Thursday, September 3, 2015

Week #14 Sept. 3, 2015

Happy Summer!

CSA Weather Report…sunny and hot and humid…it’s summer! 

HELP!!! There’s NO ONE working at the CSA this week from 5:30PM TO 7:30PM!!! We could use some help at the CSA this week from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, AND 5:30pm to 7:30pm (see #2).

CSA Basics 101 –
Please read the Wall Chart that the farmer brings in every week, follow the direction on the Wall Chart, and it’s not a bad idea to refer to it before you leave the CSA to make sure you haven’t taken too much OR too little before you leave the CSA.
I can’t tell you how many times I have left the CSA, gotten home, and realized I THOUGHT I took everything in the share for the week, didn’t, and it’s too late to do anything about it as anything left over at the end of the night is donated and gone at 7:31pm (unless prior arrangements have been made by CSA members for late pickups).

If you are going to show up at the CSA later than 7:30pm, but before the Box Office is closing for the night (may be different every week but will probably be open till at least 10pm) and it’s the last minute and you’re running late…call the Cinema Arts Centre Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 and ask them to transfer the call to the café so we can pack a bag for you, put your name on it and leave it at the Box Office. If you don’t get to the Cinema before the Box Office closes, your food will NOT be there the next day. The Cinema is under no obligation to store your food, and we don’t want to be the cause of bugs being attracted to our wonderful CSA food.

This email contains (and keep in mind as far as any info/opinions that are not directly CSA related, you can always take what you like and leave the rest  )…

1.We bag our own!
2.HELP!!! At the CSA this week we are looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, and THREE (3) people to help from 5:30pm to 7:30pm…
3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!
4. Click away and help change the world!
5.Win a book to add to your gardening collection (or start one), or a goat farm…take your pick!
6.Events (things to do both near and far)
7.Save a farmer…buy and eat certified organic foods!
8. What you actually got last week
9. Like Hamburgers? You might want to read this to be able to make a better choice in your meat purchases…
10.And now for something completely different…

1.We bag our own

CSA basic, for this CSA anyways, is that you need to bring your own supply of bags for packing up your CSA share every week from now till December 10th!

And if you ask anyone to pick up your CSA food for you, please let them know that they need to bring bags to pack the food in.

So, my suggestion…put bags that you’re setting aside for your CSA share in EVERY vehicle you own or might ride in!  Put them in the trunk, or the glove compartment, or in a bigger bag somewhere in the car, or whatever you think will work for your situation. That way, you don’t even have to remember, they’re just there.

The CSA is under no obligation to provide you with bags for your food.

I also recommend a selection of canvas, paper and plastic. I bag my CSA share up in my paper (Strawberries) and plastic bags (most everything else) and put it in my bigger canvas bag so when I get home, everything’s pretty much (with some exceptions…like herbs) ready to be put right into the fridge.

2. HELP!!! At the CSA this week we are looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, and THREE (3) people to help from 5:30pm to 7:30pm…

If you’re available, please..

1. Respond to this email from now till 1pm, Thursday, September 3rd
2. Call 631-421-4864 from now till 1pm, Thursday, September 3rd
3. Call the Cinema Box Office at 631-423-7610 xt 0 from 3pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, September 3rd, and make sure we get the message at the CSA (ask them to put the call through to the Sky Café) that you’re coming to work and when
4. Just stop by the CSA a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm see if we still need help.

You can always show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm and offer to help out just in case someone doesn’t show up (stuff happens  ).

If you didn’t already get an email from Hayley or/and suzanne talking to you about being at the CSA on the Early Shift (3:30pm to 5:30pm) or the Late Shift (5:30pm to 7:30pm) this week, you’re not on the schedule for this week.

3.This week’s list…occasionally subject to change without prior notice because farming is like that!

CSA #101 – The Basics – when trying any new food item, start small and start slow. See how your body and palate reacts. And if you aren’t crazy about the taste, texture, smell, something…try at least SIX completely different ways of preparing it before you give it the heave-ho (raw, steamed, stir-fried, fried …maybe not so healthy but ANYTHING usually tastes good fried, in a salad, in a soup, in a sandwich, in a stew, in a smoothie, and on and on)!  Am glad to provide suggestions for this one.

September 3, 2015
Week #14

1.Tomatoes, Mini
3.Beans, Snap (same as String Beans)
5.Peppers, Sweet
7. Eggplant

Total Items: 7

Flower Share – Week #11 (the end)

4.Click away and help change the world!

A.Not a fan of GMO Salmon? Sign here…

And if you’re a member of Costco (I’m a BJs gal…like the cheap gasoline prices), from now to September 6th you could deliver a letter to your local Costco to let them know how you feel about this matter (the website will give you what you need to do this…form letter, etc).

B.Tell EPA to update rules about getting rid of fracking waste…

5. Win a book to add to your gardening collection (or start one), or a goat farm…take your pick!

A.Register on this website (a great one for gardening info) and comment for a chance to win a book about roots!

B.Want a change of life? Move to Alabama and win a goat farm. Enter by October 1st…


Tuesday, September 8th

6:30pm (distribution starts at 7pm)

Food Not Bombs Huntington Food Share Distribution
E 6th St and Fairground Ave
Huntington Station
For more info and to get on their email list:

If you want to help the group that we’re donating our CSA leftover food to this year, this is when and where you’d go. You can go any Tuesday…they’ll be there.

Saturday, September 19th

12pm to 8pm

7th Annual Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference
Islandia Marriott Long Island
3635 Expressway Drive North
For more info and to get tickets:

Their mission statement for this event is be empowered…be inspired…your perception…your reality. This year they’ll be having a kid’s room with special programs just for kids! Sponsors include Fit Healthy Mamas, LI Dietetic Association, Natural Awakenings magazine, So Delicious, Vitamix, and Whole Foods.

Wednesday, September 30th

7pm to 10pm

Raw food cooking class with Chef David from The Purple Elephant and guest Chef JP from Naked Foods in Cost Rica!
The Purple Elephant
81B Fort Salonga Rd W
To reserve your space and for more info…

Class will include class demonstration, and complimentary Sparkling Point Champagne Toast along with an hour to devour all foods demonstrated after the classes.

Thursday, October 1st

7pm to 10pm

Raw food cooking class with Chef David from The Purple Elephant and guest Chef JP from Naked Foods in Cost Rica!
The Purple Elephant
81B Fort Salonga Rd W
To reserve your space and for more info…

Class will include class demonstration, and complimentary Sparkling Point Champagne Toast along with an hour to devour all foods demonstrated after the classes.

Thursday, October 29th


Conversations: Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food
NYCB Theatre at Westbury
960 Brush Hollow Rd
For more info and to buy tickets…

An in depth talk with questions from you! For the past 20 years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agricul¬ture, gardens, drugs and architecture. He is the author of the best-sellers In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Join us in a moderated conversation with audience Q&A and a book signing to follow. This is a new project in association with Book Revue of Huntington!

7. .Save a farmer…buy and eat certified organic foods!

We need more farmers, not less, and so we need to keep them healthy (and their families too).

Farmers bear the brunt of pesticide poisoning (our farmer’s father, Ray Halsey, Sr., suffered from a case of pesticide exposure many, many years ago which was one of the reasons that led Green Thumb Farm to going back to being organic…as they were for the first 300 years or so that the family farmed their land).

So, save a farmer and eat organic…

8.What you actually got last week

August 27, 2015
Week #13

1.Tomatoes: Paste – Heirloom, Red; Heirloom/Red/Yellow – up to 2 lbs - $6.00
2.Lettuce: Leaf, Red – 1 head - $3.00
3.Squash, Summer: Costata Romanesco, Golden, Kousa, Patty Pan – Green/Yellow, Yellow, Zucchini – up to 2 lbs - $4.00
4.Cucumbers – up to 2 lbs - $4.00
5.Swiss Chard: Rainbow OR Green – 1 bunch - $3.50

Total Items: 5
Total Amount: $20.50
We pay $18.50 per week for the food the farmer is giving us, and this week he’s given us $2.00 more than we paid for. Doesn’t sound like much but see how every little bit extra he gives us adds up over the course of the 28 weeks! So far it’s $14.20 total extra.

Flower Share – Week #10

Herb Share – Aug 2B
Sorrel AND French Tarragon

9.Like Hamburgers? You might want to read this to be able to make a better choice in your meat purchases…

Organic and grass fed is the better choice (or buy grass fed organic meat and grind your own Hamburger meat)…

10.And now for something completely different…

Take the cookbook quiz…is it real or is it fake? I got a little over half of them correct…not as easy as it looks!
