gets worse (at the moment it’s a high of 53 degrees…not bad…and windy, but we should be out of the wind under the overhang), we’ll be in the Senior Center Cafeteria. Will keep you posted.


If you can help out…

Please respond to this email ASAP…from now to noon, Thursday, November 16th or…

  1. call 631-421-4864 anytime from now till noon, Thursday, November 16th or…
  2. call 631-423-7610 xt. 0 on Thursday, November 16th, after 3pm and ask to speak to someone from the CSA
  3. just stop by the CSA before 3:30pm, and ask if we still need any help


