Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Autumn (it’s still Autumn) and Happy Hanukkah (it’s still Hanukkah)!

This is the last day of the CSA for this season but not the last email. Stay tuned for end of season tying up of loose ends, and more events and info in the next week or two (having major computer issues so didn’t get much done this week…it’s either software or hardware…my hard drive may be not long for this world but was able to get it cranking to do this email and then off to the computer doctor for tests and repair/replacement).

FYI – Our CSA is on Thursdays from 3:30pm to 7:30pm (if you need to come after 7:30pm call the CSA at 631-385-1079 on Thursdays from 3pm to 7:30pm to make last minute arrangements for alternate pickups), and the last CSA is TODAY on Thursday, December 13th.

We could use a LOT more CSA members! If each of us (we’re now 57) managed to find three more members our farmer would be VERY happy. If each of us got one more member to join, that would be great, and if THEY got one more member…you get the idea. Even ideas of where to leave CSA brochures or posters, and where to do lectures about CSA would be helpful. So far this season I participated in the 1st LI CSA Fair, the 2nd LI Small Farm Summit, and a health fair at the Vitamin Shoppe in Melville, gave a lecture to the Holistic Moms Network about eating local and just put an ad (VERY reasonably priced) in the brochure for a charity auction for the local Montessori School.

This week’s email includes…

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…
2. Bags and you
3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that)
4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

1. Help! Your CSA needs you this week! We’re looking for ONE (1) person to help out from 3:30 to 5:30pm and ONE (1) person from 5:30 to 7:30pm (or one person who’d work from 3:30 to 7:30pm)…

If you can work this week from 3:30 to 5:30pm or 5:30 to 7:30pm or 3:30 to 7:30pm, please…

A. respond to this email before 1pm today
B. call 631-421-4864 before 1pm today
C. call 631-385-1079 after 3pm today
D. show up a little before 3:30pm or 5:30pm today

You can ALWAYS stop by the CSA a little before 3:30 or 5:30 to offer to help in case someone doesn’t show up (or is late) without letting anyone know…life happens! 
If you didn’t get a confirmation email from Judi (occasionally it’s me), you’re not scheduled to work this week. And if you got an email from Judi asking you to confirm that you’re working…you need to respond to that in the time frame stated in the email otherwise she’s going to try and find someone else to take your place.

2. Bags and you

The short story is make sure to bring bags to pack your CSA food as the CSA does not provide them.

Suggestion…put bags (paper/plastic/cloth) in EVERY vehicle you own. Put them in the glove compartment, trunk, wherever, and make sure to replenish them when the supply is running low or you’re out of them. That way it will be hard to forget them.

And, if someone is picking up for you, please remind them about bringing bags with them.

3. This week’s list…subject to change without notice (farming is like that!)

Week #34
December 13, 2012

1. Kale: Red – 1 head
2. Rosemary – 1 bunch
3. Jerusalem Artichokes – 1 bag
4. Squash, Winter: Pharsi – 1
5. Garlic
6. Radish, Winter Mix – 1 bag
7. Beet/Carrot Mix – 1 bag

Total Items: 7

4. Fun, Cool & Interesting Stuff to Do (new events added weekly)

Thursday, December 13th

10am to 11am

iEat Green

iEat Green is hosted by Slow Food Huntington’s Bhavani Jharoff. Listen to this internet radio show either live or if you miss this show, you can listen to it on the archives and it’s available for downloading on iTunes for your iPhone.
This week, Bhavani will be interviewing Danielle Nierenberg, the Co-Founder of FoodTank: The Food Think Tank, which will debut on January 10, 2013. Bhavani first met Danielle at the Greene Space, where she was hosting the book launch of “Eating Planet-NutritionToday: A Challenge for Mankind and for the Planet”. At that time, Danielle was working for D.C.’s Worldwatch Institute and had just returned from a 2 year trip through Africa and Asian, where she was researching and recording our current methods of producing and consuming food, and how that impacts the environment, economics and social sustainability. Her latest endeavor, FoodTank, will be an organization dedicated to bridging the gap between organizations that work with hunger and those that work with obesity, as well as farmers with consumers, policy makers with activists, and eaters with chefs. All of these groups need to work together to find new answers to address our global food system and to find solutions on feeding the world.

Saturday, December 15th


Food Chain Radio

Great topics every week about food, farming, health, etc., and MANY archived topics…last week was Michael Hansen of Consumer’s Union talking about GMOs.

Tuesday, December 18th


Huntington Food Share – Food Not Bombs
Fairground Ave and E 6th St (outside of All Weather Tires)
Huntington Station
For more info and to get involved:

Thursday, January 10th to Friday, January 11th


LI Ag Forum
Suffolk Community College
For more info and to register:
631-272-7850 xt 341

Friday to Sunday, January 25 to 27th

NOFA-NY Winter Conference
Saratoga Springs
For more info and to register:

Saturday, March 2nd

NOFA-NY’s 2nd Long Island CSA Fair!
Polish Hall
Details TBA

Friday, March 29th and Saturday, March 30th

Just Food Conference 2013: Eat * Work * Grow the Movement
Food & Finance High School
525 W 50th St
$45 per day
For more info and to get tickets:

April 2013

Spring Gardening School
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County
Riverhead and ???
